Chapter 178 Ten Thousand Buddhas Dynasty!

The aura is so heavy, abundant and thick that it makes people feel like they are in a fairyland on earth, no different than the smog in the devil city.

The huge aura immediately extinguished the fire, leaving not even a single spark.

Under the background of that spiritual energy, Jiu Heyou, who had returned to his original state, was wearing a brand new red cassock, riding on the spiritual energy, fluttering like an immortal, as if the real Buddha had appeared in the world.

In the mist, I could see Yuan Shouwei's arrogant voice. He smiled slightly and was about to speak.

Yuan Shouwei, who was opposite him, had already opened his mouth as wide as possible, and with a "roar", he had used the third level of the lion's roar skill, "Destruction of form and spirit".

Just look at all the spiritual energy being blown to pieces like a hurricane, revealing the doves and worries in the spiritual energy.

Jiu He You Leng was off guard and was immediately shocked by the Lion's Roar Technique.

His body and soul were not destroyed, but blood was flowing from his seven orifices, and he fell to the ground with a plop.

Then Yuan Shouwei was not polite and rushed forward. He held the scabbard of the Xuanyuan Sword against him and violently whipped him, cursing in his mouth.
"I asked you to pretend to be X for me."

"I make you look so cool every time you appear."

"I'm letting you steal my spotlight."

Zhongqing looked at Wu Fu again and said:
"Princess, is Yuan Shouwei a bit of a hindsight?"

Wu Fu’s weak defense,
"Take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness, and attack him without any trouble."

"I think it's good that Yuan Shouwei can make timely adjustments and adapt to different circumstances when faced with different situations."

At this moment, Jiu and You were also beaten by Yuan Shouwei and rolled all over the floor, screaming in agony. The monk's robes were torn into pieces, and they were still half as they were when the wind was blowing.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he stopped with satisfaction and retreated to the entrance of the cave cautiously. He looked at the embarrassed Jiu Heyou and said:

"Okay, I feel good."

"You have something to say now."

The miserable Jiu Heyou struggled to get up and said to the cave with a full face of resentment:

"I don't have anything to say. You will definitely be out of your mind today."

Yuan Shouwei called him,
"Hey, I'm here. I went in the wrong direction. I'm here."

Jiu Heyou just turned around, looked at Yuan Shouwei who was triumphant, and Wu Yan and others in the distance, gritted his teeth and said:

"I'll let you taste the loss of relatives and friends first."

After saying that, he shouted the Buddha's name and suddenly rushed into the depths of the cave.

Yuan Shouwei was left shouting at the entrance of the cave:
"Hey, don't leave in a hurry, that's not how the script is written."

When the voice fell to the ground, all I could hear was a slight buzzing sound from inside the cave. If you listened carefully, you could tell that it was the sound of locusts flapping their wings.

After a while, the sound was as loud as a helicopter propeller, deafening.

And looking at Yuan Shouwei at the entrance of the cave, he threw out more than a dozen five-element water talismans with his left hand. In an instant, there was a heavy rain at the entrance of the cave.

At the same time, he used the Water Spirit Pearl in his right hand, and saw countless snow spirits jumping into the heavy rain with laughter. The water instantly turned into ice, and the doorway was frozen into a thick ice wall.

The locusts and sounds were completely isolated inside.

Seeing this, Yuan Tiangang and Zhongqing in the distance immediately sat down cross-legged.

Zhongqing continued to recite the 'Song of Compassion', while Yuan Tiangang began to recite the 'Shen Zu Tong'.

Wu Fu's hands were already filled with five-element fire talismans and wooden talismans.

The locusts in the cave are now fearless and are rushing towards the ice wall.

Although there was no sound, seeing the green viscous blood smeared on the ice wall still made one's heart palpitate.

The ice wall was crumbling due to the impact.

Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei immediately retreated and sprinkled a lot of five-element wooden talismans.

The wooden talisman fell to the ground, and countless towering trees rose from the ground, forming a small forest.

I could hear the 'clicking' and 'buzzing' sounds, and the locusts had already broken through the ice wall.

Staring with scarlet compound eyes and a mouth full of fangs, it fiercely charged toward the woods.Although the harsh 'buzzing' is still heard, it is much smaller after being filtered by the woods.

Yuan Shouwei looked at the swarm of locusts rushing into the woods, and used several more fire talismans in his hand.

Flames suddenly rose into the sky in the woods, and coupled with the high temperature in the area, walls of fire immediately formed one after another, blocking the locust swarms.

Any stray locusts that had slipped through the net had already been strangled to death by Yuan Shouwei when they rushed closer.

After a while, the number of locusts became significantly thinner.

At this time, another wave of locusts rushed out of the cave, but compared to the previous number, it was obviously much smaller.

They rushed towards the woods again regardless of their own safety, and actually swallowed the woods and the fire with their flesh and blood alive.

As the locusts rushed out, a muffled sound suddenly came from the ground of the Flame Mountain, making the entire Flame Mountain tremble.

Accompanied by that muffled sound, the mural of the Locust God at the entrance of the cave suddenly moved.

The abstract head and abdomen of the Locust God rushed out of the mural, rose into the air, and unscrupulously spewed out a lot of resentment towards the Ten Thousand Buddhas statue in the Flame Mountain.

At this moment, Yuan Shouwei turned to look at Wu Fu, who nodded at him with clear eyes.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he also smiled at her.

Turning around and sitting slowly, he recited the Sutra of Mercy.

In a short time, the phantom of Happy Buddha had appeared behind him.

With the appearance of the Buddha of Joy.

From the cave nearest to this cliff, a loud sound of Buddha's horn suddenly came out, and the chanting of Buddhist sutras was also heard from there.

Then a milky white Buddha light appeared, entangled with the resentment and spiritual energy in the air, and finally converged on the Locust God.

The Buddha statue came alive.

Then came the second Buddha statue, and the third
If you look from a distance, you will see the Buddha statues carved on the rock wall. The Buddha statues all have their hands clasped together and recite the Sutra of Kindness.

Ten Thousand Buddhas!

Countless milky white Buddha lights appeared and gathered into a river, blending into the mural of the Locust God.

And at this moment, Jiu Heyou, who had just disappeared deep into the cave, suddenly appeared again.

He looked at the Buddha's light filling the sky, at the head and belly of the locust god that was blowing clouds and mist, and at Yuan Shouwei who was chanting,

shouted at him:
"Onabati, why don't you follow me and quickly sacrifice to the gods?"

Then he slowly sat on the ground, clasped his hands together, and said:
"I would like to serve the Buddha with my body."

After he finished speaking, he started chanting along with the Sanskrit sounds that filled the sky.

As he chanted, another phantom of the Joyous Buddha appeared behind him.

Nine heads, 36 hands and 36 legs.

His body floated into the air again, and he leaned against the mural together with the head of the Locust God and the Buddha.

There are three out of four locust gods.

And the abstract locust god's appearance slowly squirmed and turned into a real, extremely large locust, except that a piece of its back was missing.

The Locust God opened the countless blood-red compound eyes on his head and looked at Yuan Shouwei opposite with a humane look.

At this time, the phantom behind Yuan Shouwei, the dragon girl, had also appeared. After flying upward alone for a moment, she was pulled back by an invisible pulling force.

Yuan Shouwei, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground in front of her, had a frown on his face and a ferocious expression on his face, obviously struggling desperately.

While the two were tugging desperately, the white monk's robe in the package behind him suddenly floated out of its own accord, and was gently draped over Yuan Shouwei's body.

Including Huanxi Buddha and Yuan Shouwei, he took them to fly to the Locust God without any explanation.

Landing on the Locust God, it turned directly into a pair of wings and merged with the Locust God.

(End of this chapter)

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