Chapter 179
Yuan Shouwei's vision went dark, and when he opened his eyes again, he was in a grand palace.

There were three light balls floating around him, watching him come in.

One of the light balls sighed:

"Amitabha, Dragon Girl is finally able to speak now."

"Hu Ke almost suffocated me to death."

The ignorant ball of light, the locust speaks by its wings. If I'm not around, you will naturally be speechless. Yuan Shouwei just wanted to reprimand it, but found that he couldn't speak at all.

Instead, a female voice spoke involuntarily:
"It's Long'er's problem that kept the three senior brothers waiting for a long time."

Light Ball One (Jiu Heyou) asked with concern:
"Junior sister, can you slowly take over Yuan Shouwei's soul and skin now?"

There is no way to take possession of my soul and body. Dao Master has the existence of the secret map. Yuan Shouwei secretly cursed, but he was unable to directly complain.

Just listen to the dragon girl say confidently:

"Senior brother, I have just been lurking in his consciousness and dare not act rashly. I have been waiting for now."

"Now that he has entered the Locust God, refining him is only a matter of time."

Light Ball No. [-] (Jiu He Guo) laughed wildly:
"Haha. The Locust God is resurrected, and we have taken one of the three points of spiritual energy in the Western Region."

"When junior sister refines Yuan Shouwei, we will first seize the Turkic spiritual energy, and then we will seize the Tubo spiritual energy."

"With the three spirits united, let's go and capture the Tang Dynasty."

Light Ball No. [-] (Jiu Hesi) said sadly:

"We still need to get rid of the roots. First, we must kill several of Yuan Shouwei's companions."

Guangqiu No. [-] (Jiu Heyou) proclaimed the Buddha's chant:

"Since I have dedicated my body to the Locust God, the Locust God has the final say in everything."

"When the work is completed, you and I will naturally become Buddhas."

"Let's disperse the Yuanling."

Everything in the palace returned to calm.

At this time, on the Flame Mountain, Wu Fu and Zhong Qing had gone down the mountain and stayed away from each other. Only Yuan Tiangang was left standing proudly holding a sword.

The locust god who had been motionless suddenly started to move, and he just saw it plummeting down from the top of the cave.

The huge body hit the mountain rocks directly, forming huge cracks.

Its countless compound eyes looked at the human who looked like an ant not far away.

He grinned contemptuously, and then a scorching flame shot out from his compound eyes.

Yuan Tiangang watched the flames coming towards his face, and turned his body slightly to avoid the flames.

Then the five-element water talisman in his hand shook, and a heavy downpour immediately hit the Locust God.

But while it was still in mid-air, it had been completely evaporated by the flames around the Locust God, turning into bursts of mist floating on it.

Seeing that the little ant dared to challenge it, the Locust God immediately aimed all his compound eyes at Yuan Tiangang, and countless scorching flames in his eyes shot towards him again.

Yuan Tiangang didn't dodge this time, and the five-element water talisman in his hand moved in unison, immediately extinguishing all the flames in front of him.

Then several more five-element wooden talismans were thrown out, turning into towering giant trees in the air, and smashed towards the Locust God.

The Locust God flapped its two wings, and a burst of hot air flew up, blowing the giant tree scattering in all directions.

At the same time, its wings made a chirping sound, and countless locusts flying out from behind it with their claws spread out, rushed toward Yuan Tiangang overwhelmingly.

Seeing this, Yuan Tiangang took a deep breath and suddenly let out an earth-shattering howl at the locusts.

The howl turned into waves of sound waves and rushed towards the locusts.Wherever the sound wave passed, all the locusts turned into a plume of fly ash and disappeared.

The air is filled with a strong smell of barbecue, and all that is missing is a handful of cumin.

However, the Locust God did not react at all to the Lion's Roaring Technique. Instead, he stood up straight, and the more than ten holes in his abdomen sent out a large amount of resentment and attacked Yuan Tiangang again.

And in that resentment, there were countless fireballs the size of millstones that flickered, suddenly and secretly, hitting Yuan Tiangang like meteorites.

Yuan Tiangang's front legs are arched and his back legs are stretched, and the sharp sword energy from his whole body is emitting, which is the second move of the Xuanyuan Sword, "Han Ming Transforms into a Dragon".An evil dragon jumped out from behind him. Although it did not cause any harm to the Locust God, it destroyed all the resentment and fireballs.

The Locust God didn't expect that a tiny ant could be so difficult to deal with.

It no longer bothered to tangle with Yuan Tiangang, jumped up, raised its two forelimbs that glowed coldly in the air, and struck Yuan Tiangang down fiercely.

Yuan Tiangang was also determined to test its strength. He did not dodge or evade, but luckily moved his Dantian. He held the Xuanyuan Sword above his head with both hands, faced the Locust God, and roared:
"Open it for me."

I heard a loud bang.

Half of Yuan Tiangang's body was smashed into a mountain crevice by the Locust God.

Seeing this, the Locust God also gained power and refused to let anyone go.

Facing Yuan Tiangang, there was a burst of violent output, and there was a "clang, clang, clang" sound.

Yuan Tiangang was actually smashed into the crack of the rock alive by it and disappeared.

The Locust God was still puzzled, and another huge fireball spurted out from the gap in the rock.

Judging from this posture, it is to crush Yuan Tiangang to ashes in order to eliminate the hatred in his heart.

As the fireball entered the gap in the rock, a sharp sword energy suddenly burst out from the gap, directly tearing the fireball into pieces and turning into little sparks falling down.

At the same time, countless sword energy turned into dozens of earth dragons, emerging from the ground one after another, and fiercely attacked the locust god's abdomen.

A very insidious move!

The Locust God was caught off guard and was immediately stabbed by the vertical and horizontal sword energy.

For a moment, the green viscous blood splashed and fell on the red rock, dyeing it dark brown. As a breeze blew by, the rock turned directly into fly ash.

Is the blood of this Locust God too corrosive?

Will the Xuanyuan Sword be corroded when it enters its belly?
Probably not, this is the best sword in the world after all. '

While Yuan Tiangang was thinking, the painful locust god had already attacked him again.

The fight between man and beast was inseparable for a while.

No, it should be said that Yuan Tiangang was beaten by the Locust God inextricably.

Except for the sneak attack just now, the Locust God never allowed him to take any advantage. It was a completely one-sided crushing mode.

Yuan Tiangang was forced to be helpless, and sternly shouted:
"Dragon Domain."

The scene was summoned, and he and the Locust God were already in the sea of ​​Dragon Domain.

Yuan Tiangang was floating in the air, looking at the bewildered Locust God on the sea, and said leisurely:

"Reptile, welcome to my domain."

"I call it the Dragon Realm, where I am immortal. Die, you."

Um, no, why does the water on the sea surface evaporate so much.

Oh my god, this locust god can actually restrain my dragon domain.

Yuan Tiangang was secretly worried while fighting it.

Suddenly, he was hugged tightly by the locust god's wings and sent directly to its bloody mouth.

My little flesh is not enough for you to stuff between your teeth. In order to protect himself, Yuan Tiangang did not hesitate to throw the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand.

The sword energy all over his body exploded fiercely, causing many small wounds to the Locust God.

The Locust God was in pain and gave up, flames burst out from his mouth, wrapped the Xuanyuan Sword in it, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Yuan Tiangang, who had lost his weapon, slapped his forehead repeatedly in regret and shouted angrily:
"Reptile, return my sword."

Then he took out the vajra and turned it to the nine-part position without hesitation, and the sound of chanting came out from his mouth.

Humans have also turned into evil angry bodies, with three heads and six arms, wearing tiger skin skirts, holding various weapons, and standing with the Locust God again.

Not to be outdone.

(End of this chapter)

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