Chapter 180
But at this time, under the influence of the flames surrounding the Locust God, the seawater in the Dragon Domain was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into clouds of white mist.

It made the two of them fight like they were fighting in a sauna.

One man and one beast, fighting in the sauna. The scene is so beautiful that I can't bear to look at it.

After Yuan Tiangang managed to hold on for another moment and three quarters, he heard a 'pop' sound, and Longyu had burst like a soap bubble.

He was also directly beaten away by the Locust God and returned to his original appearance.

Just look at him at this time, his Taoist robe is in tatters, his body is covered with scars, his Taoist bun has been opened, hair is flying, and the whole person is already at the end of his strength.

And the Locust God not far away from him, although he had destroyed the Dragon Territory, the flames all over his body had faded away, and there were many wounds all over his body that were dripping with sticky green blood.

Although it is also quite embarrassing, it is much better than Yuan Tiangang.

It was no longer sending out moves at this moment, but was looking at Yuan Tiangang not far away, with undisguised hatred in its eyes.

He walked slowly towards Yuan Tiangang, and with every step he took, the rocks beneath his feet cracked.

When it came within the attack range, it suddenly raised its forelimbs, swung them in the air and slashed at Yuan Tiangang, threatening to chop him into pieces.

At this time, Yuan Tiangang had simply given up resistance, half-kneeling on the ground, and shouted at the Locust God:
"Yuan Shouwei, if you haven't shown up yet, when will you be?"

Before he finished speaking, the Locust God suddenly became stiff and motionless, and then a bloody hole the size of a human was suddenly opened on his back.

With green blood splattering, a figure holding a Xuanyuan Sword burst out of the Locust God's body.

In the air, his martial arts realm soared all the way, directly from the fifth level to the seventh level.

The Locust God was in pain and couldn't help but look at this ant in the sky in surprise. How could he break out of my back?
Before it had time to think, it only saw that Yuan Shouwei's momentum in the air had climbed to its peak, and his whole body turned into a golden dragon.

He looked at the Locust God under his feet, and a dragon roar came out:
"Xuanyuan Peilong, I ask you to leave as soon as you say so."

Zhang Yang danced his claws and swooped down directly.

The Locust God obviously felt the threat to his life. Seeing that something was wrong, he jumped violently to escape. But as soon as he got up, he was held down by the golden dragon.

In two or three strokes, the locust god was already torn into a pile of rotten meat, and he couldn't die anymore.

When Yuan Tiangang in the distance saw this, he couldn't help shouting "Hello" loudly, and then he collapsed to the ground.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei had returned to his original appearance. He raised the Xuanyuan Sword and unleashed a violent attack on the corpse of the Locust God.

It wasn't until the locusts were chopped into minced meat that the few light balls could no longer be seen, and his martial arts level returned to the fifth level, then he gave up.

He was really afraid that the locust god would be resurrected again.

But at this moment, the location of the Locust God mural on the top of the cave suddenly collapsed, and a small crystal clear flame the size of a fingernail appeared and flew directly to the northeast.

When he saw this small flame appear, Yuan Tiangang in the distance had already shouted:
"Yuan Shouwei, that is the fire spirit. It contains the spiritual energy of all the countries in Qiuci. Stop it."

Only then did Yuan Shouwei remember what Yuan Tiangang said that day, and jumped up to stop the flames.

But he jumped, only about a foot high, and then fell down. He was really tired and had no strength left.

He could only watch the spiritual energy flee away, leaving only Yuan Tiangang sighing.

With the end of the battle, Wu Yan and Zhongqing also quickly returned to the mountain.

Looking at the half-collapsed mountain cliff, the charred stones on the ground, and the corpse of the Locust God shattered on the ground, the two of them were as tired as grandsons.
Zhongqing couldn't help but be stunned.

"My God, this is tragic."

"What the hell happened."

Wu Fu didn't care about this at all, but stepped on the gravel on the ground and rushed to Yuan Shouwei's side:
"Yuan Shouwei, how are you? Are you injured? Do you feel any discomfort in your body?"

After saying that, he groped Yuan Shouwei all over his body.

Yuan Shouwei rubbed her hair lovingly and said in a weak voice:
"It's okay, I'm just a little tired. I just need to rest for a while."

"Go and see Brother Tiangang. He should be injured." After hearing this, Wu Fu breathed a sigh of relief, helped him to a clean and flat stone, and took out a Clothes were spread on it and he said with concern:
"I see."

"You sit here and rest for a while. I'm going to see Uncle Tiangang right away."

After saying that, he handed him a water bag, supported Yuan Shouwei considerately and drank a few sips, then turned around and hurried towards Yuan Tiangang.

Zhongqing had already arrived there and was bandaging the wounds of Yuan Tiangang, who was covered in wounds and dripping with blood.

Seeing Wu Fu coming, he quickly said:
"I checked Tianshihao's pulse. Fortunately, he didn't suffer any internal injuries, but he suffered from excessive blood loss."

When Wu Fu heard this, he quickly came over to help.

The two people quickly bandaged Yuan Tiangang, and after feeding him a few recovery pills, Yuan Tiangang fell asleep.

Zhongqing looked at the blazing sun in the sky and said:
"The sun here is too poisonous. It's not a place to stay for a long time."

Wu Yan looked up at the huge cave and said:
"Uncle Tiangang is not suitable for moving around at this time."

"Why don't we take a rest at the entrance of the cave for now."

After hearing this, Zhongqing's expression suddenly changed, and he thought of the locusts that came out of the cave in overwhelming numbers, choosing people to eat.

He swallowed involuntarily and said nervously:

"Princess, are you kidding me?"

"There might be locusts in there."

"Those things dare to eat people."

Wu Fu said noncommittally:
"The Locust God is dead, so there will be no more locusts anywhere."

"You wait here, I'll ask Yuan Shouwei what he means."

Zhongqing nodded helplessly, praying secretly in his heart that Yuan Shouwei would disagree with Wu Fu's idea.

After a short while, Wu Fu had already left and returned. Zhongqing quickly asked:
"What did Yuan Shouwei say?"

Wu Fu said:

"Yuan Shouwei said that he and Uncle Tiangang need to rest now, at least for a day and a half."

"I can only stay in this cave for the time being."

"As for the locusts, don't worry. There will definitely not be any more."

Since Yuan Shouwei said so, Zhongqing was somewhat relieved.

He carried Yuan Tiangang, who was still unconscious, and arrived at Yuan Shouwei's place with Wu Fu.

Yuan Shouwei gritted his teeth and stood up with his sword in hand, and went to the entrance of the cave with them.

At this time, more than half of the cave had been covered by the collapse of the murals.

Wu Yan asked them to wait at the door, and he stood at the door first, and threw a five-element fire talisman inside.

Everyone followed the firelight and looked inside, only to see countless densely packed locusts attacking their faces at the door. Looking inside, it was still unclear.

Wu Fu threw out another Five Elements Earth Talisman, and saw a large amount of loess pouring out, covering the locust's body underneath.

Then he turned to everyone and said:
"Let's deal with it at the door overnight."

"Yuan Shouwei, you and Uncle Tiangang have a good rest. Zhongqing and I will take turns keeping watch to avoid any accidents at night."

After saying that, he helped Yuan Shouwei and walked into the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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