Chapter 181 Night Watch
Zhongqing looked at the dark cave, gritted his teeth, lifted Yuan Tiangang up on his back, and slowly followed the two of them in.

Everyone found a flat place to sit down and rest.

Zhongqing laid Yuan Tiangang flat on the ground and looked at the darkness inside the cave. He always felt inexplicably chilled and felt like some monster was peering at him in the darkness.

He sat for a while in fear, then gritted his teeth and said:

"Princess, lend me the Xuanyuan Sword."

"Do you still have the Five Elements Talisman? Give me a few more. I'll go inside the cave and have a look."

"Don't think there's any hidden monster."

Wu Fu did not expect that Zhongqing, who had always been as timid as a mouse, would dare to make such a decision, so he nodded in agreement.

While handing the sword and charm to Zhongqing, he said:

"There shouldn't be any danger."

"In case, I mean in case there is any danger, you should run back quickly, and we will figure out a solution together."

Zhongqing nodded in agreement, holding the Xuanyuan Sword in one hand and using the Fire Talisman in the other to clear the way, and carefully walked inside.

Wu Fu turned to look at the two people who were still resting, and felt more vigilant in his heart. He looked at Zhongqing's retreating figure and was on guard.

As Zhongqing's figure moved further and further away, the firelight became fainter.

Nothing happened after walking so far. It seemed that there was no danger. Just when Wu Fu thought of this, he heard Zhongqing yelling inside.

She couldn't help but stood up suddenly, and immediately protected Yuan Shouwei and Yuan Tiangang. At the same time, she shouted inside in a rapid voice:

"What's the matter, Tadakiyoshi?"

The sound was muffled and rolled towards the cave.

Not long after, Zhongqing's voice was heard:

"I'm fine. I just found a mural carved on the stone wall."

Couldn't they be the descendants of the Locust God?

Could they also come out of the mural?
As soon as Wu Fu thought of this, he heard Zhongqing's voice rolling in again:

"It's just some ordinary murals. Don't worry, princess. I'll take a closer look."

Only then did Wu Fu feel relieved and shouted loudly inside:

"If nothing happens, come back quickly."

Zhongqing responded, but there was no sound for a while, and finally even the faint light of fire disappeared.

Wu Fu felt a little worried at this time. He subconsciously leaned towards Yuan Shouwei and sat down next to him, feeling much more at ease.

Another quarter of an hour later, when Wu Fu was waiting extremely anxiously, he saw a faint fire light inside the cave, and then Zhongqing's voice said,

"Princess, I'm back. Nothing's wrong, don't worry."

After hearing this, Wu Fu put his heart in his stomach.

As the fire became clearer and clearer, Zhongqing's figure appeared in her sight again.

After Zhongqing came back, Wu Fu also asked curiously:
"What's in the cave?"

"Are you making such a fuss?"

Zhongqing opened the bag and drank some water, and said with some embarrassment:

"It's true that I was nervous in the past."

"It was a mural. When the firelight shone on it, the mural swayed back and forth. I thought it was locusts coming out."

After hearing this, Wu Yan couldn't help being curious,

"There are actually murals carved in here?"

"I thought there were locusts inside. What is the content of the mural?"

Zhongqing said:

"I thought it meant a group of people worshiping fire, but there were only three of them."

"At the end of the mural is a bottomless, deep cave that curves downwards. I don't dare to go inside anymore." "But from the looks of it, there won't be any danger in this cave."

"The deep hole going down is far away from us. Even if any monster comes, we can find it in time."

After Wu Fu heard that there was no danger, she felt relieved. As for the murals and the like, she was not interested at all.

In the middle of the night, a faint light suddenly appeared in the pile of pulpy locust meat chopped by Yuan Shouwei.

As the strong wind blew over the mountain, the light was shaking and almost extinguished. It took several attempts to stabilize it and withstand the mountain wind.

Staggering all the way straight to the east.

Wu Fu, who was keeping watch in the cave, did notice the bright light, but thought it was a firefly or something like that, so he didn't pay attention and let it go away.

Nothing else happened overnight.

The next day, the sun rises in the east.

Yuan Shouwei woke up first after a good night's sleep. By this time, his energy had been restored to some extent.

He looked at Yuan Tiangang, who was sleeping quietly, Wu Fu, who was curled up beside him, and Zhongqing, who was dozing off during the vigil.

Looking back on yesterday's experience, I secretly sighed that I finally won.

He picked up the blanket next to him and covered Wu Fu.

Then he quietly came to Zhongqing's side and shouted softly:
"Zhongqing, Zhongqing."

Only then did Zhongqing wake up. Regardless of whether he subconsciously picked up the Xuanyuan Sword at hand, Yuan Shouwei stopped him:
"It's me, Yuan Shouwei."

Only then did Zhongqing wake up. When he saw it was Yuan Shouwei, he said in surprise:

"Are you all right?"

Yuan Shouwei made a gesture of silence and whispered:

"Well, I'm fine."

"You worked hard during the night watch. Go get some more sleep."

Zhongqing also nodded repeatedly and looked at Yuan Shouwei who was in high spirits.

In an instant, I felt like I had a backbone.

He turned around to his resting place and lay down. He was snoring loudly in a moment, and he slept extremely soundly.

More than an hour passed, as the heat slowly invaded the cave.

Wu Yan was the first to wake up. She opened her eyes and found that Yuan Shouwei was not by her side, so Gulu turned over and sat up in disbelief.

Just as he was about to call Zhongqing, who was on night duty, he saw the familiar figure of Yuan Shouwei, and then he felt relieved.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei also heard the noise and turned his head.After seeing it was Wu Fu, he said softly:
"Are you awake, Zhao'er?"

Wu Fu stretched lazily, revealing the wonderful curves of his upper body, and said with a smile:

"Wake up. Why are you keeping watch?"

"Have you recovered?"

Yuan Shouwei also stood up and walked to her side. He covered her with a blanket and said:
"I just woke up not long ago. Seeing that Zhongqing was very sleepy, I asked him to go to sleep for a while."

Wu Fu said "Hmm" and fell into Yuan Shouwei's arms, becoming confused.

Yuan Shouwei stopped talking and just hugged her back gently.

A very romantic and heartwarming scene.

Of course, it would be even more perfect without Zhongqing's loud snoring voice.

After a short while, Yuan Tiangang also woke up. He groaned first,
"Oh, Yuan Shouwei. My body is almost broken to pieces by you."

Taoist priest, you can eat more, but don't talk nonsense. If others knew about this, they would think that we are a man and a woman, not to mention that Wu Fu is still in my arms. Yuan Shouwei secretly cursed.

Just as he was about to turn his head to look at Yuan Tiangang, he saw that Wu Fu had already jumped out of his arms like a frightened little rabbit.

He looked in the direction of Zhongqing in panic and said:
"Uncle Tiangang, how are you recovering?"

(End of this chapter)

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