Chapter 182 Zoroastrianism

Over there, Yuan Tiangang had also stood up with support, looked at Wu Fu and said:

"This, this, I'm here, Wu Fu, you're going in the wrong direction."

It turned out that he had woken up for a while and looked at Yuan Shouwei and Wu Fu there. He didn't want to disturb them.

But the weather was getting hotter and hotter, so they woke them up at the exit point.

After their fuss, Zhongqing over there also woke up, glanced at everyone in confusion and said:
"If it's okay, let's all take a nap."

"I visited that cave yesterday. It was quite safe."

"Except for a few murals, there wasn't a single locust."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei's heart moved, and he remembered the last sentence in the hexagram: A ray of flames returns to the spirit.

Then he opened his mouth and asked:
"Mural? What is the content of the mural?"

Zhongqing gave a rough description, and when he talked about the unfathomable cave, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but become interested.He opened his mouth and said:

"How about we go and see the content of the mural, and then go to find out what's in the cave?"

"Brother Tiangang, can your body withstand it?"

Yuan Tiangang was obviously thinking about that hexagram again, nodded and said:
"Daily walking is no problem, as long as there are no violent movements."

Wu Fu naturally listened to Yuan Shouwei.


Who is Zhongqing?

Is it necessary to ask his opinion?
While everyone was resting, Yuan Shouwei also told everyone an interesting story about himself in the body of the Locust God.

The others didn't pay attention, only Yuan Tiangang on the side showed a thoughtful expression.

After getting ready, Zhongqing led the way, Yuan Shouwei held the line behind, got up and walked deeper into the cave.

After walking for less than half an hour, Zhongqing stopped, held up the torch in his hand, shined it on the stone wall next to him and said:

"Look, this is it. This is the first mural, there are others in front of it."

Yuan Shouwei and the others also leaned over and watched carefully.

The painting style is obviously biased towards the ancient style, with simple stick figure shapes, but the meaning can still be expressed.

In front of an arc-shaped castle, there is a bunch of fire burning.

There was a group of people in front of me who were worshiping the flames or the castle.

Everyone looked confused.

Zhongqing yawned and said:

"see that?"

"You must come and see it. Let me tell you, this mural is not interesting."

"Come on, I'm taking you to see the second painting."

Everyone followed him forward again, and within the time of a stick of incense, they arrived in front of the second mural.

This mural is a bit interesting.

There are many locusts appearing. Although the painting is very simple, people can tell at a glance that they are locusts.Much better than the abstract locust statue at the entrance of the cave.

Locusts were eating the crops, and people were kneeling in prayer.

Then a group of people gathered around the fire to discuss.

As a result, some people stayed and some left with the flames.

This painting is a bit interesting.

Locusts, fire?

This can bring to mind many things.

After Yuan Shouwei and Yuan Tiangang looked at it carefully, they urged Zhongqing to go to the next painting.

The third mural is supposed to depict the group leaving with flames.

They rode horses, traveled through mountains and rivers, and finally arrived at a place with lush water and grass.

There were some weak humans here, and the gang began to conquer on horseback.

But after conquering this place, one of them turned into a big locust, probably the Locust God, and started killing humans everywhere.

The scene ends here.Seeing this, Yuan Tiangang asked Zhongqing eagerly:
"Is there any more in front of this mural?"

Zhongqing looked at Yuan Tiangang's anxious expression and vaguely knew that this matter was not simple. He quickly shook his head and said:
"I saw it yesterday, just these three paintings."

"However, there is the cave going down ahead. Is it possible that the mural will be at the bottom of the cave?"

Yuan Tiangang nodded,
"There's that possibility."

"Come on, let's go up and have a look."

Wu Yan next to him asked a little curiously:

"Uncle Tiangang, do you see the meaning of these murals?"

Yuan Tiangang explained to her while walking forward:

"If my guess is correct, this mural depicts a group of people from Persia."

"The fire they worship is their god."

"We in the Tang Dynasty officially call them Zoroastrianism, but the people generally call them Zoroastrianism."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but recall some records of later generations, which were close to what Yuan Tiangang described, and he couldn't help but ask curiously:
"Brother Tiangang, where did you get this information?"

Yuan Tiangang said:

“There is Zoroastrianism in Chang’an City.

I have communicated with their people, they claim to be from far away Persia.

However, they only mentioned missionary work in Turks, but I had never heard them talk about this experience.

I think there may be some secrets hidden in it. "

As he spoke, he had already arrived at the cave.

The entrance of the cave is about ten feet wide, and it is pitch black below, with unknown depth.

Zhongqing took out a Five Elements Fire Talisman and threw it down, and explained to everyone:
"There are steps down here, but they're not easy to walk."

"Furthermore, after throwing the fire talisman down, I didn't see the bottom. So I didn't dare to go down again."

"It's not that I'm timid, the main thing is that I care about your safety."

Everyone took advantage of the firelight emitted by the fire talisman to look down.

There is indeed a staircase winding down, but it is very steep, at least sixty degrees.

The dozens of feet on both sides of the stairs were empty. There was nothing but steep, sharp, and jagged rocks.

The fire talisman that had been falling gradually lost its light and disappeared.

Yuan Tiangang looked at Yuan Shouwei and asked:
"Shall we go down and have a look?"

Yuan Shouwei looked at him and said:
"I'm mainly worried about your health."

"How about Zhongqing and I go down and let Wu Fu wait here with you."

Yuan Tiangang looked at the cave again, shook his head and said:

"I'm fine."

"It's not difficult at this altitude."

"Otherwise, let's go down and take a look first. If my body can't bear it, we'll come back."

Zhongqing didn't know the situation in the cave below, and he was instinctively afraid, so he also spoke:

"Yes, yes, let the Heavenly Master follow us and take a look."

"If there are any murals down there, let him explain them."

"If his body can't bear it, I will carry him up."

Yuan Shouwei nodded in agreement.

The group made preparations. Yuan Shouwei took the lead and walked downstairs holding the Xuanyuan Sword, followed by the others.

The stairs are very narrow, so everyone walks carefully.

Zhongqing walked behind Yuan Shouwei, watching the surrounding rocks grow shorter and longer under the reflection of Xuanyuan Sword, with teeth and claws showing, extremely ferocious.

While beating drums in my heart, I secretly prayed to Sanqingxianjia.

I don’t know how long I walked, but the stairs finally came to an end, and I was finally safe.

(End of this chapter)

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