Chapter 183 Going on an adventure alone
Yuan Shouwei stepped on the ground and looked around.

It's just that here is another deep cave, and the distance is still dark and full of unknowns.

And Zhongqing also looked up, only to see that their original cave entrance was no longer visible.

Yuan Shouwei turned to Yuan Tiangang and asked:
"Brother Tiangang, can your body bear it?"

Yuan Tiangang's breath was long. He looked around with the light of Xuanyuan Sword and replied:
"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it."

"Look, there is indeed a mural there."

His words convey the aura of Zhuge being alive and having everything under control.

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed, and sure enough they saw another mural.

Everyone walked over cautiously and watched intently.

The meaning of this painting is that a person came to a big mountain. Judging from the appearance of the mountain, it should be the Flame Mountain.

After the man climbed to the top of the mountain, he also entered a cave and then climbed down.

When he arrived at the heart of the mountain, he was faced with a blazing fire, and he didn't know what method he used.

Taking chestnuts from the fire, he took out a fireball from the raging fire, which was obviously quite skillful.

After reading it, everyone's eyes showed a hint of joy. There was indeed another mystery in the heart of the mountain.

Yuan Tiangang touched three strands of his long beard with his hand, nodded repeatedly and said:

"A ray of flames restores the spirit, Yuan Shouwei's divination is really unpredictable."

"It can be deduced that besides the spiritual energy, there are also treasures down there."

After hearing this, Zhongqing asked with some confusion:

"There shouldn't be any treasure left, right?"

"This painting clearly states that the treasure has been taken away by him."

Everyone is silent.

Yuan Tiangang looked slightly embarrassed.

Wu Yan opened his mouth and said:
"Let's take a look further. Maybe there are murals ahead."

Everyone followed the instructions and stepped forward again.

After walking for another quarter of an hour, I saw another mural on the stone wall on one side.

The content is that the man took the fireball, returned to the grassland, and surrounded and suppressed the Locust God with many people.

Under the light of the fireball, everyone seemed to have infinite courage and rushed to attack the locust god.

The Locust God was outnumbered, and was eventually killed by the man holding the fireball, sealing the Locust God's spirit in the fireball.

Yuan Tiangang looked at this picture and explained:
"Money and treasures are things outside the body."

"We must not get too rigid about it."

"In fact, it is a blessing to see a piece of truth that has been submerged in history."

Brother Yuan Gang, we are not archaeologists, we are just ordinary Taoist priests. Which Taoist priest doesn’t want to get a few magic weapons for self-defense? Yuan Shouwei cursed in his heart,

He said with approval:

"It makes sense. We have many magic weapons anyway, so we don't care about one or two."

Zhongqing muttered beside him:
“A man who is full does not know that a man who is hungry is hungry.”

"There are many treasures, and I'm talking about you. I have nothing but a clever mind."

Wu Fu looked at the mural and thought:
"After this person was sealed to the Locust God, he should have sent the fireball back."

"How about if we kill that locust god?"

After saying this, everyone suddenly became energetic and hurriedly continued to move forward.

Sure enough, just as Wu Fu expected, they saw a new mural not far away.

The content of the painting is that the man returned to the mountain with the fireball and still placed the fireball in its original place.

If you say so, then the fireball should still be there.

Yuan Tiangang was greatly relieved, stroking his beard and said:
"The world is impermanent, the world is impermanent."

"The so-called treasure is found by those who are destined to get it. It seems that this treasure is destined for you and me."

Everyone didn't care about his justification, and all focused their attention on the depths of the cave.

If it is true as described on the mural, the fireball should be right in front.Everyone cheered up and moved forward cautiously.

Not far away, I could clearly feel the temperature rising.

Ever since they entered the cave, it had been cold and humid. Now it suddenly became hot and hot, which must be due to some change.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, there was another zigzag cave winding downwards in front of us. The heat wave came from here.

Everyone looked intently, but they didn't see a trace of fire below, and they were all a little surprised.

Yuan Shouwei had a keen eye and saw at a glance that there was a mural next to the cave, and he also invited everyone to come forward and take a look.

Just looking at this mural, the grassland water plants slowly disappeared, replaced by large expanses of desert.

People living here began to migrate on horseback, and they clearly had differences during the migration.

One group went north; the other, smaller group, chose the east.

After watching this scene, Yuan Tiangang said conclusively:

“This should be all the murals.

One of the Persian Zoroastrian sects chose to move east because of the locust plague.

They arrived here, which is the Western Region.

However, the Western Region at that time should not have become desertified, but was rich in water and grass, which was very suitable for nomadic people like them to live.

But who knew that the Locust God was already lurking in one of them, and eventually turned into the Locust God after a certain period of time.

The great powers in the Zoroastrian Cult came to the Flame Mountain and after finding the fire spirit, they sealed the locust god, thinking that this would preserve the aura of the land.

But as time went by, so did the aura, and eventually the land became desertified and no longer suitable for them to live in.

They had no choice but to move again, and one of the groups entered our land of the Tang Dynasty. This is the origin of the Zoroastrianism of the Tang Dynasty.

And another group of people came to Turkic territory. As far as I know, besides the belief in Changshengtian, many Turkic people believe in Zoroastrianism.

The ancestors of both groups are the Persians in this picture. "

Although the other three people understood it to some extent, due to their limited knowledge, they could not get a full picture.

At this time, after listening to Yuan Tiangang's explanation, I understood the story in the entire picture.

Yuan Shouwei looked at the cave below and said thoughtfully:
"Brother Tiangang, according to what you said, I will continue to deduce it."

"Later, Jiu and You found a way to break the seal of the Locust God, and tried to resurrect the Locust God."

"Aiming to use spiritual energy to occupy the Western Region, right?"

Yuan Tiangang nodded and said:
"That's probably what it means. All the answers are in this cave."

"However, judging from the height of the Flame Mountain, this place has obviously penetrated deep into the center of the earth."

Yuan Shouwei nodded and said to Wu Fu:
"Lend me that water spirit bead for a moment. I'll go down and have a look."

Wu Fu handed him the water spirit bead and said:
"What are you doing?"

"Are you planning to go on an adventure alone?"

Yuan Shouwei took the water spirit bead and said:

"Yes. This water spirit bead can only allow one person to move freely between water and fire."

"According to the hint of that mural, there should be raging flames below, so it's best for me to go alone."

Wu Fu was not pretentious at this time. He stepped forward and straightened out Yuan Shouwei's Taoist robe, just like a wife saying goodbye to her husband on the battlefield, and said softly:

"Then be careful yourself, I'll wait for you to come back here."

Yuan Shouwei smiled at her and said:

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"It's not like you don't know how capable I am."

Then he turned to look at Yuan and Zhong and said:

"You guys wait here for a while, I'll be there soon."

The two of them also repeatedly told him to be careful.

Under the gaze of everyone, Yuan Shouwei held his sword and carefully climbed down the stairs.

Fading away, he slowly disappeared from everyone's sight.

(End of this chapter)

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