Chapter 184 Fire Orb
At this time, Yuan Shouwei also felt that it was becoming increasingly hot. Under the reflection of the Xuanyuan Sword, he could even faintly see the rising air.

This should be getting closer to the fire bead.

Yuan Shouwei did not dare to be careless. He held the water spirit bead in his hand and felt that the surrounding temperature immediately became much cooler before continuing to dive.

He didn't know how long he had been walking, but the sharp-eyed Yuan Shouwei had already seen the red area below.

As he slowly got closer, he finally saw the scene in front of him clearly.

Directly below him was a piece of hot magma, at least dozens of feet in size.

The flames were rolling, the steam was steaming, countless bubbles exploded on it, and pieces of flames burst out.

And in the middle of the red flame, a white lotus blossomed, with an old monk sitting on it, his hands crossed on his lap.

On both sides of the hand are half a bright red ball.

Yuan Shouwei looked at the magma under his feet, and subconsciously grasped the rock next to him, secretly rejoicing in his heart,
"Fortunately, I didn't bring Wu Fu and the others down, otherwise they would have slipped and fallen, and I'm afraid they would be burnt and not even ashes would be left." '

Then the old monk looked at the lava and fell into deep thought:
'And who is that old monk?There is no information about the old monk on the mural? '

'How could he sit there without fear of the heat?Not even a corpse can endure such high temperatures. '

In the lightning and flint, he suddenly heard what Yayoi had told him: Jiu Heyou buried the body of his master Kongqiu here.

In an instant, I realized in my heart,

"If it is inferred according to time, it should be him."

"And the bead broken in half in his hand should be the fire bead. The fire bead was obviously broken when the locust spirit appeared."

"Do I still want this bead?"

Yuan Shouwei was secretly frightened as he looked at the rolling lava beneath his feet.

Although the Water Spirit Pearl is said to be invulnerable to water and fire, what if it doesn't work?Then he would really be doomed.

Besides, it's hard to say whether there will be any monsters in this magma.

As soon as this thought came to his mind, he quickly shook his head, feeling that these thoughts were ridiculous.

Are you kidding me, nothing can survive in magma.

This is simply too unreal.

You must know that this book is a documentary literature, and it pays attention to rigor.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shouwei casually broke off a rock next to him and threw it into the lava.

Just when the stone was about to fall on the lava, suddenly a red and white fish about a foot long jumped out from inside and swallowed the rock in one mouthful.

You can still vaguely hear the sound of it chewing rocks: crunchy and crisp.

There are actually fish in this magma, and they can eat rocks?
Yuan Shouwei, whose cognition was overturned, once again threw a stone unbelievingly. This time, it turned out that three fish rushed out of the magma and competed for the stone.

Under the reflection of the magma, Yuan Shouwei could vaguely see that the fish had a translucent film on its body.

Maybe, probably, maybe that film is to protect the fish, right?

Once the membrane is punctured, it should not be able to play a protective role.This sentence obviously also applies to people.

While Yuan Shouwei was guessing, he could not help but shudder while listening to the sound of fish chewing stones.

The water spirit bead must not be used anymore. Even if it can avoid lava, it can't even avoid the attack of this fish, right?
But all this is obviously not a problem for Yuan Shouwei, who is good at using combination skills.

After pondering for a moment, he already had a good idea in his mind. He immediately reached into his pocket and tried to take out a few Five Elements Talismans.

But this time, I only found loneliness.

Only then did I remember that I had maintained my own strength and had never put on any spells.However, this obviously did not trouble Yuan Shouwei. He turned around and took out a brush, yellow paper, and cinnabar from the package behind him.

After all, as a Taoist priest, it makes sense to carry around a talisman-like guy, right?

Yuan Shouwei drew dozens of five-element water and earth talismans casually.

Looking at his work, Yuan Shouwei also nodded with satisfaction. This is me, Yuan Shouwei. With so many talismans, if a heavenly master were to draw them, it would take at least ten days and a half.


Yuan Shouwei threw out more than a dozen water talismans with his hand. For a moment, heavy rain fell like a torrent.

Countless raindrops were evaporated by the high temperature of the magma before they fell, turning into clouds of mist, allowing Yuan Shouwei to once again experience the joy of a sauna.

Looking at Yuan Shouwei in the mist, he raised the water spirit orb in his hand, and as he uttered the spell, countless snow demons flew out.

Mixed with the rain, it turned into pieces of crystal snowflakes, slowly falling down.

As the snowflakes slowly turned into heavy snow, ice finally began to form on top of the magma, eventually forming a thick layer of ice that temporarily sealed the magma.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei was still worried. He threw out more than ten feet of soil talismans and spread a few feet of soil on the ice.

Then he cut off a few rocks the size of a human head and threw them down. It turned out that the rocks only made a few deep holes in the soil.

Only then nodded in satisfaction, no problem, safe.

Then he jumped up from the stairs, and in the clouds and mist filled the sky, he fell to the ground like an immortal descending to earth.

As soon as he landed, he suddenly cried out inwardly:

"Where did the old monk and Huozhu go?"

"I was having so much fun just now that I didn't take note of their locations."

Yuan Shouwei smiled bitterly and had to look carefully again before determining the approximate location and began to pick up the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand and dig hard.

You dug incorrectly, dig again!
Like a hard-working mole, Yuan Shouwei dug four or five holes in a row and finally found the old monk's location.

After a while of digging, he finally saw the fire bead in the old monk's hand.

Yuan Shouwei saluted the old monk and said:
"excuse me."

Then he started to take the fire bead, but the fire bead didn't move at all in the old monk's hand.

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but have a series of questions above his head. What's going on?

Could it be that I buried him in the ground and never saw the light of day?

Yuan Shouwei looked around him and saw that the soil was already half dug, so he might as well dig it out for him.

Yuan Shouwei worked hard to clear some more soil, but soon touched the ice layer.

Fortunately, the Xuanyuan sword was sharper, so Yuan Shouwei continued to work hard until he completely wiped out the old monk's side.

At this time, through the thin layer of ice, the magma below can be clearly seen.

In the magma, you can faintly see those strange fish swimming in it with their mouths wide open, revealing their sharp teeth.

However, the magma continues to roll and is rapidly melting the ice.

Yuan Shouwei felt nervous, time was running out.

I said "offended" to the old monk again, but still couldn't get the fire bead.

This is how to do?
You can't chop off the old monk's arm, right?
(End of this chapter)

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