Chapter 185

Yuan Shouwei shook his head and immediately rejected this view. He definitely couldn't do such a thing as corpse abuse.

Moreover, the old monk's body did not melt in the hot magma, so there must be something weird.

Is there a possibility that this old monk is an illusion?
Yuan Shouwei carefully stabbed it with the Xuanyuan Sword, feeling that it was true.

Take a look with your clairvoyance, maybe you can find something different.

Yuan Shouwei immediately used his clairvoyance to take a look.

Suddenly, he discovered that there was no old monk in front of him, only the bone of his little finger suspended in the air.

Both fire beads and magma are real.

That thumb bone should be a relic!

It seems that he is still an eminent monk.

Yuan Shouwei was in awe, looked at the ice that might melt at any time, and said:
"I don't know why your disciple Jiu Heyou left you here."

"But since you are an eminent monk, I will try to send you on your last journey."

After saying that, he sat cross-legged, suppressed the anxiety in his heart, and recited the Sutra of Compassion.

As he chanted, the old monk's body changed again and began to shrink slowly.

By the time Yuan Shouwei finished reciting, the old monk and the lotus seat had disappeared, leaving only the relic and two halves of the fire beads.

At the same time, the magma finally melted the ice layer, and the fire suppressed by the ice layer below it concentrated on this point.

Yuan Shouwei knew something was wrong, so he ran away as soon as he passed the relic and the fireball.

But with just a 'boom' sound, all the fire energy of the magma burst out and shot straight into the sky.

Accompanied by it is a large amount of magma and strange fish.

And the cave the size of one person was suddenly struck into a crack that was more than ten feet large.

Countless magma, ice, earth, rocks, and strange fish cracked in all directions like bombs.

Yuan Shouwei let out a strange cry, and while using the Great Shift of the Universe to resist, he desperately stepped back.

But the power of the air wave impact was too great, and it was simply beyond the power of human beings to resist.

He directly knocked Yuan Shouwei into the air, and all the Xuanyuan Sword, Water Spirit Beads, Relics, and Fire Beads in his hands were knocked away.

It's over!

This was Yuan Shouwei's last thought, and then his seven orifices bled from the impact of the air wave, and he fainted.

His body was also pushed to the rock wall by the air waves, and then fell towards the lava that had spewed out beneath him.

Yuan Shouwei, who did not avoid the water droplets, would die!
What's more, there are countless strange fish ready to choose people to eat.

Extreme crisis!

Just watch the relic spinning in the air, white light flashing around it, directly covering the two halves of the fire beads.

And the fire beads, shrouded by the relics, began to slowly close together.

In the process of closing, like a dragon sucking water, it actually sucked in the magma below.

Along with it are countless strange fish, large and small.

In just a moment, he had sucked them all clean.

Apart from the ice and earth, not a single spark could be seen.

As effective as the best vacuum cleaners.

At the same time, Yuan Shouwei also fell into the icy water with a 'pop' sound, and was covered in mud.

This fell Yuan Shouwei into a mess, but it also woke him up.

He lay on the mud, feeling pain everywhere in his body.

When he opened his eyes, he saw fire beads floating in the air, shining brightly.

He was lying on the mud, and the magma had disappeared.Yuan Shouwei didn't care to think, gritted his teeth and climbed up, ran as hard as he could, picked up the Xuanyuan Sword and the water-avoiding beads in his hands, and climbed up the stairs with difficulty.

Only then did he have to look back carefully. Wherever he looked, except for the fire bead, there was nothing related to fire.

What a hell!

Where did the relic go?
Where did the magma go?
How did the fire beads recover?
He couldn't figure it out, so he stared at the fire beads in the sky, maybe he could find the answer there.

He jumped up and felt close to the fire bead, but found no burning sensation.

This made him relax a little. After resting for a while, he jumped up again, lightly touched the fire beads, and felt a slight burning sensation.

Only then did he feel relieved. He jumped up for the third time and grabbed the fire beads in his hands. Although it was a little hot, it was within the acceptable range.

At this time, Huozhu finally began to change.

It shrank rapidly in his hands and finally turned into a relic.

Yuan Shouwei resisted the urge to throw it away and picked it up in his hand to examine it.

The color of the fire beads is like red clouds, and the red color is dripping.

There was a faint red flow inside, much like the lava he had seen before.

After looking carefully, we can still see living objects swimming in the magma.

After seeing this scene, Yuan Shouwei vaguely guessed the truth of the matter.

But then he was troubled by another question, how to use this thing?

It should be similar to the Water Spirit Pearl.

He just held the fire bead in his hand for a long time and tried to communicate with it, but he didn't get any response.

Forget it, I don't want to.

Let’s ask Yuan Tiangang when we get back to the top.

If you have undecided questions, ask Tiangang. If you peel off silk and cocoon, ask Wu Fu. If you have a lingering question, ask Zhongqing.

He rested there for a while and returned to the original route.

When he was almost climbing to the entrance of the cave, he heard Wu Fu shouting from above:
"Yuan Shouwei, is it you? Are you okay?"

The voice was full of concern.

Who am I? What can happen to Yuan Shouwei, who has extraordinary abilities? Yuan Shouwei listened to the huge response in the cave, took a deep breath of Dantian energy, and replied with full energy:
"I'm fine, nothing at all."

Wu Fu at the entrance of the cave was relieved.
"Then come up quickly and I'll prepare the water for you."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei suddenly felt that his mouth was dry and he stopped talking, so he speeded up his pace.

After a short time, he had already climbed up, looked at the concerned eyes of everyone, then looked down at his dirty self, and explained lightly:
"There was a little accident down there, but I solved it easily."

"By the way, I got such a gadget."

"Brother Tiangang, look what this is?"

After speaking, he handed the fire bead to Yuan Tiangang.

Yuan Tiangang looked at the bead and blurted out:

"Fire Spirit Orb!"

Yuan Shouwei actually had [-]% to [-]% guesses in his mind at this time, but he still asked with some doubts:
"I also feel that way."

"There are only two things I don't understand. First, its shape is different from the Water Spirit Pearl."

"Second, I can't use this thing, and I don't have the corresponding instructions for using it."

Yuan Tiangang had already received the Fire Spirit Bead at this time. After examining it carefully, he found no clues, so he looked at Yuan Shouwei and said:
"Yuan Shouwei, tell me about your experience below. Maybe I can find the answer from it."

Yuan Shouwei wiped the water stains from the corners of his mouth, nodded, and then recounted his experience below.

In order to prevent Wu Fu from worrying, he tried his best to pass over the dangerous places as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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