Chapter 186
But Wu Fu was so smart. After hearing this, his face turned pale with fright. While taking Yuan Shou's pulse, he said:
"You don't lack that treasure. Promise me, you won't be so desperate in the future."

Zhongqing was frightened when he heard this, and said with a look of shame:

"I thought I was the only one greedy for money."

"But compared to Yuan Shouwei, you are definitely nothing."

"Are you really not afraid that your life will be taken but not used?"

Yuan Tiangang smiled confidently and said:

"Yuan Shouwei went down and I showed him his face."

"With the blessing of the Patriarch of the Sanqing Dynasty, he was just in danger."

After thinking for a moment, he spoke again:
"Just as Yuan Shouwei speculated, the eminent monk should be Jiu Heyou's master, Master Kongqiu."

"In addition, the fire spirit beads that were broken in half suddenly recovered, and the disappeared relics and magma."

"I think it should be possible to deduce the context of Jiu and You's whole incident."

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but be curious, and Wu Fu urged him to speak quickly.

Yuan Tiangang found a rock to sit down on, adjusted to the most comfortable position and said:
"This matter begins when Master Kongqiu traveled from Tianzhu to the Western Regions."

Wu Fu and Zhong Qing both rolled their eyes when they heard this.

Yuan Shouwei quickly smoothed things over.

"Anyway, the matter is almost settled."

"Let's just listen to the Heavenly Master's bragging and spanking, and restore the truth."

Unexpectedly, Yuan Tiangang changed the subject and said with a slight smile on his lips:

"To make a long story short, Master Kongqiu is obviously an accomplished monk. This can be seen from the relics he gave birth to and the King of Kucha's comments about him. He is a man who is dedicated to the Buddha.

And his three apprentices are all ambitious people.I don’t know when they knew about the Locust God, but after knowing the secret of the Locust God, Jiu and You should have started planning.

Their purpose is to occupy this Western Region through the Locust God and occupy the spiritual energy here.

First, the body of Master Kongqiu was placed here and the fire spirit was activated.

Then he guided the fire spirit to the locust god's body and obtained several magical artifacts from his body, namely the head, abdomen, wings, and legs.

Use these magic weapons to collect resentment and activate the Locust God.

But when they found that only three people could not activate the locust god, they found a woman with Buddha nature, the goddess of mighty virtue. "

After hearing this, Wu Fu couldn't help snorting coldly from his nose, and glanced sideways at Yuan Shouwei, who looked calm on the surface, but had ten thousand 'grass mud horses' running wildly in his heart.

Yuan Tiangang did not pay attention to the actions of the two people, but was immersed in his own reasoning.

“It’s just that although the mighty woman has Buddha nature, her physical body is not strong enough.

But at this moment, Yuan Shouwei came into their sight.

When Yuan Shouwei passed by Loulan Ghost City at night for the first time and killed those spirit demons, they had already begun to pay attention to Yuan Shouwei.

That past and present life, transforming into an ant lion, becoming a noble person, and living a long life were all tests for Yuan Shouwei.

At the palace of the Goddess of Power, the Goddess of Power was about to seize Yuan Shouwei's body, but was destroyed by Wu Fu.

In Loulan Ghost Town, Tian Mo Wu was snatched away for the second time, but he was carried over by Yuan Shouwei again.

Later, at Luntai, Jiu Hesi deliberately left the monk's robe for Yuan Shouwei, which was actually the wings of the Locust God. Now it seemed that he was inviting you to enter the urn.

At the end, Jiu and You were waiting for Yuan Shouwei to throw himself into a trap.

I think there are two reasons why we fell short.

First, we have destroyed their collection of grievances more than once, causing the Locust God to be slightly weak.

Second, none of them know that we can predict the future.

These two points were also the ultimate reasons for their failure. "

Zhongqing blinked his big ignorant eyes, shook his head and said that he understood, pretending to be an IQ person.Wu Fu was noncommittal, and she didn't care much about what happened. She just felt that the matter could be solved.

Anyway, her IQ does not need to be proven, unlike Tadashi.

Yuan Shouwei followed the principle of asking questions when he didn't understand anything, so he asked doubtfully:
"Brother Tiangang, we don't know how Jiu Heyou used Master Kongqiu's body to activate the fire spirit."

"But the Fire Spirit Pearl was broken into two halves. This is an indisputable fact."

"But how did it return to its original state in the end? Did it repair itself?"

Yuan Tiangang smiled and said:

"You are deluded by the authorities. It's actually very simple, since Jiu and You can use Kongqiu's corpse to activate the fire spirit."

"Master Nakong Qiu can naturally repair the Fire Spirit Pearl through the relics he gave birth to."

"This should be his last obsession."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei suddenly realized:

"Then I understand, the magma flowed out after the fire spirit beads rotted."

"Master Kongqiu's relics repaired the Fire Spirit Pearl, and the Fire Spirit Pearl absorbed the magma back."

"And that's how I got away with it in the end."

Yuan Tiangang looked at him with a look of relief on his face, showing an expression as if his IQ was indeed online, and then continued:

"Let's speculate ahead, the reason why you can't use the fire spirit orb is because its fire spirit has escaped."

"As long as we put that ray of fire spirit back into the fire spirit bead, we should be able to control it."

Yuan Shouwei nodded repeatedly after hearing this. This is the reason.

Looking at everyone he said:

"Then let's rest for a while and then go meet Master Yayoi and the others."

"Find another way to search for clues of spiritual energy and recover it as soon as possible."

Everyone heard this and nodded in agreement.

After resting for an hour, everyone left the Locust God Cave and headed down the Flame Mountain to meet Yayoi and the others.

But when Yuan Shou arrived at the ravine where they were gathering, Yayoi and the others were not found.

Zhongqing looked left and right and muttered:

"Are we going out together to fetch water or looking for food?"

"At least one person should be left for easy contact."

Wu Fu frowned and said:
"No, they can't leave a person or a horse behind."

At this moment, suddenly, there was no wind in a sand pile not far away, and there was no wind.

Then I saw a person popping out of it. His body and face were covered with sand. He cried and said to Yuan Shouwei:

"Taoist Master, you are back. Daniel and the others are all dead."

"You have to avenge them."

Everyone took a closer look, and found that this person was Liu Sanshan, one of the six scouts.

This man accompanied them all the way from Kucha to the Flame Mountain.

He usually doesn't talk much, but he is quite clever. He was the first to discover the traces of Turks twice.

Yuan Shouwei joked to him that when he returned this time, he would get an official position for Liu Sanshan.

Liu Sanshan also smiled naively and said that if he didn't want to be an official, he thought it would be better to be a detective. Although it was dangerous, it was more free.

That is, such a shrewd man would be covered in gravel, put his head on the ground, and burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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