Datang: Starting from a fortune-telling stall, Wu Zetian was suddenly abducted

Chapter 187 How can others sleep peacefully on the side of the bed?

Chapter 187 How can others sleep peacefully on the side of the bed?
Yuan Shouwei suppressed the shock in his heart, helped him up, and said as calmly as possible:
"Sanshan, what's going on? Please tell me clearly first."

There was already a hint of the lion's roar in his voice, helping him stabilize his emotions.

Liu Sanshan wiped the tears and grit from his face with his hands, took a few sips of the water bag handed to him by Yuan Tiangang, and stabilized his mood a little before he spoke.

After they separated from Yuan Shouwei that day, they waited here, and went to Huoyanshan from time to time to observe Yuan Shouwei's situation.

But just yesterday morning, when he went out to find water and came back, he suddenly found a Turkic centurion entering the ravine.

He knew something was wrong, but he didn't have time to inform his comrades, so he followed quietly, waiting for an opportunity to meet his teammates.

When he entered the valley, he saw the Turks and their comrades fighting together.

Among the Turks, there were two people wearing white linen robes. One of them was holding an urn and threw several fireballs.

He burned his comrades and Yayoi alive, then left with their bodies and horses, and cleaned the scene very well.

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but clenched his fists, with a murderous look in his eyes, and asked in a deep voice:

"Which direction did they go?"

Liu Sanshan said angrily:
"I followed them from a distance for a long time, and I can confirm that they are heading to Broken Leaf City."

Swallowing again, he explained with a bitter look:
"It's not that I won't avenge them, I'll die if I go there alone.

"So I can only wait for you to come back."

Yuan Shouwei patted his shoulder gently and comforted:

"You did the right thing."

"Otherwise, if we wanted to take revenge, we wouldn't know who the enemy is."

"Would you recognize them if you saw them again?"

Liu Sanshan gritted his steel teeth and said:
"I recognize them all when they turn into ashes, especially the Turkic man holding the jar."

Yuan Tiangang, who had been listening beside him, asked:
"Sanshan, isn't the jar that man is holding in his hand particularly red?"

After listening to Yuan Tiangang's words, Liu Sanshan thought for a while and said affirmatively:

"Yes, when the Heavenly Master said that, I really remembered it."

"The jar is completely red, with a faint red glow."

Yuan Tiangang took a deep breath, looked at everyone and said:

"I'm sure. He's a Zoroastrian. What he's holding is the Fire Spirit."

"After we killed the Locust God, they must have used some secret method to summon the Fire Spirit away."

After listening to Zhongqing next to him, he couldn't help but chew his teeth and said angrily:
"When Bengbu fights, the fisherman wins."

"This Zoroastrianism is really a good plan."

Wu Fu calmly analyzed from the side:
"Apparently after the Zoroastrian Cult got the Fire Spirit, they discovered Sanshan and the others. In order to prevent the news from leaking, they killed them."

Yuan Shouwei's face turned dark at this time and he said in a deep voice:
"If that's the case, don't blame us for killing him."

"Let's go, let's go to Suiye City, to seize the treasure and get revenge."

Yuan Tiangang also nodded and said:
"eye for eye."

"Suiye City is the territory of the Turks."

"After we find those people, we will seize the treasure and take revenge in one go. We must not stay too long."

Everyone nodded in agreement and headed towards Broken Leaf City.

After walking for a day, he met a caravan. Yuan Shou bought a few camels, Turkic clothing, and some daily necessities for a lot of money, and everyone's speed increased.


Broken Leaf City has entered everyone's sight again.In order to avoid accidents, Liu Sanshan asked everyone to wear Turkic clothes and make up to look like Turks.

Moreover, it was agreed that the titles should be changed to shopkeeper, boss, lady, etc. Then a group of people walked to Suiye City in a swaggering manner.

When we got closer, we could see that Broken Leaf City was in a very dilapidated state.

The city wall is only about three feet high, and there are quite a few gaps in many places, which have obviously never been repaired.

Moreover, there was no soldier guarding it, only a white wolf-headed Turkic flag stood there listlessly.

Yuan Shouwei looked at the city wall and curled his lips. He could go up this city wall with one body, and it didn't have the slightest defensive effect at all.

Liu Sanshan, who was standing next to him, saw Yuan Shouwei acting like this and opened his mouth to explain.

It turns out that Suiye City used to be a small country in the Western Regions and had always relied on the protection of the Turks.

Later, after the Tang army destroyed the main forces of the Eastern Turks, some Turks directly occupied the city.

It's just that the Turks are a nomadic people after all and are not good at managing cities, so they ended up like this.

However, according to strategic intentions, to the north of Suiye City and Yining City is the vast grassland, which was also the territory of the Turks.

As long as the Turks occupy these two cities, they can act as horns and echo each other.

It is equivalent to a portal, which can be attacked when advancing and defended when retreating.

Zhongqing couldn't help but curious after hearing this:
"Since this city is so important, why doesn't our Tang Dynasty occupy him?"

Liu Sanshan shook his head and couldn't explain why.

Yuan Tiangang next to him said:

"The ones we destroyed were mainly the Eastern Turks."

"The Western Turks are now bowing their heads to our Tang Dynasty. This city is managed by the Western Turks, so they will not be moved in a short time."

Zhongqing heard this and nodded repeatedly:
"I understand. Our Tang Dynasty is a teacher of benevolent people. Now that the Western Turks have given in, we are embarrassed to bully him anymore."

Yuan Tiangang sneered and said:
"That's not true. How can others sleep peacefully on the side of the couch."

"Our Majesty will never be kind to a wolf. It's just not ready yet."

"Actually, both sides are secretly accumulating strength. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many small frictions."

As he spoke, he was already under the city gate.

Looking at the city gate, I didn't see any words indicating that this was Broken Leaf City.

Moreover, the city gate is low, and at most two camels can be sent walking side by side. The people on top have to lower their heads, otherwise they will hit the upper edge of the city gate.

This can't help but make everyone shake their heads secretly. It's a pity that such a good city is handed over to the Turkic people.

The gate of the city was also deserted, with only a few Turks walking out of the city.

The only bright spot was the few soldiers on duty at the door. They were all tall and fat, with bows and knives on their backs. They looked at Yuan Shouwei and the others with wolf-like eyes.

Liu Sanshan turned over from the camel, changed his dullness, and greeted the Turkic soldiers with a smile.

Then he took out two strings of copper coins from his pocket and handed them over.

When the Turkic soldiers saw the copper coins, they immediately changed their seriousness and waved them over with a smile.

But when Wu Yan, wearing a conical hat, passed by them.

The leading soldier took a step forward, grabbed the reins, and looked at Wu Yan with a lewd look on his face.

Everyone couldn't help but feel shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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