Chapter 188 When will we take revenge?
Liu Sanshan quickly came to the Turkic soldier, laughed and stuffed another bunch of copper coins.

Unexpectedly, the man didn't answer the question at all. He just looked up and down at Wu Yan's exquisite figure and said something arrogantly in Turkic dialect.

After hearing this, Liu Sanshan was obviously a little embarrassed.

He took out a bottle of wine from the bag next to him and stuffed it into it.

But the man's face had turned cold, and he raised his hand to remove the veil from Wu Fu's face.

How could Yuan Shouwei next to him like this? He had already opened the man's hand with a slap.

The man was in pain and reached out to pull out the knife, but Yuan Shouwei conveniently pressed him on the back of his hand. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get rid of it.

Looking at Yuan Shouwei again, there was already murderous intention in his eyes.

When the other Turkic soldiers who were watching the excitement saw this, they had already drawn their weapons and moved forward to surround them.

Seeing this, Yuan Tiangang, Zhongqing, and Liu Sanshan were also ready to act.

And at this moment, Wu Fu was suddenly heard saying:

"Brother Liu, does this Turk want to see what I look like?"

The voice is as crisp as an oriole.

Liu Sanshan was on guard and replied:

"It's definitely not okay for these wolf cubs to take advantage of you again."

Unexpectedly, Wu Fu had already taken off his veil and said openly to the Turkic soldier:

"Just look at it, and there won't be a piece of meat missing."

After speaking, he smiled at the Turkic soldier.

Then he whispered to Yuan Shouwei:
"Brother Yuan Shou, don't pay attention to them for now, it's more important to do business."

Only then did everyone see Wu Fu's appearance clearly. She was an ordinary woman. Compared with her original beauty, it was a huge difference.

It turns out that their appearances were all given by Liu Sanshan.

But there are differences between men and women, but Wu Fu's appearance is his own.

After finishing her makeup, she put on a conical hat and veil without letting others see it. She probably thought she was ugly, but no one cared at that time.

When the Turkic soldiers saw Wu Fu's appearance, they immediately lost interest.

Coupled with the strength of Yuan Shouwei and the others, it seemed that they were not a good opponent, so he simply waved his hand and let them pass.

After entering the city gate, Zhongqingwu cursed to himself and said:

"These wolf bastards, give them face."

"If the princess hadn't stopped them, I would have dealt with them just now."

After hearing this, Yuan Tiangang and others nodded in agreement.

Without him, it is just the pride that an ordinary Tang Dynasty person should have.

Wu Fu looked at Yuan Shouwei with a smile and said:
"Brother Yuan Shouwei, thank you for taking action for me. I am very happy."

The people next to you were speechless for a while, and you only saw Yuan Shouwei.

While he was talking, a stench suddenly hit his face.

Everyone looked up and saw a narrow street in front of them.

On both sides are shops for buying food, clothing, food, and weapons.

It's just that there is bad water flowing in front of these shops and the ground is full of filth.

The stench they just smelled came from here.

Wu Fu couldn't help but frown, and put on a veil to block the smell.

The rest of the people also looked disgusted and walked into the city picking up clean areas.

Suiye City, a very poetic name.But under the management of the Turks, such a nice name is simply insulted.

Regardless of the environment or size, there is a big gap between it and Gaochang and Qiuci.

This city is only the size of a medium-sized town in the later generations, and the buildings in the city are all in various styles of the Western Regions.

The most conspicuous and luxurious building is a building similar to an Islamic castle in the center of the city, with a mainly circular appearance.

Liu Sanshan asked someone to ask, and found out that all the heads of Suiye City were handling official business there.Including Zoroastrianism is also there.

At this time, Yuan Tiangang also told everyone that Zoroastrianism is different from other sects. They do not build sacrificial places, but perform sacrificial rituals at the office or at home.

Besides, there are only a few people on the street.They are mainly Turks and people of various races from the Western Regions. Occasionally there are some faces from the Tang Dynasty, and they all have a tough look on their faces.

Obviously in this city, the law of the jungle is the most basic law of survival.

Yuan Shou found the best inn in the city for them to stay in, and asked Wu Fu to stay in the house for the time being and not to run around.

The three of them went to the streets and acted separately. Liu Sanshan was responsible for contacting the spies here, and Yuan Shouwei and the other three went to familiarize themselves with the city's terrain.

When Yuan Shou came back for them, Liu Sanshan was already waiting here with a rough Turk.

When everyone met, Liu Sanshan introduced this person as Qiu Lin Fu Lai, who had been working for Datang for many years.

Qiu Lin came over and took out a map of Broken Leaf City, and started talking to everyone in fluent Tang dialect.

He heard Liu Sanshan mention what happened, and he was extremely angry.

The person Liu Sanshan was talking about was Mubed (a professional title, presiding over the academic affairs of a parish) of Zoroastrianism. His name was Faramazhe, and he was responsible for the academic affairs of Suiye City.

Faramazhe returned to Broken Leaf City the day before yesterday, and indeed he was carrying a red cupping pot in his hand, which he had enshrined in the city lord's palace, which was the circular building.

Once people were inside, they never came out again.

After hearing this, Liu Sanshan, who was eager for revenge, looked at Yuan Shouwei impatiently and said:
"Shopkeeper, when will we take revenge?"

Yuan Shouwei thought for a while and said:

"This matter should be done sooner rather than later, or we should start it tonight."

Then he looked at Yuan Tiangang and asked:
"Big shopkeeper, take action now, what do you think?"

Yuan Tiangang said slowly:
"no problem."

But Qiu Lin Fu Lai asked in surprise:

"Why don't you use your military titles?"

Yuan Tiangang said casually:
"I'm used to calling him names, so I didn't care for a while."

Then he looked at the map on the table and asked Qiu Lin to help him:

"How many troops do the Turks have in this city? Where are they all stationed?"

"How high is that city lord's martial cultivation?"

"Besides Mubeid, is there any Yerbo (sacrificial worshiper of fire) in this city?"

Qiu Lin helped Lai and was stunned for a moment, then said in surprise:
"This brother knows a lot about Zoroastrianism.

There are two thousand-man teams stationed in this city and one thousand-man team composed of various people from the Western Regions. There are a total of 3000 people. The main purpose is to maintain law and order in the city, and there is no defense.

The city lord's name is Subbo. His strength should be around the fourth level of the martial arts realm. He lives in the city lord's mansion on a daily basis.

Currently there is only one Faramazhe and more than ten Zoroastrian warriors in the city.

Ye Erbo was not in this city, but went to Yining City. He didn't know exactly what he was doing.

After Qiu Lin finished speaking, he looked at Liu Sanshan and added:

"After you are done, you can leave directly from the city gate."

"There is a watchtower set up on the city tower. It is mainly used to set up a warning. There are only three or five people in charge of it on a daily basis."

(End of this chapter)

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