Chapter 190
Yuan Shouwei was overjoyed and looked at the short movie that had started playing.

first screen.

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

He, Yuan Tiangang, and Liu Sanshan secretly broke into the city lord's mansion at midnight.

He caught a soldier on night patrol, asked about Faramazhe's location, and then sneaked all the way there.

Basically there were no obstacles along the way.

Yuan Shouwei secretly realized that Qiulin Fulai had obviously told the city lords Subbo and Faramazhe, so they could travel unimpeded.

I'm afraid there will definitely be a trap waiting for them ahead.

Second screen.

They followed the location provided by the soldiers and found a side hall.

After entering, I found that there was no one inside.

The three of them knew they had been fooled and hurriedly withdrew.

At this time, the courtyard was heavily surrounded by hundreds of Turkic soldiers.

The person at the head was tall, with brown skin, a full beard, and holding a spear. He was the Lord of Broken Leaf City.

The two sides fought together, and finally Yuan Shouwei and his party broke out of the siege.

It was indeed a trap, but why didn't I see the fire spirit and that Farama Zhe?

Yuan Shouwei was a little puzzled for a while.

He cast his doubtful eyes on the third picture.

The three of them fought their way out of the tight siege, and the process was not too difficult.

Probably the Turks didn't expect Yuan Shouwei to be so fierce.

They fought hard all the way, and from time to time they were chased and intercepted by Turkic soldiers on the road. It is not to say how ferocious the enemy was, but it did waste time.

When they arrived at a small alley near the city gate, they saw Wu Fu and Zhong Qing.

After everyone gathered together, they rushed all the way to the city gate.

Just when they were about to cross the city wall, Liu Sanshan suddenly turned back to fight, and was hit by an arrow.

Yuan Shouwei turned back, carried Liu Sanshan's body and killed him again.

Liu Sanshan is actually dead.

He originally wanted to avenge his comrades, but ended up getting himself involved.

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but blame himself. After looking down at Liu Sanshan, he secretly made up his mind to let this man get out of Suiye City alive.

The fourth screen.

The gate of Suiye City was opened, and a large group of Turkic soldiers chased out.

Here, the power of the Turkic soldiers was brought into full play. Under the leadership of the city lord, Yuan Shou was chasing them in a panic.

Later, it was Yuan Shouwei who took a few horses by force, and Wu Fu used a lot of Five Elements Water Talisman to delay the enemy, and finally got rid of the pursuit.

The screen ends here.

Yuan Shouwei pondered, there are three questions here.

The first one, Faramazhe, never showed up from beginning to end. It stands to reason that such a fierce conflict was directed at him, so he should not have failed to show up.

The second one, Fire Spirit didn’t see either.Could it be that Faramazhe was hiding with this fire spirit?

Third, why did Liu Sanshan kill him again?
He turned to look down at the hexagrams on the compass, hoping to find the answer there.

[Beware of your sleeping place when it gets dark, but your efforts are in vain and your misfortune dances.Insist on forcing things to be vicious, and tell everyone to be prosperous in the Northeast. 】

That's what happened.

Based on the pictures he saw, he already had a vague answer in his mind.

Then he looked up at Liu Sanshan and said:
"This divination is a serious disaster, you have already seen it."

"Let me ask, have you ever done divination before?"

Liu Sanshan looked a little nervous and replied:
"Never. Next time my family will be so poor that they can't even afford food, and there will be spare money for fortune telling."

"I joined the army later, and I didn't have time to be exposed to these things." After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei nodded and said:

"Then I'll try to explain it to you as clearly as possible."

"The so-called serious danger means that one's life may be lost."

"We fell into a trap because of Qiulin Fulai's betrayal, and you unfortunately died in the battle."

After hearing this, Liu Sanshan couldn't help being startled, and asked hurriedly:
"Then has our revenge been avenged?"

Then he said with a lonely expression:
"It must have not been reported."

"If you had reported it, you wouldn't have fallen into the trap."

After he said this to himself, he stood up, knelt down in front of Yuan Shouwei and said:
"Master Yuan, I can die."

"But after I die, I only hope that you can avenge me and my comrades."

Yuan Shouwei looked at this loyal and righteous man and felt a little emotional at this time.

He helped Liu Sanshan up and said:

"None of us will die until revenge is taken."

"Go on and listen to me explain the hexagram words to you."

Only then did Liu Sanshan feel relieved. After thanking Yuan Shouwei, he sat down in front of Yuan Shouwei again.

Yuan Shouwei said:
"The first hexagram is 'Beware of sleeping in the dark'."

"Combined with the hint at the beginning of the divination, this sentence means that the moment we entered the city lord's mansion, we had already fallen into their trap."

"If my prediction is correct, the Turks here have already begun to prepare traps."

Yuan Tiangang and everyone nodded in agreement.

Yuan Shouwei went on to say:

"Hard work but in vain, bad luck dance. This is the second hexagram."

"It means that we have been busy and have not gained anything. Instead, we have suffered a lot of bad luck."

"Based on the current situation, we should have entered Faramazhe's room, and then were heavily surrounded by enemies."

"When we rushed to kill, there were many obstacles and we were constantly being chased."

Having said this, he smiled disdainfully and said:

"But with their little strength, they absolutely can't stop us."

Liu Sanshan had seen how fierce Yuan Shouwei was, and he was someone who dared to fight against Buddha, so he nodded in approval.

"Insist on forcing things to be vicious. Sanshan, this sentence involves you."

Hearing Yuan Shouwei's words, Liu Sanshan couldn't help but straighten up and listened attentively.

"At first I thought this sentence meant that we were too persistent, so we were besieged by the Turkic people, but after thinking about it, I thought it was wrong."

"Because if you understand it this way, it has the same meaning as the first two hexagrams."

"So I thought about it again and again. This sentence refers to you, Sanshan. You should have met the enemy when you were breaking out of the siege. According to your temperament, you will definitely make a move."

Liu Sanshan nodded repeatedly and said:

"Taoist Master, you have seen through me."

"As long as I see those people, I will risk my life to kill them."

Yuan Shouwei sighed, patted his shoulder and said:

"If we want to take action at night, I will create an opportunity for you to do it yourself. But you must not do anything without permission."

Liu Sanshan nodded in agreement.

Yuan Shouwei continued:
"Let me tell you the fourth sentence: tell everyone to follow the trend of Northeast China."

"Based on the explanation of the hexagram and what Qiu Linfu said, I think Faramazhe and Huo Ling should not be in Suiye City now."

"Instead, I took Huo Ling to Yining City to find that Ye Erbo."

When these words came out, everyone except Yuan Tiangang was surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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