Chapter 191

Liu Sanshan said with some frustration:

"If it's what Daoist Yuan said, then since Faramazhe is not here, there is no need for us to stay here."

Zhongqing couldn't help but said with a smile:
"It's better to go to Yining, it's better to go to Yining. That's our own territory."

"Let's go directly there to find him."

"When the city gates are closed, the whole city will be searched and hunted, making it impossible for them to escape."

Yuan Shouwei did not comment, but turned his attention to Yuan Tiangang.
"Tianshi, what do you mean?"

Yuan Tiangang obviously deduced this result. He looked at Yuan Shouwei and said with a smile:

"Everything depends on fellow Taoists."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei also laughed:

"it is good."

"Then according to what I want, since the main culprit is not here, then we will make a big fuss in Broken Leaf City tonight."

"First kill these Turkic accomplices to honor the spirits of our brothers. Then go to Yining City to kill the culprits."

Several people didn't expect Yuan Shouwei to dare to be so head-on. Except for Zhongqing, everyone's blood was boiling.

Liu Sanshan was the first to speak:

"Okay, I agree."

"I don't want to risk my life, but I also want to kill a few more Turkic wolf cubs to avenge my brothers."

Wu Fu also said excitedly:

"You have to do it like this, it will make you happy, and you can really hurt them."

Yuan Tiangang nodded and said lightly:

Five people faced three thousand Turkic soldiers. Zhongqing said it was a lie to say that he was not afraid.

But when he thought about hugging Yuan Shouwei's thigh, he gritted his teeth and agreed.

Then he said with some guilt:

"We definitely need someone to guard our city gate. Where else should I go?"

Yuan Shouwei shook his head and said:
"Let Sanshan decide on the location of the city gate. As for how to arrange the personnel, I will tell you my thoughts first and let everyone discuss it."

After that, he told his plan. After listening to it, everyone felt that the plan was feasible.

Then according to Yuan Shouwei's plan, he put forward some of his own ideas and details to supplement it.

An hour later, the plan was already perfected.

Everything is ready, just waiting for midnight to come.

The moon is very round tonight, and the bright moonlight shines on every corner of Broken Leaf City.

And in the dark place where it can't shine, a black shadow is about to spread out and approach the City Lord's Mansion with small steps.

Needless to say, this person is Yuan Shouwei.

It's just that he changed from the previous trio to acting alone.

In the blink of an eye, he was already under the wall of the city lord's mansion.

He looked around and found figures moving in some alleys in the distance, and couldn't help but chuckle to himself.

He ignored these people and jumped up into the wall.

At this time, the City Lord's Mansion was silent, not even the sound of a small animal was heard.

Yuan Shouwei first sized it up, and then, like a puff of smoke, he walked around the city lord's mansion to familiarize himself with the terrain.

By the way, I learned about the number of enemy ambushes. There should be roughly 1000 people.

I knew that the city lord obviously wanted to catch them all this time.

After figuring out all this, he found a courtyard where there was no ambush and hid, waiting for the patrolling soldiers to pass by.After a while, a group of more than ten Turkic soldiers came over holding a few lanterns.

They were talking and laughing as they walked. It was obvious that they didn't take the patrol to heart, and it was all just perfunctory.

Yuan Shouwei didn't show any courtesy to them until they came closer.

He took a slight step with his feet, and used the Tai Chi sword technique in his hand. In a blink of an eye, Dian Chen had killed all the people in front of him with the sword, leaving only the last person.

Then he rolled up his right hand in a sword style, drawing everyone into the shadow next to him.

His left hand moved together and caught all the lanterns that had not yet landed in his hand.

Then when he got to the last soldier, he held his neck and took him to a corner.

The end is like the rabbit rising and the falcon falling, clean and neat.

The Turkic soldier didn't react at all. He just felt that the talking companions in front suddenly stopped talking.

Then the lantern flashed and everyone in front of him disappeared.

Before he could react, he felt his throat tighten and he was carried to a corner.

Enemy attack!

Only then did he react, and saw a sword radiating cold light being placed on his neck.

Then a deep voice was heard:

"Take me to Faramazhe's residence, or I will kill you."

Feeling the coldness on his neck, he nodded with fear in his eyes and muttered softly, obviously agreeing.

Before Yuan Shouwei came, he learned this Turkic saying from Liu Sanshan.

Not bothering to pay attention to what this man said, he just forced him with his sword and let him lead the way.

The city lord's palace was not very big. They walked covertly for about a quarter of an hour and arrived at a side hall.

Yuan Shouwei looked up and saw that it was the palace shown in the map of heaven. He nodded with satisfaction and said softly to the soldier:
"Good cooperation. I'll spare your life."

After saying that, he knocked the soldier unconscious with a palm and pulled him to a corner.

He jumped onto the wall of the side hall and raised the corner of his mouth:

"The show begins!"

After saying that, the Five Elements Fire Talisman in his hand was thrown to a corner in the courtyard.

Without waiting for the fire talisman to land, he unfolded his limbs and walked around the wall, throwing fire talismans into every corner of the courtyard.

At this time, the first fire talisman fell to the ground, and with a 'boom', the fire rose into the sky.

Accompanied by the flames, there were countless screams, and dozens of Turkic soldiers rushed out just looking at the shadow.

Everyone was burning with fire, and they hurriedly threw away their weapons and patted the flames on their bodies.

The one who was seriously burned was rolling on the ground in pain, trying to put out the flames.

The most serious thing was that he was burned into a human-shaped torch, making miserable screams and jumping and running like crazy.

As the aroma of barbecue filled the air, he fell into the sea of ​​fire and could no longer make a sound.

Only the crackling sound of the burning corpse was left.

Scenes like this are happening in every corner of the yard, and they are terrible to watch.

Yuan Shouwei, who had just stood on the wall, felt a gust of evil wind coming towards his face. He had been prepared for it, so he ducked out of the way and landed outside the courtyard.

He saw a person following him, holding a spear as thick as an arm and attacking Yuan Shouwei again. It was the Lord of Suiye City: Xu Bubo.

Yuan Shouwei laughed loudly, and was determined to test this man's strength. He used the Tai Chi sword technique "Hold and Shou Yi" and collided head-on with him.

Hearing a crisp sound of "clang clang", both parties took several steps back, feeling secretly frightened in their hearts.

Naxubo thought to himself: Didn't Qiulin Fulai say that those people were much weaker than me?Could it be that he was cheating on me?

(End of this chapter)

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