Chapter 192 Nine Arrows Shooting the Sun
Yuan Shouwei also thought to himself: This Qiu Lin Fulai is indeed lying, this Xu Bubo's martial arts level is at least at the same level as mine.

Thinking of this, he also solemnly said to the man:
"Guo Xiaoke, the Great Protector of Anxi in the Tang Dynasty, has met the Lord of the City."

Xu Bubo was quite surprised,
"You? Are you Guo Xiaoke?"

"Qiu Lin Fu Lai really deceived me."

While he was talking, a group of soldiers rushed out of the door, and one of them was helped by Qiu Lin.

He obviously heard Yuan Shouwei's words and said loudly from a distance:
"City Lord, he lied to you. He is not Guo Xiaoke at all."

Xu Bubo looked at Yuan Shouwei with some suspicion, then looked at him again, and asked in rapid succession:
"Then tell me, who is he if he is not Guo Xiaoke?"

"If it wasn't Guo Xiaoke, why is his strength comparable to mine?"

Qiulin helped him, who was already out of breath, and ran to Subbo's side. After hearing these words, he couldn't help but be speechless for a moment.

Yuan Shouwei immediately posed again, looked at Xu Bubo and said:
"This man is a double-faced spy, trying to please both sides."

"Think about it, why can I know your arrangement in advance?"

"And how did you learn that Faramazhe went to Yining?"

After Xu Bubo heard what Yuan Shouwei said, he didn't hesitate anymore. He raised his hand and stabbed Qiu Lin with a spear, which shocked his heart.

Qiu Lin helped him look at the spear on his chest, but he still didn't believe it. There was blood at the corner of his mouth and he said:

"City Lord, I...I was wronged."

Subbo whipped him aside with a spear and said:
"Whether you are wronged or not has nothing to do with me?"

"I just want to give an explanation for those warriors who died."

Then he looked at Yuan Shouwei and said:

"I don't care if you are Guo Xiaoke or not, I will kill you today to avenge my dead warriors."

This way of cutting through the mess with a sharp knife made Yuan Shouwei take a high look.

While he was talking, Naxubo had already raised the spear in his hand and rushed over.

Yuan Shouwei was also unambiguous and stood with him with his sword raised.

The two sides were fighting for a while and were inseparable.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten moves have passed.

Yuan Shouwei was still unhurried and orderly, and his offense and defense were orderly.

But Naxubol listened to the incessant screams of his own soldiers and the fire spreading everywhere in the city lord's palace, and he had no intention of fighting for a long time.

While the spear was swinging, a wolf howl suddenly came from the tip of the spear.

Then he saw a huge wolf head suddenly appear on the gun, with scarlet eyes glaring, a mouth full of fangs, and it lunged at him viciously like a real thing.

This was a big move. Yuan Shouwei wanted to test it, so he raised the Xuanyuan Sword to block it.

As soon as he made contact, he felt a surge of fear from the bottom of his heart. He almost threw away the sword in his hand and knelt down to beg for mercy.

No, this move is weird.

Yuan Shouwei bit the tip of his tongue violently, and the pain woke him up.

Seeing that the wolf's head had jumped in front of him, he struck out with the Xuanyuan Sword in several consecutive moves, neutralizing the attack.

He took more than ten steps back again and again before he managed to defuse the wolf's attack.

At the same time, the second, third and four wolf heads rushed towards Yuan Shouwei, accompanied by another sense of fear.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he stopped entangled, spread his wings and took a slight step, turned around and ran away.

While the footsteps were shaking, he had already rushed to the formation of Turkic soldiers who were watching the battle.

'Clicking' is a meal of frantic cutting.

The BOSS was difficult to deal with, but facing these little shrimps, Yuan Shouwei felt calm and even wanted to eat braised chicken and rice.When Naxubo saw this, he immediately said something loudly in Turkic language, and then he roared and came over to kill him.

After hearing the order, the soldiers who were fleeing in all directions immediately raised their round shields in an attempt to intercept Yuan Shouwei and cooperate with Xu Bubo's pursuit from behind.

Yuan Shouwei would play cards for him according to common sense, and he had already slipped to the flanks of the soldiers in the blink of an eye.

Then he threw a few Five Elements Fire Talismans into the formation of soldiers.

Those who have seen something powerful will run away.

Some were still stunned as they watched several pieces of paper falling in the air.

Subbo was very knowledgeable and quickly ordered people to leave loudly.

But it was already too late, as the fire flashed, several fire talismans were already burning violently, and immediately burned the soldiers to howl like ghosts and wolves, and they ran away in all directions.

The newly organized camp fell apart in an instant.

Xu Bubo was so angry that his face turned red and his round eyes opened angrily. He didn't care about the life or death of the soldiers. He turned around and charged at Yuan Shouwei again.

Where did Yuan Shouwei give him a chance to contact him head-on, Lingbo under his feet flickered in small steps, lightly as if startled, and ran around the city lord's mansion.

When he saw the soldiers there, he threw out a few fire charms.

When I see tall buildings or flammable buildings, I throw out a few fire charms.

In a short time, the entire city lord's mansion was engulfed in an endless sea of ​​fire.

The soldiers were like a group of headless flies. Some were busy putting out the fire, some were busy running for their lives, some were busy rescuing people, and some were busy chasing Yuan Shouwei.

It's a mess.

At first, Xu Bubo tried to command his soldiers to intercept Yuan Shouwei, but later he simply gave up and focused on chasing Yuan Shouwei.

But Yuan Shouwei was like a loach that was slipping and not holding back, not giving him any chance of direct contact.

Seeing that the city lord's mansion had been turned upside down by him, and a few had injured hundreds of soldiers, he was about to leave.

Subbo, who was behind him, was furious. When he saw this, he immediately stopped, took off the long bow on his back, and set three arrows at once.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh" shot towards Yuan Shouwei.

Then two more rounds of arrows were fired.

Above all the arrows, there was a cluster of fireflies flickering and screaming, rushing towards Yuan Shouwei.

Nine arrows shoot the sun!

Obviously he also hates Yuan Shouwei.

Yuan Shouwei did not dare to be careless. He moved his feet repeatedly and flicked the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, deflecting nine arrows.

But before he could take a breath, the nine arrows turned towards him again.

Oh my God!This thing also has automatic navigation. Yuan Shouwei didn't dare to neglect, while dodging, he knocked the arrow to the ground with Xuanyuan sword.

But he didn't expect that the arrow that landed on the ground bounced off the ground and rushed towards him again, with the intention of not stopping.

At this moment, Xu Bubo also rushed up with a spear, and the wolf's head was also looming on it.

It’s impossible not to be ruthless.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he directly inserted the Xuanyuan Sword back into his waist, and with a dragon roar, he used the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

The flying dragon is in the sky, the dragon is fighting in the wild, and the divine dragon is waving its tail.
The whole person seemed to have transformed into a giant dragon, letting out a high-pitched dragon roar, suppressing the fear in his heart.

'Bang, bang, bang' shattered all the arrows like a rotten arrow, and pushed back Xu Buba's attack at the same time.

Taking advantage of this time, he turned around again and ran towards the outside of the city lord's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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