Chapter 193
He reached the wall like a galloping horse and jumped up.

But then he couldn't help but groan secretly. He saw hundreds of archers standing outside the city lord's palace, all of them bent their bows and arrows, aiming at themselves. They were obviously well prepared.

Before Yuan Shouwei could regain his footing, hundreds of arrows were already fired at him, overwhelming the sky and the earth, like locusts crossing the border.

If this was shot, it would be more of a hedgehog than a hedgehog, and more of a porcupine than a porcupine.

Yuan Shouwei did not dare to be vague, and once again took out the Xuanyuan Sword, Tai Chi Sword Technique, and the Great Shift of the Universe.

As he used his moves, a pattern of yin and yang fish appeared faintly behind him, which was the Tai Chi diagram.

Yuan Shou held Qian in his left hand and Kun in his right hand. He held Yuan Shouyi and controlled the Tai Chi diagram. He had already wrapped up the hundreds of arrows, causing them to lose the power of their attack.

Then he turned his feet and spread his hands again. With a bang, all the arrows bounced back and shot directly towards the hundreds of soldiers.

The soldiers were caught off guard and were shot countless times. Wails and screams came one after another.

Yuan Shouwei stood up and got out of the city lord's mansion without stopping.

But instead of running towards the gate, he ran towards the Turkic military camp in the northeast.

When they arrived at the military camp, they followed the same pattern again and turned the entire military camp into a sea of ​​flames.

Most of the soldiers in the barracks were deployed in ambush, so there were not many casualties.

But their war horses were all here. Seeing the fire in the barracks, countless frightened horses broke free from their reins and ran away in all directions.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he also smiled with satisfaction, turned around and rushed towards the west gate.

He ran into Subbo who was chasing him head on.

Subbo looked at the military camp in flames in the distance and felt that the anger was about to burn him.

Seeing Yuan Shouwei again, he looked up and howled at the full moon in the sky.

Then the whole person began to change.

Werewolves! ?
Isn't this documentary literature?

Changed to Western fantasy again?
Yuan Shouwei dived forward while thinking wildly.

Subbo, who was not far from the opposite side, had also completed his transformation.

It turns out that he has not turned into a werewolf, but his lips have become more protruding, the hair on his face has become thicker, and his eyes have become blood red.

Nothing else has changed much. He still looks like a human, but has become slightly atavistic.

Wait, there are changes, and they are not small.

Just looking at the fluctuations of spiritual energy around Subu Bo, the overall martial arts level actually increased by one level, directly from the fifth level to the sixth level.

He urged the war horse under his feet, and as he waved the spear in his hand, six wolf heads were already swooping towards Yuan Shouwei.

As soon as its momentum emerged, it had already taken the lead, and frightening fear came in like a tide.

Yuan Shouwei suppressed the fear in his heart and took another bite on the tip of his tongue, but found that this time it had no effect.

In desperation, he suddenly opened his big mouth and used the third level of the Buddhist 'Lion's Roar Technique'. A sound wave that looked like a substance pounced towards the six ferocious wolf heads.

But he could only suppress the fear in his heart, but he didn't cause any real damage to the wolf's head.

Yuan Shouwei stepped back desperately, and at the same time took out a five-element wooden talisman and threw it out.

In a moment, a giant tree fell from the sky, weakening the wolf head's attack.

Yuan Shouwei took the opportunity to defeat the wolf head with his sword, and vaguely saw Subbo about to bypass the big tree and attack him.

He immediately jumped into the air and passed over the treetops without looking back. First he threw out a few wooden talismans and then a few fire talismans, temporarily blocking Subbo's pursuit.

Then he started wandering around the city. There were many Turkic soldiers in that place, so he went to that place.

After simply attacking the opponent, he will attract them to chase him.

In just a short time, I had already visited Broken Leaf City.

The number of Turkic soldiers behind him has also snowballed to more than 1000.Shouting, cursing, waving weapons, shooting arrows and biting Yuan Shouwei tightly.

Yuan Shouwei saw that almost everyone had gathered, so he stopped staying.

Instead, he slowed down so that the group of people could barely keep up with him, but could not attack him, and walked towards the city gate in a leisurely manner.

When he passed a big intersection, he saw Yuan Tiangang hiding in the shadows.

The two just nodded to each other, and Yuan Shouwei rushed forward.

Three, 500 meters away, we arrived at another agreed-upon location, but Zhongqing was not seen.

I can't help but wonder, did Zhongqing fall off the chain at a critical moment?
Probably not.Although he usually tends to stretch his hips, he is still reliable at critical moments.

Just when he was confused, he saw a door panel on the roadside move. Zhongqing cautiously stretched out his head from inside and said to him:
"Let's go, Yuan Shouwei."

"Leave it to me here."

Yuan Shouwei gave a wry smile and gave instructions,
"be careful."

Then it flew away again.

Another 500 meters away, we arrived at the place agreed upon with Wu Fu.

Before he could stabilize his body, Wu Fu from the shadow next to him rushed out in a hurry.

"Yuan Shouwei, you are not injured, are you?"

Yuan Shouwei smiled and said to her:

"No, not even a hair was hurt."

Wu Fu breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the pursuers not far behind him.
"Well, then I'll wait for you to start."

Yuan Shouwei also agreed, pulled her behind him, and stood at the intersection with a golden sword, looking coldly at the enemy troops that were rushing towards him.

The enemy soldiers on the opposite side were overjoyed when they saw that he didn't run away again.

They all screamed strangely and accelerated their pursuit, while shooting arrows at him in a chaotic manner.

Yuan Shouwei's sword energy around his body was fierce, and he directly drove away the arrows, and uttered a countdown like the god of death in his mouth:





Seeing the enemies getting closer and closer, their hairs can already be clearly seen.

Yuan Shouwei thrust his sword into the ground fiercely, and the sharp sword energy around him turned into dozens of earth dragons, fiercely blasting towards the enemy.

It is the first form of Xuanyuan Sword: Hidden Dragon Moves Mountains.

The rumbling sounds kept ringing in my ears as countless earth dragons overturned the stone slabs and tore the Turkic soldiers on them into pieces, with their flesh and blood flying everywhere.

At least a hundred soldiers were killed or injured this time.

Wu Fu, who was behind Yuan Shouwei, also came out at this time, and with a wave of his hand, hundreds of fire talismans were scattered out. This is called a wealthy man.

Just as the fire was burning here, two fires shot up into the sky in the distance, and soon they became a sea of ​​​​fire.

More than 1000 Turkic soldiers were all trapped in the sea of ​​​​fire.

The screams came one after another.

On the roof, there were two figures quickly approaching Yuan Shouwei and them, it was Yuan Tiangang and Zhongqing.

(End of this chapter)

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