Chapter 195 The Old and New Worlds

At this time, there was no longer a living person or horse at the gate of the city.

Yuan Shouwei immediately threw out more than ten earthen talismans, blocking the city gate firmly.

Then he threw a few fire talismans on the city wall, cursed back in a Turkic tone, and turned around to leave.

At this time, the sky is bright.

In the thin light, a figure with a long sword hanging from his waist, with his back facing the smoke billowing from Broken Leaf City, his big sleeves fluttering, walked away gracefully.

Kill one person in ten steps,
Thousands of miles do not stay.

When the matter is over,
Hidden strength and name.

Not far ahead, there were a few riders and a few people waiting for Yuan Shouwei, it was Yuan Tiangang and the others.

When Yuan Shouwei approached, he got on his horse, pointed to the east, and said energetically:
"Let's go to Yining City."

After saying this, a burst of hearty laughter broke out.

Everyone burst into laughter and followed suit.

After galloping for about half a day, the sun has risen from the east. The moisture in the air has disappeared, replaced by a gradually rising heat.

Liu Sanshan looked around and said:
"Daozhang Yuan, the Turks will not come after us again."

"Shall we find a place to rest before leaving?"

Yuan Shouwei, who had finished pretending, was still a little unfinished. With a hula, he reined in his horse, stood upright, and pointed the whip in the direction of Suiye City.
"How can I, Yuan Shouwei, be afraid of his mere 1 Turkic troops?"

"Although there are thousands of people, I will go!"

Wu Fu next to him chuckled. Looking at his arrogant look, he struck with a smile as bright as a flower:
"Then why don't you wait for those [-] Turks in Suiye City?"

"Don't just follow Guan Yu and Guan Yunchang, and then learn from Changshan Zhao Zilong. Kill him seven times in and seven out."

Yuan Shouwei was still recalling the battle in the middle of the night and said harshly:

"Hmph, hum, hum hum."

"I am a person who takes the overall situation into consideration, so there is no harm in sacrificing some of my personal happiness for the safety of the team."

Liu Sanshan, who had been laughing loudly, couldn't help but feel guilty after hearing what Yuan Shouwei said, and he rode to Yuan Shouwei's side.

"Master, I'm sorry."

"In order to avenge my brothers, I almost got you involved."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei also became serious and replied:
"That's all our own business."

"Even if you let me choose another hundred times, I will accompany you there to take revenge."

Then he patted Liu Sanshan on the shoulder and said:

"Looking forward, we still have an enemy we haven't solved yet."

Only then did Liu Sanshan regain his smile.

The crowd moved on.

Zhongqing was still thinking about yesterday's battle.

He looked at Yuan Shouwei and asked:
"Yuan Shouwei, you said that when I used the dozens of fire talismans yesterday, did you say that I killed [-] Turkic soldiers?"

After finishing speaking, he added something that was still unfinished,
"The feeling of throwing spells around is so good."

"I ambushed so many Turkic soldiers by myself. I couldn't even dream of it before."

“I feel like I’m enjoying myself from here.”

Then he traced from his throat to his Dantian.

Yuan Shouwei also felt that Zhongqing had lived up to his expectations and nodded approvingly.
"It should be about the same."

"There should be more than 1000 Turkic soldiers in that group. Proportionally speaking, you should eliminate that many."

"This time we have basically wiped out all the active forces in their city."

Liu Sanshan asked curiously from the side:

"Aren't there more than 3000 enemy troops in Suiye City?"

Yuan Shouwei said casually:

"Yeah." "Except for Tianshi and Zhongqing, I basically killed everyone else."

"If their city lord hadn't been so difficult to deal with, I should have been able to clear out the Turkic soldiers in the city."

Zhongqing suddenly felt like he had been hit hard.

Hearing this, he hurriedly asked:

"Is the city lord very strong?"

Yuan Shouwei replied while riding his horse slowly:
"It's not very strong. It's the same as my Martial Realm."

"It was later discovered that he could transform through the full moon, and his martial arts level could be directly improved by one level."

Zhongqing took a breath and comforted Yuan Shouwei considerately:

"If you're one rank higher, it's normal if you can't beat it."

Yuan Shouwei said again casually:

"However, he was still killed by my trick."

After that, he told the story of killing Subbo at the city gate.

Chungcheong was hit again.

Suddenly I felt that I couldn't handle the hundreds of Turkic cavalry I had killed.

After walking for a while, the weather became hotter and hotter. At this time, the sun was already three degrees above the sun, and the heat was unbearable.

Except for Wu Fu, everyone else was already suffering from the heat.

Especially Liu Sanshan was in a daze because he was injured.

Yuan Shouwei followed the law and made ice packs for everyone one by one with water spirit beads, which gave them some relief from the scorching heat.

After walking for a while, they finally saw a valley. Everyone was overjoyed and rushed in.

Just look at the green shade in the valley and the beautiful scenery. Compared with the outside of the valley, it is simply a double sky of old and new.

Everyone dismounted one after another and found a cool place to sit down.

Yuan Tiangang helped Liu Sanshan off his horse and placed him in a cool and ventilated place.

Yuan Shouwei was a little worried. He went over to check his pulse and confirmed that it was just heatstroke, no fever, wound infection, etc., and then he felt relieved.

I wanted to give him some water, but found that the water bag was running low.

Because I was in such a hurry yesterday, I didn’t carry much water or food.

Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei asked everyone to wait here while he went to see the depths of the valley.

After walking inside for a while, he suddenly heard the faint sound of running water in his ears. He couldn't help but be overjoyed. He jumped to the cliff next to him and looked up into the distance.

Just look at the stream not far ahead, gurgling.

There are also some fruit trees on both sides of the creek, including pomegranates, grapes, figs, and cantaloupe.
There are also some animals drinking water by the river.

Only then did Yuan Shou jump down, and quickly reached the river, first drank alone, and then filled all the skin bags he brought with water.

As for the animals drinking water by the river, not only did they not hide away after seeing him, but they all looked at him curiously.

A bold little yellow sheep even came close to him and sniffed around him. It seemed that he regarded him as some delicious food.

He originally wanted to hunt an animal and roast it for everyone to eat, but seeing how cute these animals looked, he couldn't bear to do it.

Instead, he picked two handfuls of leaves from the small tree next to him and fed them to the yellow sheep.

Then he collected a lot of fruits and carried them back to the front.

Wu Fu looked at him holding a lot of fruits on his chest and carrying several water bags on his back, and couldn't help shouting in surprise:

"Brother Yuan Shouwei, where did you find so many delicious foods?"

"You also brought a yellow sheep. Are you going to roast the sheep for us?"

"Oh, come to think of it, it's been a long time since I've had food cooked by you."

After speaking, he wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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