Chapter 196 Kneeling and begging for mercy
Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but be curious. When he looked back, he realized that the little yellow sheep he had just fed had followed him at some point.

He couldn't help but burst into laughter and said:
"Originally I planned to bake it and give it to everyone as a meal. But..."

After finishing speaking, he talked about the situation in the valley, and everyone heard that there is such a good environment in the valley, and they couldn't help being shocked.

After simply eating some fruits and drinking some water, I followed Yuan Shouwei here and decided to rest here for the night.

After settling in, Yuan Shouwei asked everyone to rest.

I was as tireless as a donkey in the production team, going to the entrance of the valley to warn everyone.

After waiting at the entrance of the valley, he climbed to a high platform and looked up at Suiye City.

As far as the eye can see, there is yellow sand all over the sky, and there are faint traces of heat steaming in the air, but no human beings can be seen.

Only then did he feel relieved and start collecting his rewards.

As his consciousness entered his own sea of ​​consciousness.

He only saw that there was already an antique book with blue leather threads in the sea of ​​consciousness.

On the cover are written three large Chinese characters: Tiyunzong.

Yuan Shouwei rubbed his hands, and in a flash of consciousness, he had already turned to the first page. The introduction to Tiyunzong's technique was in front of his eyes:
First of all, practice the inner Qi, and use the intention to draw Qi from the Dantian upwards, so that the body is flowing and elegant, all thoughts are abandoned, the Qi flows through all the meridians, and the body is as light as a swallow.

Its function can make people feel cheerful, optimistic and worry-free, and prolong life.

Can also prolong life?
This is good, I learned it from Wu Fu.

In addition to letting her eat beggar chicken, she has to learn this too.

Let her live 1000 years, let her live 1 years;

Live like a child in Tianshan Mountain.

After reading the introduction, he turned back and looked at the practice method.

Dantian luck turnover method:
Stand naturally, relax the whole body and look ahead, lick the upper palate with the tongue, penetrate the two channels of Ren and Du, and adopt the reverse breathing method.

Slowly raise both arms from both sides of the body. When raising sideways, turn the palms over and slowly move the arms in front of the body in a ball-holding shape.
Yuan Shou browsed it for himself, already having the details in mind, and immediately started studying.

As the sea of ​​consciousness turned, a person very similar to him appeared in the book and began to practice.

A hundred years in an instant.

After he became completely familiar with the man, his entire body transformed into dots of starlight and disappeared into Yuan Shouwei's sea of ​​consciousness.


Yuan Shouwei opened his eyes, and after a moment of careful consideration, he straightened up and immediately used his hands and feet to climb into the air.

If the sky is compared to a swimming pool, Yuan Shouwei at this time is like a drowning beginner.

Using the most primitive dog-pawing posture, with hands and feet, he climbed desperately toward the water surface, hoping to take a breath of fresh oxygen.

The beauty above the floating clouds?

Obviously you still have to let the body become familiar.

Yuan Shouwei was not discouraged, he pondered and practiced repeatedly.

With only one purpose in mind:
It's worth all the effort to show off.

After being familiar with it for half an hour, Yuan Shouwei finally mastered it completely.

Just watch him take a breath, step his right foot into the void, and his body slowly seems to float.

Then he stepped out with his left foot, and took another step towards the void, and the whole person was already floating in the air.

Step by step.
Yuan Shouwei cut his hands behind his back, stood against the wind, raised his head to the sky, and slowly climbed up like a ladder under his feet.

The wind is hunting, the skirts are fluttering, floating out of the dust
He watched the yellow sand and the valley under his feet gradually shrink, and he couldn't help but feel very poetic:

"I want to go back by the wind, but I am afraid that Qionglou Yuyu will be too cold at the heights"

There should be applause here
There should be a cheering audience.
Otherwise, it feels somewhat like a night walk in brocade clothes.

I wanted to bring Wu Fu and Zhongqing to watch, but I felt that it would affect their rest, so I had to give up for the time being.

After all, it’s one person’s carnival.Feeling lonely, he accidentally looked up and suddenly found a group of figures appearing in the direction of Broken Leaf City.

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but look carefully for a moment before he saw it was a caravan.

Most of the people in the team were camels, and I could vaguely see that the camels were carrying goods on their backs, so I felt relieved.

Time to perform the real technique!

Yuan Shouwei quickly took inventory of the spiritual energy in his body, looked at the speed of the group of people, and accurately calculated a time.

He nodded secretly, as long as he didn't move around, there would be no problem in holding on until they arrived.

So he looked up at the sky, urging the caravan to come quickly.

The hard work pays off.

As the caravan slowly approached, someone finally saw Yuan Shouwei suspended in the air, and couldn't help but exclaimed loudly:

"Look, what a big bird!"

Others also raised their heads to watch.
"That should be an eagle"

You are the bird, and your whole family are birds.

The sculpture is quite discerning, but my Diao Chan is only wrapped around my waist. Yuan Shouwei complained while pretending to be cold and ignored this group of people.

Suddenly, a person in the caravan shouted:
"Such a big sculpture, we should be able to get a lot of money if we bring it back to the Tang Dynasty."

"Quick, shoot it down."

As soon as he finished speaking, many people in the caravan were already shooting at Yuan Shouwei with their bows and arrows.

Don't tell me, there are really some good players inside. The arrows they shot flew towards Yuan Shouwei.

He was a little embarrassed for a moment.

Block it, you see, you don’t have enough spiritual energy.

Don't block it. If these arrows hit you and put them aside if they are injured or not, it will definitely affect your image.

Yuan Shou was helpless, sighed, and used the Great Shift to deflect the arrows from his neighbors.

At this moment, someone in the team suddenly shouted:
"Stop shooting, that's not a bird, it's a human."

"Oh my God, it's a land immortal. If you shoot an immortal in the face, it would be a serious crime."

"Quick, kneel down and beg for mercy."

As he spoke, the man fell to his knees and begged loudly for mercy.

As Yuan Shouwei blocked him, everyone saw that something was wrong and knelt down one after another to beg for mercy.He repeatedly begged for mercy:
"The immortal spares my life, the immortal spares my life."

"Don't blame those who don't know. Please be noble and let us commoners go."

Great, they begged for mercy when they were so far away. I can finally save some spiritual energy. Yuan Shouwei easily pulled out an arrow stuck in his bun, and moved down step by step, directly reaching these people. forward,
"Where did you come from and where are you going?"

None of those people dared to raise their heads and kept kowtowing to themselves. One of them said tremblingly:
"Excuse me, Immortal, we are from the Tang Dynasty."

"I came from Chang'an to do some small business in the Western Regions. I am preparing to return to the Tang Dynasty."

It turns out that they are one of our own, so it’s not easy to worry about them anymore.

Yuan Shouwei snorted coldly and said:

"Since we are all from the Tang Dynasty, let's get up. I forgive you."

The brave ones raised their heads slightly, glanced sideways at Yuan Shouwei, and thanked him repeatedly.

Just seeing that the man in front of me was wearing Turkic clothes, I couldn't help but be shocked. Could this be a Turkic god?

Immediately he kowtowed again.

"The Turkic Great Immortal has mercy on his life, the Turkic Immortal has mercy on his life, and the Turkic Fire Worshiping Leader has mercy on his life."

(End of this chapter)

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