Chapter 197
What a mess, Yuan Shouwei remembered that he was still wearing Turkic clothes.Then he softened his tone and said:

"Everyone, get up. I am also from the Tang Dynasty."

"He is an ordinary Taoist priest from the Tang Dynasty, not an immortal."

After everyone heard this, they felt a lot more at ease and slowly stood up.

Many people looked at Yuan Shouwei curiously.

Just seeing that his nose was like a gallbladder, his eyes were like stars, and his figure was slender. Except for the fact that he was wearing Turkic clothes, his face was indeed a standard Oriental, and then he put his heart back into his stomach.

At this time, a middle-aged man came out of the caravan, smiled at Yuan Shouwei, bowed deeply and said:

"I took the liberty of passing by and disturbed the Immortal."

"May I ask if the Immortal is here to slay demons or seek a way to immortality?"

Wow, this raises my profile quite high. However, Yuan Shouwei has already passed the fresh energy just now and is no longer so high-profile. He also replied with a smile:
"No, I'm just going to the end of the world with my sword."

As he spoke, he looked at the caravan.

There were about 50 to [-] people, and most of them were from the Tang Dynasty.

There are a few faces from the Western Regions, but they are all dressed as servants.

Moreover, the camels were also piled high with large and small bags. It was obvious that the goods were sold from the Western Regions and were going to be sold back to Datang.

Seeing that Yuan Shouwei was so talkative, several more people gathered around to chat.

This question actually asked fellow villagers. They were all from Huayin County.

When the fellow sees the fellow, tears well up.

What's more, when the transportation is not developed, it is even more natural and close.

It turns out that these are all my people in Huayin County. Do I want to tell them my true identity and pretend to be more?
Forget it, if you show off too much, you will be easily struck by lightning, so you should keep a low profile. Thinking of this, Yuan Shouwei invited them to go into the valley to rest for a while.

The current middle-aged people were very grateful after hearing this, and quickly asked everyone to go inside to escape the heat, saying:

"Let's all take a good rest."

"Those Turkic wolf cubs really tormented us just now."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but feel shocked and asked:
"Brother, did you say that you were robbed by Turks just now?"

After hearing Yuan Shouwei's address, the middle-aged man quickly waved his hands and said:

"If you don't deserve the title of Immortal Chief, just call me Song Wu.

"It's true that we weren't robbed by the Turks, but suddenly there were a lot of people checking us on the road. They checked all our people and goods.

After spending a lot of money and saying a lot of good things, we were released.

Listening to what they said, it seems that we Datang people killed many Turkic people in Suiye City yesterday.

The killing was quite ruthless, even their city lord was killed. "

A young man passing by heard and interjected:
"Good kill. If you ask me, I should take Broken Leaf City."

"Lest we have to be bullied by them every time we come and go."

Song Wu patted the man on the back of the head and said:

"Why do you talk so much nonsense, Fei?"

Then he turned to Yuan Shouwei and said with an apologetic smile:
"My elder brother is so ignorant that the immortal laughed at him."

Yuan Shouwei smiled and shook his head, indicating that nothing happened.

While walking with him into the valley, he continued to ask.

Only then did we learn that there were many Turkic cavalry within more than a hundred miles around Suiye City who were searching for those who made trouble in Suiye City yesterday.

Why don't they expand the scope of their search?After all, the death of a city lord is not a small matter. Yuan Shouwei looked at Song Wu next to him and thought.

Randomly asked:

"Why don't they expand the search scope?"

Song Wu was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a moment, he replied respectfully:

"To be able to destroy a city of Turkic soldiers plus a city lord, our Tang Dynasty must dispatch at least 1000 troops."

"Facing so many Tang troops, the Turks must also be afraid." "If you ask me, they are just showing off and don't dare to do anything serious."

The young man named Seinfeld next to him interrupted again,

"Yeah, there is another possibility."①
"I heard from my Turkic friends that whenever they want to go hunting on a large scale, they gather their troops first and wait for the opportunity."

Song Wu laughed and cursed again:
"See what you can do, and do your job well."

"Don't disturb me talking to the immortal."

The young man named Seinfeld stuck out his tongue, and went to work obediently.

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but feel stunned.
'Do the Turks want to take advantage of the fact that we have just captured Kucha City and take advantage of it? '

'No, go back and ask Wu Fu to analyze it carefully for me. '

Thinking of this, he chatted with Song Wu for a few more words and then walked deeper into the valley.

When they walked inside, they found that they were all awake because of the movement outside.

Wu Fu was lying on his back and said with sleepy eyes:

"Brother Yuan Shouwei, whose caravan is coming from outside?"

It turned out that Liu Sanshan woke up as soon as there was any movement in the caravan outside, quietly went out to take a look, and found Yuan Shouwei chatting with them, so he came back relieved.

Yuan Shouwei replied casually:

"It's our Datang caravan that returned to Chang'an from the Western Regions."

"They just told me something. Wu Fu, please help me analyze it."

After speaking, he recounted the original conversation to her.

Wu Fu rubbed his groggy eyes, thought for a moment and then said:

"I think not. Because they only have about 1 troops."

"If you go to Kucha and attack the city, your chances of winning are very small, so it's not cost-effective."

"Besides, Guo Xiaoke has kept the Kucha people in check, and the Kucha people don't dare to risk their lives to cause trouble."

Yuan Shouwei also felt that Wu Fu's analysis was reasonable, so he nodded in agreement and said:

"You're right."

"Then when we arrive in Yining, we should tell General Guo about this situation so that he can be prepared."

While chatting, I heard someone shouting not far away:

"Chief Immortal, are you in there?"

Yuan Shouwei recognized Song Wu's voice, and replied:

"Shopkeeper Song, I'm here. Come in."

After a while, Song Wu, Song Fei and two servants came in with a lot of food and drink. They greeted everyone with a smile and said to Yuan Shouwei:

"Chief Immortal, I will bring you some food."

"There is one more thing, I want to ask you."

What is Yuan Shouwei asking about?
It turned out that Song Wu and his group were also tired from traveling. They looked at the valley and wanted to rest here for the night.

However, they understood the first-come, first-served rule, so they only rested at the entrance of the valley and would not disturb Yuan Shouwei and the others.

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help laughing and said:

"They are both from the Tang Dynasty and fellow villagers."

"Don't be so polite, just be casual."

After hearing this, Song Wu thanked him profusely. After putting down his food, he turned around and left.

Yuan Shouwei originally wanted to ask him to take the things back, but when he saw some dried meat inside and glanced at Wu Fu, he refused.

Immediately, he picked some fruits and gave them to Song Wu and the others as a thank you gift.

(End of this chapter)

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