Chapter 198 Afraid of Wife
Silent all night.

The next day, at dawn, both parties packed up, said goodbye and went on their way.

As we get closer and closer to Yining, the weather gradually becomes much more normal. Although it is still a little cold, it is the normal four seasons, no longer like the four seasons in one day like the Flame Mountain.

According to Liu Sanshan’s introduction, Yining is known as “Jiangnan beyond the Great Wall”.

There are majestic snow peaks, glaciers, and surging rivers;
There are both lush grasslands and agricultural lands suitable for the people of the Central Plains.

There are obviously more caravans on the road, and there are more and more faces from the Tang Dynasty.

This can't help but make Zhongqing sigh with emotion. After arriving here, he is still afraid of what the Turks will do.

Two days later, Yuan Shouwei and his party arrived outside Yining City.

Yuan Shouwei looked far into the distance and could already vaguely see the towering city wall of Yining.

At this time, they also saw bones appearing vaguely on both sides of the road, and occasionally broken leather armor.

The breeze gently swept over the yellow sand, sometimes submerging them in it, and sometimes lifting them up from the sand.

All this seems to remind everyone that this place just experienced a war not long ago, and many Turkic people were buried here.

As they slowly approached the city wall, these sad scenes slowly disappeared.

It was replaced by the towering city wall of Yining, with the flag of the Tang Dynasty waving in the wind, and the traffic at the gate of the city.

Several people followed the caravan to the city gate, only to see that there was a team of 50 people on duty at the gate.

All of them are brightly armored, armed with knives and guns, and their weapons are imposing.

Checking the various people entering the city in an orderly manner.

Liu Sanshan walked closer and showed his badge. After the soldier finished checking, a smile immediately appeared on his tense face and he said:

"Brother, are you here on official business?"

Liu Sanshan responded with a smile,

"Yes, I have received military orders from General Guo Xiaoke and came here to pay homage to General Jiang."

At this time, Yuan Shouwei had already verified his badge, and immediately a captain with a big mouth came over and gave a military salute:
"Wang Chong has met all of you."

"Since we have military affairs, please come with me, sir."

Liu Sanshan handed over his hand.
"Captain Wang is here to help."

After the ceremony, both parties led their horses into the city.

After entering the city, everyone's eyes lit up.

Wide roads, neat storefronts, clean streets, and bustling crowds.

It makes people feel as if they are on Chang'an Street, and it truly deserves the reputation of "Jiangnan beyond the Great Wall".

Of course, this also has something to do with the fact that they just came back from Suiye City, so they instinctively made a comparison.

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but secretly admire the guard general Jiang Xin. He was really a talent in managing the city.

Looking at the orderly city, Yuan Tiangang couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"Although I have never met General Jiang Xin, I have heard that he is both wise and brave."

"When I met him today, I realized that he is also a good hand at handling government affairs."

"Datang is really full of talents."

Wang Chong, who was leading the way, heard Yuan Tiangang praising his general, puffed up his chest and said proudly:

"The Taoist priest is right, our general is an all-rounder."

"Except for being a little bit afraid of his wife, he is almost perfect."

After finishing speaking, he felt that his words were a bit abrupt, so he immediately smiled and added:
"However, no one can do everything for this person."

"This way, everyone."

The Bagua fire of Zhongqing and Wufu was burning brightly.

Zhongqing smiled and asked: "Captain Wang, since General Jiang Xin is unparalleled in wisdom and bravery, why is he still afraid of Madam?"

"I think his wife may be a powerful and powerful woman with unparalleled strength. Or she may be extremely intelligent, right?"

Wang Chong shook his head repeatedly and said:
"no no."

"My wife is naturally beautiful, as beautiful as a flower."

"Smart? He seems to be more courageous, but he is definitely not as smart as my general."

Wu Fu next to him became more and more curious and asked:
"Perhaps it's because General Jiang Xin was caught stealing sex outside, so she is careful in everything and tolerates everything?"

Wang Chong shook his head like a rattle and said:

"It's even more impossible. My general is a pure man and has never had anything to do with other women."

"They don't have children yet. His wife wanted to take a concubine for him, but he refused."

After saying this, even Yuan Shouwei on the side was a little surprised.
"In a high position, and in a place with so many beauties in the Western Regions, General Jiang Xin is still so clean and self-possessed, it is indeed difficult to find him."

"It's just that I'm a little confused. These should be his family affairs. How does General Wang know so clearly?"

Wang Chong looked around and found that no one cared about them. Then he grinned and said in a low voice:

"Originally, all I knew were a few people close to the general."

"Later, a few people couldn't understand it, so they encouraged the general to make a game, and prepared to suppress the madam's arrogance."

"But who knows!"

His sigh immediately aroused everyone's curiosity.

Yuan Tiangang maintained his identity and was embarrassed to ask, but at this time, he also pricked up his ears.

Wu Fu even urged:
"Captain Wang, tell us something and let us know more about General Jiang."

Since it was a beautiful woman who asked the question, Wang Chong stopped being pretentious, coughed slightly, and said:
“That day, several generals conspired and notified all the generals to gather in the camp, and I was among them.

I didn't know what it was about before I came here, but according to Shangfeng's arrangements, it might be a war, so I also wore a helmet and armor, and carried a sword at my waist and went outside the camp.

Seeing that everything inside and outside the barracks is as calm as before, and it doesn't look like there is a war about to be fought, I can't help being a little curious.

But when they arrived outside the camp, they saw twenty soldiers on each side, lined up one after another, all holding long guns, menacing and cold-eyed.

My heart skipped a beat, it seemed like something big had happened.

When they entered the big tent, all the generals inside were wearing bright armor, holding sharp swords in their hands, and looked murderous.

General Jiang Xin sat in the middle with an expressionless face.

I didn't dare to ask questions, so I took out my weapon and stood aside.

After a while, after everyone arrived, someone came up and asked the general if he wanted to start?
I only saw that the general hesitated for a long time, then gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Which of you will invite the lady?" '

Immediately someone responded.

I am becoming more and more curious, what is the general doing?

Could it be that Madam has done something collaborating with the enemy and treason, and should be dealt with by military law?

Just when I was thinking wildly, I saw the tent door open, and the lady came in with a smile and a little maid.

The little maid looked at the murderous look inside the tent, and immediately her legs went limp and she sat down on the ground, her face turned pale.

I was still thinking about it at that time. It seemed that Madam was really in trouble.Do you want me to shout again to give the general a boost of prestige?

But when the lady saw this scene, her face immediately darkened, and she shouted to General Jiang:

'What are you calling me for? '

Looking at the general's expressionless face, he suddenly stood up, holding a waist knife, and strode to the lady,
He fell to his knees with a 'plop':
"It's fine today, so I invite my wife to have a military parade." '

The lady then smiled and rolled her eyes at the general.
'This is all your men's business, I won't get involved. '

After finishing speaking, he lifted the maid and turned to leave. "

(End of this chapter)

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