Chapter 199 What kind of sleazy operation is this?

By the time Wang Chong finished speaking with great emotion, several people were laughing so hard that they couldn't stand upright.

Wang Chong added another sentence,
"Few people knew about the general's henpecked nature."

"After this incident happened, no one in Yining City didn't know about it."

Even Yuan Tiangang had a smile on his lips at this time and said:

"This couple is also a wonderful couple."

"Comparable to Prime Minister Fang."

When everyone heard this, another burst of laughter came. Everyone in Chang'an City knew that Fang Xuanling was afraid of his wife, Mrs. Lu.

While they were talking and laughing, they suddenly saw a crowd of people in front of them, rushing towards a wide place.

Faintly heard:

"The master of the Zoroastrian Cult is going to invite gods again, so hurry up and have a look."

"Yes, yes, I heard that this time it is more powerful. It will be beheaded with a sharp blade, and it will recover as before in a moment."

"So it is right to believe in Zoroastrianism. What if one day we can also ask gods?"

Yuan Shouwei looked in the direction where the crowd was going, and vaguely saw a wooden platform about three feet high built on the open space.

There were figures shaking above, and there were already crowds of people below.

It's just that he was too far away, so he couldn't see clearly what he was doing.

But they heard all the people's comments: Zoroastrianism?
Several people looked at each other, and Zhongqing said to Wang Chong:

"Captain Wang, what are the Zoroastrian Cult doing over there?"

Wang Chong was also looking over there, and said with some itching:

"It's the master of Zoroastrianism who is performing. I heard that this time he will cut off his head with a sharp knife."

"Are the adults in a hurry about military affairs? If not, let's take a look."

"It won't take too long."

This caught the minds of Yuan Shouwei and the others, and they were eager to see it.

When I got closer, I saw that the high platform looked like an ancient arena for martial arts competitions to recruit brides.

It's just that there are no beauties dressed in red and green, and there are no gentle ladies, and there are only a group of big men from the Western Regions with deep eyes and high noses.

There were at least 5000 to [-] people in the audience, all crowded, excited, and waiting to see what happened.

There were actually some Tang troops maintaining order around the high platform.

Wang Chong handed the horses of several people to a Tang army, and then led everyone to a high platform guarded by the Tang army to watch.

Wu Fu frowned and looked at the Tang troops on duty, then asked Wang Chong:
"Captain Wang, they are performing Zoroastrian Cult, why do they let us Tang Jun work for them?"

Wang Chong explained nonchalantly:

"Our Zoroastrian 'Yerbo' has a very good relationship with General Chiang."

"Besides, the last time the Turks attacked, their Zoroastrian followers went to the city with us to defend against the enemy. They contributed money and effort and helped a lot."

"They are performing and preaching here. It is also right for us to give them a little help."

Several people were surprised when they heard it.

Could it be that Jiang Xin has colluded with the Zoroastrian Cult?

If this is the case, then this trip is probably quite risky.

Except for Liu Sanshan, whose expression changed, everyone else's expressions remained as usual.

However, because Liu Sanshan's expression was always dull, Wang Chong didn't notice anything unusual.

Zhongqing looked at the Tang troops standing guard and said worriedly:
"We brothers cannot be allowed to believe in such a small sect."

Wang Chong looked at the stage and replied:

"Don't worry, sir. General Chiang has given repeated orders that those who join the army must not believe in Zoroastrianism." "Anyone who disobeys the order will be immediately expelled from the army and will never be hired."

"Our army has such good treatment, who would be willing to leave. After all, faith is not as important as filling one's stomach."

After hearing this, several people were half relieved. It seemed that although General Jiang was henpecked, he was not confused.

And this also shows that he is not colluding with Zoroastrianism, at least on the surface.

Yuan Shouwei looked at the crowd of people below and asked:

"I didn't expect the Fire Worship Cult to be so prosperous here."

"Do they have many followers?"

Wang Chong turned his head and pointed at the people in the audience who had white scarves on their heads and dyed red on one side and said:
"There are quite a few. There are still thousands of people in this city."

"And they are still vigorously developing followers."

"Isn't this performance today just for recruiting followers?"

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but cast their eyes on the wooden platform in front of them to see how the Zoroastrian Cult recruited followers.

At this time, on the high platform, the Hu people had already stepped forward to place a Hu table, which was filled with various weapons.

There is a drum stand for one person at the end of the high platform. On it is a pure white big drum with gold rim, which is slightly different from the red war drum of the Central Plains.

There is a bright red flame embroidered on the drum. When the big drum is beaten, the flame keeps trembling, as if it comes alive.

At this time, a foreign host walked to the center of the high platform and made a bow with a smile. It seemed that he had learned this from the Central Plains people.

Then he started talking in Tang Dynasty dialect with a clear accent.

The general meaning is that today is the day when Zoroastrianism recruits believers. Those who believe in Zoroastrianism will have eternal life and be free from illness and disaster.

Recently their beloved Yerbo: Yazdanli.

I feel the call of the gods, so I want to share the glory of the gods with everyone.

Let everyone wait and see how to share it specifically.

After finishing speaking, with the cheers of everyone in the audience, a man wearing a white linen robe walked up to the war drum and beat it gently,

Just when Yuan Shouwei and everyone thought that there would be a bearded man chanting sutras next, and then a white light would appear all over his body.

But he saw two big men from the Western Regions walking up from the high platform, and then they each picked up the swords on the table and began to compete.

As soon as they fought, Yuan Shouwei and Yuan Tiangang looked at each other with horror in their eyes.

Because these two people were not performing martial arts at all, but really fighting to the death.

If you don't pay attention, you will really risk your life.

As the sound of the war drums became more and more urgent, the two people on the stage also entered a critical moment.

One of the men was unable to dodge and was slashed across the chest by a knife from the opposite side. That is to say, he retreated in time, otherwise he would have been disemboweled.

But even so, the blood suddenly spurted out like a fan, spreading on the ground and on the opponent's body, and it was extremely bloody.

When many little girls below saw this scene, they screamed in shock, closed their eyes, and did not dare to look any more.

Looking at the attacker, he directly put down the weapon in his hand, took two quick steps, and supported the injured person with a look of concern on his face.

What kind of shit is this? !
Wasn't he still the enemy of life and death just now?How can this be interpreted as brotherly love?

Yuan Shouwei and the others couldn't understand it for a while.

At this time, a man from the Western Regions wearing a white robe and an elegant temperament walked up slowly.

Instead of attending to the injured, he bowed deeply to the people in the audience.

As he bowed, the people below suddenly fell into a frenzy, shouting:

"Yerbo, Yerbo"

Wang Chong also quickly introduced to a few people that this was Ye Erbo of Zoroastrian Cult in Yining City: Yazdanli.

(End of this chapter)

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