Chapter 200 The Call of the Gods

Yazdanli listened to the shouts of the people below and smiled charmingly again.

Then he returned to the wounded man who was lying on the ground dying and moaning in pain, and knelt down gently on the ground.

Put your hands together and keep praying.

As he prayed, fire suddenly appeared in his palms.

At this time, the drum sound behind him also slowly dropped, as if he was praying softly for the injured.

Then Yazdanli lowered his hand and gently stroked the wounded man's bleeding wound.

Wherever the fire touched, the wounds miraculously healed.

Yuan Shouwei, with sharp eyes, could see the most clearly. He could only see that the wound continued to squirm under the firelight until it healed.

After a while, the blood flow stopped and the wound recovered as before.

After Yazdanli finished all this, he gently patted the injured man and encouraged him to stand up with a smile.

The injured man quickly got up, tore open his clothes that had been torn by the knife, and showed his wounds to the audience.

Just looking at his wounds, he had indeed recovered as before, his skin was still as tight as before, and not even a red mark was left.

Even his face became extremely rosy.

Seeing this, the people in the audience burst into thunderous applause.

Yuan Shouwei and the others frowned as they watched.

Zhongqing was stunned and said:
"Why do you need a doctor to do this?"

"As long as the head doesn't fall off, just let Yazdanli come over and touch it."

His words were full of regret for his choice of medical skills.

Wu Fu gently touched Yuan Shouwei with his elbow and asked in a low voice:

"Is it illusion?"

Yuan Shouwei shook his head and said:
"No. The man was indeed injured. I watched the man's wounds recover quickly."

"I think it must have something to do with the flames in his hands."

Wu Fu frowned and said in confusion:
"Shouldn't be."

"Let's not talk about the wounds. Just say that he lost a lot of blood. At least he should be pale. Why is his complexion rosy?"

While they were discussing, the foreign host came up again and invited the audience to try it out.

Immediately, two young men came up and fought with swords.

At first glance, these two people were just having an ordinary sparring match, not a life-or-death fight.

But the more this happens, the more real it becomes.

Soon someone was injured during the attack and defense, and there was a slap-sized gash on his arm.

Although it was not comparable to the last injured person, he was still bleeding profusely.

Yazdanli came up quickly and healed his injury.

The two young disciples also came down to the stage with a lot of gratitude.

Another two rounds of fighting.

Just when the audience was still watching, the drama finally started.

A Mage (manager of the Zoroastrian Cult) wearing white linen clothes walked up with three people.

Just when everyone thought they were about to fight again, they saw Mage kneeling on the stage and placing his head on a low table in front of him, somewhat similar to an executioner's guillotine.

A person behind him tightly grabbed Ma Ge's sleeve;
A person in front of him held Mage's hair tightly;
Another man stood at Mage's neck holding a gleaming sword.

The people in the audience who saw this scene couldn't help but exclaimed, isn't this the scene where we behead someone?
Is this going to kill Mage?

If your head is cut off, you won't be able to come back to life no matter how powerful you are.

Just when everyone was surprised, Yazdanli also walked up and stood on the other side of Mage.

Just look at Yazdanli kneeling there, already starting to pray, the fire light reappears in his hands, and the light is getting stronger and stronger.

As he nodded to the Westerner who was holding a sharp blade, the Westerner raised his knife and slashed it on Mage's neck.Blood rushed out like a fountain, and only a layer of skin remained on Mage's head.

Soon after that, Yazdanli had already spread his hands, and there was still a flaming fireball in his hand.

With a 'swish' sound, the fireball was already thrown into the broken part of Mage's empty neck.

At this time, Liu Sanshan on the high platform said in a hurried voice:
"Taoist Master, it was this kind of fireball that killed our Tang army."

Wang Chong, who was watching with great interest next to him, couldn't help but turned his head and said in astonishment:

"What? Who killed our Tang army with this fireball?"

Yuan Shouwei responded quickly:

"Sanshan is talking about whether this fireball will hurt our Tang army?"

Liu Sanshan also reacted at this time, suppressing the anger in his heart and said:

"Yes, I just asked out of curiosity."

Wang Chong heard this and then explained:

"This fireball is for healing."

"It won't hurt anyone, let alone our Tang Army."

"Just don't worry, sir."

He didn't notice at all that the expressions of the people around him had changed.

When Mage's head was chopped off and blood flowed out, many people in the audience had already closed their eyes.

The timid one even let out a scream, turned around and ran away. He also missed the scene of Yazdanli's treatment. Hearing the cheers of everyone, he looked back.

I saw that Mage had already stood up properly. After shaking his neck from side to side, he smiled and nodded to the audience.

Seeing this, the audience in the audience immediately burst into applause like a landslide and tsunami, applauding.

The host of the meeting, the Hu man, had also come up, taking advantage of the excitement, and said loudly:
"Believe in Zoroastrianism and gain eternal life."

"Twenty believers are being recruited today. If you want to participate, please go over there and sign up."

Following the direction of his finger, a group of dark people suddenly rushed over.

Just as the Zoroastrian people on the stage were watching this scene with smiles on their faces, they suddenly heard a crackling sound coming from the air, which was already overwhelming the noise of everyone.

Everyone couldn't help but look up and saw a beam of fire suddenly falling from the sky, immediately covering the entire high platform in blazing flames, and also covering the Zoroastrians on the platform.

The flames were flying everywhere, also isolating the people who were about to sign up for the meeting at a distance.

At the same time, I heard bursts of screams from the Zoroastrians from the high platform.

Immediately someone shouted,
"Hurry up and put out the fire. Ye Erbo and the others are still inside."

Before he finished speaking, someone objected and said calmly:
"No need to save, this must be Ye Erbo's new technique, or a call from the gods."

"All we have to do now is get down on our knees and pray sincerely."

After saying that, he fell to his knees.

This is a sensible person!

Following his suggestions, more and more understanding people appeared, and they also knelt down and began to pray.

Even Tang Jun, who was preparing to put out the fire, stopped and watched the show quietly.

Yuan Shouwei looked sideways at Wu Fu, who had a smirk on his face, and said softly:

"You let it go?"

Wu Yan hummed, pinched his waist with both hands, and said with a cold snort:
"Let them play tricks, I want to see how he ends up."

While he was talking, he could hear the deafening sound of explosions coming from the high platform.

With this constant sound, Yazdanli beat the war drum and emerged from the sea of ​​fire.

It was the sound of the drum that made bursts of bursting sounds, pushing away the flames around Yazdanli and preventing him from being disturbed by the flames.

(End of this chapter)

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