Chapter 2

【bad omen】

[Catastrophe: Cheating in the imperial examination, so he was exiled for thousands of miles]

[Reward: "The Great Shift of the Universe·Complete"]

Along with a ripple in the starry sky, a simple curl appeared.

I saw that the three big characters "Heaven's Secret Picture" on it were bright and dazzling.

As the map of heavenly secrets slowly unfolded, the stars flickered, and scribe characters emerged from it.

"Is this the secret map?"

"Is this content or hexagram text?"

Yuan Shouwei felt puzzled when he looked at the vision of heaven and earth.

Moving his eyes upward, he looked at the first line of the Tianji Diagram:

[Calamity: It is the calamity encountered by those who seek hexagrams. 】

"Disaster is a bad omen."

"So, this Tianji Tu is the golden finger!"

For a moment, Yuan Shouwei was overjoyed.

I knew that since God allowed me to travel here, he would definitely help me.

If you rely on yourself, whether you can survive here is a problem, let alone develop.

Then, he looked to the next line.

[Tianji Diagram: You can avoid divine punishment and avoid backlash]

"Before, I was worried about being punished by God and losing my life span. Now that I have the Tianji Diagram, I don't have to worry about it at all. There are rewards for telling people's fortunes. And as long as you reach the threshold of the martial arts realm, you don't have to worry about the Taoist temple being taken back by the government."

"This great shift of the universe must be achieved."

"The question is, how to resolve the disaster?"

"It's worked out, but I don't understand the situation at all. How can I enlighten it?"

Thinking of this, Yuan Shouwei looked at the third row again.

However, what emerged this time was a picture.

It's like a small movie.

"Looks like this, doesn't it look like a private room in a restaurant?"

With just one glance, Yuan Shouwei recognized the scene inside.

In an elegant restaurant, an old man and a young man were drinking.

After eating and drinking.

The young scholar took out a banknote and handed it to the old man.

The old man was mumbling some topics, and the scholar hurriedly took out a pen and paper to write down.

The screen turns.

The scholar appears in the private school.

I was working on a question with Old Uncle Chen’s son.

This scholar's grades were obviously not good, and he almost copied those of Uncle Chen's son.

The screen turned again.

In the provincial examination room, the scholar and Uncle Chen's son finished answering the questions, and their articles were actually the same.

The examiner was furious and stripped the two of them of their status as children and exiled them thousands of miles away.

Old Uncle Chen went bankrupt and failed to commute his son's sentence, and finally died in a foreign land.

"I was framed by my classmates, and finally died in a foreign country out of grief and anger."

"This is too miserable!"

Yuan Shouwei sighed.

At this moment, the picture disappeared and the Tianji Diagram returned to its original state.

Now, Yuan Shouwei knew the whole story.

"Little Taoist Priest, what's wrong with you?"

Old Uncle Chen asked a little uneasily when he saw Yuan Shouwei's deep expression.

"Old Uncle Chen, this hexagram is a bad omen."

"There are annotations in the compass."

"Ten years of sticking to it is unusual, and the blood is hurt in the secluded forest. The haze is so dense that luck is difficult to open, and it is still waiting for Anbang to save the world."

"The meaning of the signature is that my son studied hard for ten years, but was framed by his classmates."

"You went bankrupt and failed to keep your son. In the end, he was exiled for thousands of miles and died in a foreign land."

After saying this, Yuan Shouwei pushed the compass in front of him.


"Being framed and died in another place?"

Old Uncle Chen stood up suddenly and stared at the compass.

Doesn’t it mean that my son not only failed to pass the examination as a scholar?

He also got a lawsuit and ended up dying.

"This hexagram has been solved. Uncle Chen, please go back."

Yuan Shouwei looked at old Uncle Chen and said.

"No, little Taoist priest, I still don't understand." "Who framed my son, you have to tell me, so we can think of something else."

Old Uncle Chen begged anxiously.

"The secret must not be revealed."


"However, for the sake of your sincerity, let me reveal something to you."

Yuan Shouwei looked up at the Tianji Diagram and said.

"Little Taoist Priest, you have to tell me."

"Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda!"

"You saved our whole family!"

Old Uncle Chen kept bowing to Yuan Shouwei.

"I studied hard for ten years, but my future was ruined by shameless people. You might as well go to the private school and ask around to see which kid from a rich family always copies my son's articles."

Yuan Shouwei reminded old Uncle Chen.

Old Uncle Chen instantly understood how his son had been framed.

It definitely has something to do with plagiarism.

If this is the case, we must discuss it carefully with our son.

Because I am preparing for the provincial examination.

"Okay, I understand."

"Thank you little Daoist!"

"I'm going back right now!"

After saying that, Old Uncle Chen quickly turned around and left.

Yuan Shouwei watched old Uncle Chen gradually walk away.

He looked up at the Tianji Diagram again.

[Uninstallation completed]

[Reward for one year of cultivation and promotion to the first level of Human Martial Realm]

The starry golden characters appeared again.

After Yuan Shouwei read it, the words disappeared and turned into dots of starlight.

Like the Milky Way pouring down, they poured into Yuan Shouwei's body.

"This feeling is really cool!"

Yuan Shouwei felt as if there was a surging river inside his body.

Slowly flowing into every corner of my body.

The previously frail body is slowly transforming.

Instead, it was the very powerful force in the body, which could not vomit.


Yuan Shouwei directly punched a tree as thick as a bowl.

Only a "click" sound was heard.

The tree broke in half instantly.

Good guy!
Yuan Shouwei was a little excited and waved his arms vigorously.

"Haha, once you reach the martial realm, the Taoist temple will not be taken back."

“You don’t have to worry about food and accommodation.”

"The divine punishment and loss of life have been completely resolved."

I believe that with Old Uncle Chen’s publicity, more folks will come to him for fortune telling in the future.

At that time, you will definitely get more excellent rewards.

"Now, just wait patiently."

"After Old Uncle Chen resolves it, he will receive the reward of "The Great Shift of the Universe"."

After speaking, Yuan Shouwei looked down the mountain expectantly.

On the other side, Old Uncle Chen quickly returned home.

After seeing his wife Chen Fangshi, he asked directly: "Where is our son?"

"I'm reading a book in the house."

"How about it, you go to the Taoist temple to tell your fortune, what does the Taoist master say?"

"You won't think it's bad, right?"

Seeing old Uncle Chen's flustered face, Chen Fang couldn't help but hurriedly asked.

Is there something wrong with my son's provincial examination?
Probably not, because their son's achievements are obvious to all.

"The little Taoist priest told me that our son was framed by someone buying questions, and finally died in another place!"

The quick-tempered old Uncle Chen didn't explain very clearly.

"Buying questions? Brother Chen, you can't do anything stupid."

At this moment, the teacher from the private school happened to come to see Chen Liang.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard old Uncle Chen say this, and quickly reminded him kindly.

"Oh, it wasn't my son who bought the questions, but a rich kid from a private school who bought the questions for the rural examination and asked Chen Liang to do the questions. After the test, the two people's essays were exactly the same. As a result, they were exiled thousands of miles away and died in the field."

(End of this chapter)

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