Chapter 3: Match, everything is right

"Sir, are there any rich kids like this in your private school?"

When Old Uncle Chen saw the teacher from the private school coming, he felt much more at ease and asked hurriedly.

"There is indeed one named Wang Lun, who is a well-known rich man in Yancheng."

"It's just that this child's grades are not good."

"But, I have a good relationship with some classmates who have good grades, and I often invite everyone to eat."

The private school teacher explained the situation to old Uncle Chen in detail.

For a moment, Old Uncle Chen broke into a cold sweat.

It's right, it's really right.

There are really such rich kids in private schools.

"Wang Lun did give me a few questions yesterday."

"He said that his father gave him these questions and asked me to do them for him."

"That's what I'm working on right now."

Chen Liang also walked out of the room when he heard the noise in the courtyard.

"Hey, why are these questions a little biased?"

"It doesn't look like questions from past provincial examinations."

The private school teacher took the question, read it carefully, and said thoughtfully.

Old Uncle Chen stretched his neck and glanced at several questions on the paper.

Although he can't read it.

However, my heart was even more anxious.

The Taoist priest got it right again.

Someone actually asked his son to do questions!

How can there be such a coincidence in the world?

"Bad omen!"

"The Taoist priest told me that there was a kid from a rich family who asked Chen Liang to do a problem."

"I actually hit the mark. What if these questions are the same as the provincial examination questions?"

Old Uncle Chen paced back and forth anxiously, worrying that he had no choice.

"Probably not?"

"The Wang Lun family has been in business for generations and has no official background."

"How could you buy the test questions for the rural exam?"

Mr. Private School shook his head and said.

"Old man, you are confused."

Chen Fang on the side didn't believe it.

The private school teacher is an upright man and his words are very meaningful.

"Yes, dad, I have a good relationship with Wang Lun."

"On weekdays, I often help him write articles."

"All along, nothing happened."

Chen Liang said to old Uncle Chen.

The people around him are all his closest friends.

But none of them believed what they said, which made old Uncle Chen start to waver.

Could it be that the little Taoist priest’s calculations were inaccurate?

I used to go to Taoist temples for fortune telling.

However, the old Taoist priest had figured it out for him before.

In all this time, he had never seen a Taoist priest telling fortunes.

"Old man, is that little Taoist priest reliable?"

Chen Fangshi asked suspiciously.

Hearing this, Old Uncle Chen didn't know what to do.

This is related to my son's future and life!
He could only be so anxious that he couldn't think of any solution.

"Brother Chen, Chen Liang is the most outstanding student in our academy."

"I can't just watch him have an accident."

"And if something happens to Chen Liang and Wang Lun, our academy will also be implicated."

"How about this, I have some contacts in the officialdom."

"I'll find someone to inquire about it later."

The private school teacher pondered for a moment and then spoke.

"Okay, okay, great, thank you very much."

"I'm just an ordinary citizen, and I have no way to inquire."

"Then I will trouble you, sir."

"It's best if there is no problem. If there is a problem, we might as well continue to think of a solution."

"Old lady, hurry up and get some money for your husband."

Uncle Chen believes that Mr. Private School's method is feasible.

Afterwards, the private school teacher took the money and left.

Uncle Chen was sitting on pins and needles, patiently waiting for the result at home.

A few days later, the private school teacher came to Old Uncle Chen's home again.

"Brother Chen! There's news!"

After the private school teacher walked into the house, he closed the door.

"Come on, sir, please sit down."

"Have you heard?"

Old Uncle Chen asked Chen Fang to bring him a cup of tea and asked anxiously. "Brother Chen, I'll ask my friends from the county government to go find out more."

"Don't dare to inquire about the exam questions, otherwise you will be sued."

"However, I found out that the deputy examiner this time knows the Wang family."

With that said, the private school teacher picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

"Ah, this...could it be that those exam questions..."

After hearing this, Old Uncle Chen couldn't help but become wary.

"It's like this. Before the deputy examiner became rich, he was taken care of by Grandpa Wang Lun."

"It's just that this happened a long time ago, and not many people know about it."

"In recent days, Wang Lun has indeed visited him several times."

It turned out to be the work of Wang Lun's grandfather.

Uncle Chen suddenly realized what he was doing.

It happened a long time ago, so no one knows about this relationship.

"Sir, then Wang Lun went to see the deputy examiner to ask questions about the exam?"

Old Uncle Chen asked.

"I don't know about this, because it's just the two of them talking, and no outsiders are present."

"However, I have heard about the general direction of this year's exam questions."

"This year's test questions are indeed a bit biased and different from previous years."

"The direction of the exam questions is exactly what Chen Liang wrote a few days ago."

Upon hearing this, Old Uncle Chen's expression changed suddenly.

Xiaodaochang's hexagrams are all right.

What should they do now?
Uncle Chen hurriedly called Chen Liang out to discuss countermeasures.

"Since that day, I have made the exam questions into two essays."

"Give one copy to Wang Lun, and it will be regarded as repaying his favor."

"I keep a copy for myself, and this content is completely different from Wang Lun's copy."

"Even if something happens, it has nothing to do with me."

I have to say that Chen Liang is quite a good person.

"Well done, Chen Liang."

"You are indeed my favorite disciple."

The private school teacher stroked his beard and nodded with satisfaction.

A few days later, the provincial examination began.

After the exam, Chen Liang went home and talked to his father.

The provincial examination question is indeed one of those questions.

After waiting for some time.

The results of the provincial examination are out.

Chen Liang was named on the gold list.

Shang Shang Gua!
A bad omen turns into good fortune.

Without Yuan Shouwei's stargazing skills.

Chen Liang's fate will never change so much.

At this moment, Uncle Chen's family also realized this.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry up..."

"We need to prepare some gifts to thank the little Taoist priest."

Old Uncle Chen said to Chen Fangshi with a cheerful smile.

"Father, I'll go with you."

"If Daoist Yuan didn't exist, I'm afraid I would be in prison now."

Chen Liang was also happy and worried at the same time.

On the other side, Yuan Shouwei in the Taoist temple.

Feeling something in my heart, I raised my head to look into the void, and saw the "Tianji Tu" resurfaced in the starlight.

The first planetary manifestation:
[The disaster has been resolved]

[Reward: Great Shift of the Universe]

After a while, Xinghui submerged into the body.

In the next second, a scripture appeared in my mind: The great shift of the universe.

From this point of view, the catastrophe of Old Uncle Chen's son has been lifted.

Because of having the Tianji Diagram.

Not only was he not punished by God, but he was also rewarded.

this is amazing.

Immediately, he opened his mind in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Looking at those obscure words, I began to enter a state of cultivation.

The starlight filling his body, under his guidance, slowly came to the dantian.

After the Dantian is full, it spreads upward from the Yin point.

Spine, back, to the Baihui point on the top of the head.

On a weekday, luck will guide you and your palace will move vigorously.

The cultivation of the first layer of heaven and earth teleportation is completed!

For three weeks, Yuan Shouwei felt wisps of cold air coming out between his fingers.

The cultivation of the second heaven of the Great Teleportation of the Universe is completed!

(End of this chapter)

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