Chapter 23 Dragon Domain
Yuan Shouwei looked at the increasingly dense aura on the top of the mountain.
I also plan to let it go.

When these crops are mature, some of them are left to be eaten by themselves, and the rest are given to the villagers down the mountain.

When the time comes, let them follow the planting, and you will know what is going on.

With a plan in mind, Yuan Shouwei was in a good mood and found a clean place to sit down cross-legged and meditate.

Because suddenly there was something more in his mind.

It is a sea area.

This is not a reward from Tianji Tu.

But that day after he separated his soul and went to the Wu Zhao Sea of ​​​​Consciousness Space to slay the dragon, there was such a thing in his mind.

He operates his internal energy with the body as the foundation.

Immediately afterwards, a piece of seawater gradually overflowed from under his feet.

At first glance, an uninformed person might think he peed his pants.

In just the blink of an eye, a sea appeared inexplicably around him.

Yuan Shouwei estimated that if his internal strength were stronger, the sea area would be even bigger.

In the sea, he is the master, not only immortal, but also in control of everything.

Because it was formed by Wu Zhao.

Yuan Shouwei named it: Longyu.

After feeling through everything, Yuan Shouwei yawned and went back to the backyard to sleep.

However, just as he was falling asleep, he suddenly heard someone calling his name.

He woke up in a daze, and what he saw was a bright and charming smiling face.

I go,

The beauty in the dream ran out?
Yuan Shouwei was startled and instinctively stepped back.

"What are you doing? Am I scary?"

A crisp female voice brought Yuan Shouwei back to reality.

It's Wu Fu.

She was pouting her lips and staring at Yuan Shouwei coquettishly.

Yuan Shouwei quickly got up, waved his hand and said:

"No, no. It's just a bad nightmare."

"Huh? Why are you here?"

When Wu Zhao heard this, he immediately frowned and held up an exquisite lunch box in his hand:

"I'm here to bring you food, thank you."

As he said that, his little face couldn't help but look depressed: "It's just that the mountain road is not easy to walk. I fell down and scattered a lot of vegetables."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei asked with concern:
"The food doesn't matter. Are you hurt?"

This greeting made Wu Fu very happy.
"It's okay, I just stumbled."

"There's only so much left. Can you see if it's enough for you to eat?"

After speaking, he opened the lunch box.

Immediately, the aroma of food hit my face.

Yuan Shouwei stretched his head and saw that the food boxes were placed into several small squares.
There are some exquisite dishes inside, but there are not many.

Wu Fu looked at him and asked with concern:
"Is it enough?"

Asking about the smell of the food,
Yuan Shouwei's stomach couldn't help but growl.

he nodded,
"This is enough for me to eat."

After saying that, he started eating.

Only Wu Fu was left silently complaining: Just like my father, you don't know how to ask me if I have eaten it?
Just when I thought of this, I heard Yuan Shouwei asking,

"Here, I'll leave these for you. Let's eat together."

Wu Fu suddenly became happy again.
He looked at Yuan Shouwei who was eating a big meal with a smile and said:
"I've eaten. Hurry up and eat. After you finish eating, I still have something to do with you."

Yuan Shouwei said in a confused voice:

"what's up?"

Wu Fu looked at him and said:
"I want to teach you the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms."


"I teach you."

Yuan Shouwei agreed immediately.

He finished his meal in a hurry and stood up.

Only then did he realize that Wu Fu was carrying two long swords.One big and one small, one wide and one narrow.

"What are you doing with two swords?" Yuan Shouwei looked at the two swords behind her and asked curiously.

Wu Fu took off both swords and handed the larger one to Yuan Shouwei:
"I almost forgot, this is your thank you gift."

"This was given to me by my father before he was alive. The one you used a few days ago is called Zhanfeng."

"The wider one is called Qingcang. These two swords are a pair."

As he spoke, he remembered the scene that day again, and couldn't help but blush.

Yuan Shouwei didn't pay attention. After hearing this, he took the sword and pulled it out.

The sword is 3 feet long, and the sword body is made of black iron. It is extremely thick and feels a bit like a heavy sword without an edge. The hilt is a golden eagle, spreading its wings and ready to fly.

Yuan Shouwei admired it for a while and then pushed the sword back.

He said seriously: "Your father gave this to you, I can't have it."

After hearing this, Wu Fu became a little anxious and pushed him back.

"My father gave it to me, so it belongs to me."

“It’s my freedom to whom I give it.”

"Besides, save my life. My life is much more valuable than this sword."

Yuan Shouwei refused repeatedly.

Wu Fu rolled his eyes, put the two swords together, and did not mention this issue again.

The two of them arrived outside the view,

Yuan Shouwei began to teach Wu Fu the eighteen palms of subduing the dragon.

After only being taught three times, Wu Fu actually learned it all.

This made Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but be surprised. He kept staring at the top of Wu Yan's head.
I always wanted to see if the words 'Intelligence' [-] were displayed above her head.

Wu Fu followed his gaze and looked up at the sky, curiously asking:

"What are you looking at?"

Yuan Shouwei smiled and asked, "Who are you planning to teach this to?"

After hearing this, Wu Fu couldn't help but stick out his pink tongue and asked curiously:

"How do you know I want to teach others?"

Yuan Shouwei said firmly:

"It's obvious. You have no inner strength. Once you learn it, you have its shape but not its potential."

"But you are so diligent in learning, I guess you should teach it to others."

Wu Fu looked at him and said:
"Ah, you guessed it right. You won't let me teach you, right?"

"I am going to teach it to the people in Uncle Li Ji's army and let him develop in the Tang army."

"In this way, the strength of the army will definitely be greatly improved. By then, it will be able to sweep away the Turks."

When he said this, there was light in Wu Fu's eyes.

Yuan Shouwei shook his head after hearing this.

"Since I have taught you martial arts, you can teach it to whomever you want."

At the same time, he couldn't help but vomit in his heart:

'She is worthy of being the first empress of all time to care about the emperor even though she has lost his life. '

Afterwards, I glanced at the top of Wu Zhao's head to see if the word 'politics' would appear.

Wu Zhao looked confused.

And Yuan Shouwei also thought about what exercises to teach Wu Zhao.

He smiled inexplicably when he saw Wu Yan looking like a young girl who had just grown up.

He looked at Wu Fu seriously and said:
"The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are the most yang and strong palm techniques and are not suitable for girls to practice."

"However, I have a set of swordsmanship here that is very suitable for girls. Do you want to learn it?"

Wu Fu couldn't help but widen his eyes: "What sword technique?"

"This is the sword technique I used when slaying the dragon before."

"It's called "Sword Art with Eyes and Eyes"." Kill
Wu Fu's face suddenly flushed, like a flower blooming in February, especially beautiful.

Yuan Shouwei coughed lightly and explained with a smile:
"This swordsmanship is not what you think, it's just normal sword practice. The offense that day was just to enhance the power of the swordsmanship."

"Yes, that will increase the power of the sword. If we use it together, the power will be doubled."

As he spoke, he randomly found a tree branch and started making gestures.

(End of this chapter)

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