Chapter 24 Li Chunfeng Visits

After hearing this, Wu Fu's expression slowly returned to normal.

After watching him practice for a while, he turned back to the house, took out the two swords, and handed one to Yuan Shouwei.

Let him teach me, mumbling:
"Why do I think this swordsmanship should be called unorthodox swordsmanship?"

"Why is it not serious, this move is very good."

"Ah, what are you doing? Don't lean on me."

The laughter of boys and girls echoed constantly on the top of the mountain.

Li Chunfeng, who was on the star-catching platform, suddenly received an oral order from Li Shimin, announcing that he would enter the palace immediately.

Li Chunfeng arrived at the palace and met with Li Shimin.

Li Shimin said:

"Chunfeng, do you still remember my talent show?"

"Naturally remember."

Li Chunfeng answered respectfully.

"Yesterday, Guanyin, the maid, went to the home of Yang, the widow of the warrior Yu, for a talent show. When she came back, she told a strange case."

"It is said that Wu Yan is a potential dragon in the abyss."

"Even Tiangang was involved."

After hearing this, Li Chunfeng couldn't help being surprised.
Tentatively asked:

"What Your Majesty is talking about is 'Emperor III, Wu Dai Li Xing'?"

Li Shimin nodded and told him what happened that day.

Then he said:

"I still have some doubts about this matter, please go investigate again."

He said again emphatically,
"Chunfeng, you go and investigate yourself."

Li Chunfeng knew the importance of this matter, so he nodded in agreement and resigned.

After leaving the palace, he thought to himself.

a month ago,

Taibaixing appeared during the day and repeated this for more than half a month.

I obtained a divination image for the heroine of "Emperor Chuan III, Wu Dai Li Xing".

On the contrary, it corresponds to the "Secret Note" that was circulated among the people in Chang'an City in the early years.

It reads: After the third generation of Tang Dynasty, the heroine Wu Wang ruled the world.

In the past half month, I have been observing the dragon energy in various places in Zhaixing Tower. A few days ago, dragon energy appeared in Huayin County and disappeared in a blink of an eye. I took this as my entry point.

Thinking of this,

He immediately went to Dali Temple to interrogate Kongan.

Kong An, the coward, shook them all like beans from a bamboo tube, said that Master Shentai of Ximing Temple was his master, and asked Li Taishi to pardon him from the death penalty.

Li Chunfeng was noncommittal and looked at the case he provided to see Wu Yuanqing.

Wu Yuanqing thought that it was Wu Fu who wanted to kill him again, so he refused to explain.

Until the jailer gave him such a little trick, Wu Yuanqing not only explained clearly the matter of framing the Yang family.

Even the incident of hooking up with his father's concubine was explained, leaving only the details.

Through the descriptions of these two people, Li Chunfeng grasped two key points: the Taoist temple in Huayin County; Yuan Tiangang was also deeply involved.

So he found Yuan Tiangang's residence.

Although the two have different cultivation practices and are also different in age.

But because they were both officials in the imperial court and descendants of the Taoist sect, the relationship between the two was naturally more cordial.

Especially after the two co-authored "Tui Bei Tu", the friendship has become even more important and has taken a step forward.

When he arrived at Yuan Tiangang's house, he naturally did not hide anything, and told Yuan Tiangang what Li Shimin had confessed, and by the way, told Yuan Tiangang the focus of his investigation.

After Yuan Tiangang heard this, he first actively denied that Wu Fu was Qianlong.

He swore that he only said that Wu Fu had the appearance of a noble man, not that of an emperor.

He even made a vow to himself and Li Chunfeng's family members, saying that if he told any lies, both his own family and Li Chunfeng's family would die badly.

This made Li Chunfeng dumbfounded.

We had no choice but to focus on the key issue: the Taoist temples in Huayin County.

When it comes to this,
Yuan Tiangang suddenly became energetic,
He praised Yuan Shouwei for his good work, and asked Li Chunfeng for his permission to give Yuan Shouwei the "Tuibei Tu" that they had painstakingly researched.

Li Chunfeng spat on his face fiercely.Then Li Chungang went out to Huayin County.

Get ready to see who this mysterious Yuan Shouwei is.

Li Chunfeng reached the foot of the mountain and looked up at the nameless hill, but he couldn't help being surprised.

I didn't expect that there is such a good place in Huayin County. The mountains are surrounded by spiritual energy and full of greenery. It is definitely a good place for spiritual practice.

People who can stand up here should be, as Yuan Tiangang said, some real ability.

Thinking of this, he stepped towards the top of the mountain.

The mountain road is rough and difficult, but the scenery is good.

There is a lot of greenery, and birds and animals appear and disappear.

Coupled with the rich aura around it, walking in it makes people feel refreshed immediately.

When we were halfway up the mountain, we saw someone coming down the mountain from a distance.

As we got closer, we could see that he was a nearby villager.

Li Chunfeng smiled and cupped his hands:

"Brother, what are you doing here?"

The villagers saw that he had a good temperament and knew that he was not an ordinary person. They politely returned the gift and said with a smile:
"Back to you, noble man. I went up the mountain to give a thank you gift to the Taoist Priest."

"Huh? A thank you gift?"

"What's the old man doing?"

Li Chunfeng asked curiously.

"The cattle. My cattle have been missing for three days. They are the lifeblood of our family."

"I can't find it alive or dead. I have to ask the Taoist priest to figure it out."

"Don't tell me yet, the Taoist priest will figure it out soon."

The villager said with a smile.

Li Chunfeng took it for granted that if there was a farm cow at home.

The efficiency of the cultivated land can replace at least 5 or 6 strong laborers. If it is lost, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for an ordinary family.

He asked with concern: "Where did you find it in the end?"

The villager replied: "I'm still on the mountain where the cows are grazing. I fell into a crevice and hurt my leg. I can't climb out."

"There are a lot of weeds up there, so it's hard to find them. The ditch is also deep, and you can't hear the cows braying."

"It's really all thanks to the Taoist priest. Otherwise, my family won't know how to live in the future."

When he said this, his face still looked frightened.

"It's good to find it, it's good to find it."

Li Chunfeng was also happy for the villagers, chatted for a few words with a smile, and then continued walking up the mountain.

According to Tiangang, this Yuan Shouwei is a member of Guanxingmen.

Doesn't he use the Star Observation Gate to calculate the changes in the world and major events such as princes and generals?
Since when did you start thinking about these trivial matters?

The problem is that one is leaking the secret of heaven, and the other is condemned by heaven.

It’s not that you can’t do it, but the effort and reward are really not proportional.

He was even more curious about Yuan Shouwei.

While thinking about it, we have already reached the top of the mountain.

Just as he was looking at it, he was quickly attracted by the plant in front of him.

What kind of crop is this?Why have I never seen it?
Li Chunfeng had a keen sense that the plants in front of him must be crops.

It's just that he has never seen the crops in front of him, which is obviously beyond his cognition.

And it can be seen that this is clearly not a crop.

There should be at least three.

The crop near his side has a triangular leaf, green and green with a hint of purple, like amber.

Further forward, there are oval leaves, five or six green ones with yellowish seedlings.Some have more than ten leaves, and there are one or two small white flowers hidden in the leaves, which are very beautiful.

The farthest crops are quite different from the first two. The slender leaves that look like wings are spread out from side to side, and a sharp green bud is exposed in the middle, with a little morning dew hanging on it, which is green and verdant.

While he was looking around curiously, he heard someone talking behind him.
"This layman is also interested in crops?"

Li Chunfeng was startled,
Although he is not a top martial artist, his senses are much more sensitive than ordinary people. Being deceived by others without knowing it can only show that the opponent's strength is far superior to his own.

When he turned around, he saw a heroic young man in Taoist robes appearing in front of him.

This is Yuan Shouwei?
(End of this chapter)

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