Chapter 25 The Disaster of Debating Scripture
Just as Tian Gang said, there was indeed a blur between this person's brows, and it was impossible to see his luck.

It's just that this person has such a special temperament, but why didn't Tiangang mention it?
When he is silent, he is like a long gun, with an imposing manner.

When speaking, people feel like a spring breeze.

I have only seen this kind of temperament in two people.

One is the God of War Li Jing,

One is Li Ji, who is both wise and brave.

I have already made a conclusion in my heart: this child will definitely not be a thing in the pool in the future!
Yuan Shouwei was also sizing up Li Chunfeng at this time. Seeing that he had an air of immortality and an air of immortality, he also knew that the man in front of him was no ordinary person.

Li Chunfeng smiled and asked:

"I believe I know something about crops, but I have never seen these three before."

Yuan Shouwei said enthusiastically,

"Let me tell you what these are."

He pointed to these crops and said:
"This is called corn, and the fruit is like jade, so it is named corn. The yield per mu is about 1000 catties."

"This is called potato, a large bean that grows in the soil. The yield per mu is about 1500 kilograms."

"This is called sweet potato. The fruit is red, so it is named sweet potato. The yield per mu is about 5000 catties."

After hearing this, Li Chunfeng's breathing became much faster.
He looked at Yuan Shouwei in disbelief and said:

"Master Dao, what do you think are the three kinds of output?"

Yuan Shouwei repeated it again, and Li Chunfeng was convinced that he heard correctly.

He kept saying: "Auspiciousness comes from heaven, auspiciousness comes from heaven."

No wonder he was so excited. The main crops at this time were rice and wheat.

The output is not very high, almost more than 200 catties.

When I suddenly heard about the yield of this crop, I am afraid that no one would lose their composure.

He squatted there again, carefully observing the crops,

"Businessman, how often do these crops mature?"

Yuan Shouwei answered truthfully:
“Sweet potatoes are about five months old, potatoes are about three months old, and corn is about six months old.”

Li Chunfeng was shocked again,

He turned to look at Yuan Shouwei and said solemnly:

"Why doesn't Taoist priest present this thing to the court?"

"With these auspicious signs, the Taoist priest will definitely be granted a title and a land of thousands of miles."

Yuan Shouwei smiled calmly and said:
"It must be handed over to the court."

"Otherwise, I can't promote it by myself."

"It's just that it's still in the experimental stage now. We'll see the effect after a while."

Li Chunfeng asked doubtfully:

"What's the meaning of this?"

Yuan Shouwei explained:

"I will cultivate a batch of seeds now. If the yield per acre is good, I will recommend it to the surrounding villagers."

"After confirming that there is no problem with the planting, hand it over to the court. As for the reward, I am alone, and there is no use in asking him."

Li Chunfeng was solemn,
"Daoist Gao Yi."

My understanding of Yuan Shouwei has improved a lot: this son is indifferent to fame and fortune, but he is like a descendant of my Taoist school.

But he still had a doubt in his mind, and he asked it at this time.

"Where did the Taoist master get the seeds of these crops?"

Yuan Shouwei was well prepared and started telling lies:

"When my master was traveling in the south, he got it from a few outsiders from Daqin."

"It's just that I have never been successful in cultivating it before. This time I accidentally cultivated it, and it turned out to be successful."

"I don't know the reason for that, maybe it's God's blessing."

Li Chunfeng listened leisurely and fascinated,

"I don't know where the old man is now. I should pay him a visit."

Yuan Shouwei pointed to the back.

"Let's go! It's not a short time to leave."

"Telling fortunes to others reveals too many secrets. Die young."

After hearing this, Li Chunfeng suddenly came to his senses.

I am attracted by these kinds of crops.

But completely forgot that the ultimate purpose of this trip is to find out the depth of Yuan Shouwei.

Because Li Chunfeng knew the significance of these crops, Yuan Shouwei talked a lot with him.

He also reacted and asked politely:

"This layman came here to tell fortunes or offer incense?"

It happened that Li Chunfeng also thought of this, "I'm here to tell a fortune today." Yuan Shou led him to the front of the temple to take a seat.

Then he took out the compass and pushed it in front of Li Chunfeng.

Asked: "What does the Taoist want to do?"

Li Chunfeng pondered for a moment and then said: "Let's just consider the good or bad luck in the near future."

Yuan Shouwei nodded and briefly explained the operation process to him.

After Li Chunfeng listened, he put his hands up with interest.

The Big Dipper moves, and stars fall from the sky.

Li Chunfeng couldn't help but trembled.

Maybe others can't feel it.

But as an elite who has studied stargazing deeply, he naturally saw the changes in the Big Dipper.

Thinking secretly:

A few days ago, the Seven Stars Contest was similar to today's situation.

The birth of Qianlong must be closely related to this place.

Being able to attract stars into the compass, this stargazer has some tricks up his sleeve.

He watched the stars enter the compass and drive the needle.

When the pointer stopped and he looked at the direction it was pointing, he couldn't help but feel shocked:
The three starlights appear pale, indicating a funeral.

Bad omen!

Um?I'm just doing some random calculations. Is there really going to be a bloody disaster in the near future?

He also knew that Yuan Shouwei, as a stargazer, would definitely not do anything like a rooster or a dog.

If you say that, then the problem lies with you.

Thinking of this, he turned his attention to Yuan Shouwei.

But Yuan Shouwei looked up at the sky at this time.

He couldn't help but secretly nod, the stargazing disciple was currently observing the sky, spying on the secrets of the heavens.

But he didn't know that Yuan Shouwei was looking at the large characters floating in the air:
【bad omen】

[Disaster: The disaster of debating scriptures, the prophet died]

[Jie Gua Reward: Ten Years of Martial Realm Cultivation]

[Resolving bad omens: Reward sword technique "Tai Chi Sword Technique"]

The disaster of debate?

Taoist scriptures or Buddhist scriptures?

No matter what, are you going to kill someone just because you are debating scriptures?
This is obviously not in line with common sense.

There are certainly other reasons.

At this time, the secret map has also been slowly opened.

Yuan Shouwei directly focused on the second vertical line:
【Resolving disasters: pointing out the maze for those who seek hexagrams】

The third vertical row opens and the short movie starts playing.

First, Li Chunfeng came to a temple. After bathing and changing clothes, he debated scriptures with an eminent monk in the Main Hall.

I don’t know what the two said in the end, but in the end Li Chunfeng stood up and left laughing.

The eminent monk looked embarrassed, obviously he had lost the debate.

The screen changes twice,

Li Chunfeng came to an abandoned courtyard in the southwest corner of the temple.

The gate of this courtyard is locked, and looking from the courtyard wall, there is a slightly old nine-story tower inside.

Obviously Li Chunfeng also discovered this and wanted to find out.

At this moment, the eminent monk who was arguing with Li Chunfeng came over and said a few words to him.

Li Chunfeng left.

And the death energy on the tower has been replaced by the soft Buddha's light.

The screen turns three times,

The two monks discussed some things again, and one of them was the eminent monk.

In the middle of the conversation, the eminent monk hurried out and came back with a few hairs in his hand.

The two of them turned around and went to the nine-story tower.

The screen turns around,

Li Chunfeng, who was on the building of picking stars, suddenly vomited blood and died.

Yuan Shouwei, who already understood what was going on, looked down at the compass' hexagram again.

[Building grievances without being by the lake, building nine stories in vain for no reason.The flesh and bones are turned into strangers, and the grass grows on the foundation every year. 】

(End of this chapter)

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