Chapter 241 Sleeping and eating uneasy
Li Sisheng's expression also became serious and he said:
"If this is the case, then I am too incompetent as a parent official."

"I failed to protect these people. Even if I die in battle, I will have no words to face these people in the underworld."

This guy is not bad, a little stupid, but he is a pure man and very responsible. He has the potential to become an upright official. Yuan Shouwei glanced at Li Sisheng, who was deep in thought.

Then he said:

"The souls of injustice sink into the mud."

"This Sun's staff will definitely retaliate. After he massacred in Liaocheng, he led a group of troops to Liujiatun, leaving no chickens or dogs behind."

"Then he took everyone with him and evacuated from Suolongjing, leaving only an empty city."

After Li Sisheng heard this sentence, his eyes became cold, and he snorted coldly:

"You must retaliate for your actions? I am also a person who must retaliate for my actions."

"This time I will not only kill him, but also punch all his teeth out of his anus."

"I left him with nothing to repay."

Yuan Shouwei put away the compass and said:
"Yes, tooth for tooth, blood for blood."

"Anyway, they're not coming to attack tonight."

"The most urgent task is to go to Shanlin Temple to check on the body of Counselor Sun before making any arrangements."

Li Sisheng also stood up and said:
"Yes, no more drinking."

"Go and see the tricks played by Sun's staff first."

After the two of them finished speaking, regardless of the fact that it was almost midnight, they hurried out of the door, whipped up their horses and headed straight for Shanlin Temple.

There was a patrol officer blocking the way on the road. After seeing the two of them, they knew they had official business and quickly let them go.

After arriving at Shanlin Temple, Li Sisheng was about to knock on the door, but was stopped by Yuan Shouwei and said:
"The fewer people know about this, the better. How about we climb over the wall?"

Taoist Priest, you definitely have the idiosyncrasy of climbing over walls. The wall in my backyard is almost bald due to your stepping on it. Li Sisheng complained and said hesitantly:

"I am the chief bookkeeper of this county."

"If someone discovers this and spreads it tomorrow, how can I have the dignity to behave?"

Yuan Shouwei smiled and said:

"Climbing the wall has two benefits."

"One, you can try the 'Tinyun Zong'."

"Second, do you dare to say that there is no informant of Counselor Sun in Shanlin Temple, and that he will not notice us seeing the corpse?"

Having said this, Li Sisheng reluctantly agreed.

It's just that after he used 'Ladder Cloud' several times, he couldn't even climb over the threshold, let alone climb over the wall.

He had no choice but to stop, looked at Yuan Shouwei pitifully and said:
"You can't practice here anymore, otherwise it will be easy to recruit the monks from the temple."

Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei stopped teasing him, grabbed his shoulders, jumped up, and led him over the city wall.

Because they were familiar with the terrain, the two of them hid in the shadows and soon arrived at the ancestral hall mat shed.

The room where the bodies of Counselor Sun and others were parked had already been sealed and locked by Li Sisheng.

But this was not a problem for Yuan Shouwei. With just a few twists of his fingers, he had already torn off the lock and seal without any damage.

The two of them stepped into the house, not caring about the gloominess of the room. Then, following the moonlight outside the window, they found the low couch where the body of Counselor Sun was placed, and they already realized that something was wrong.

After Yuan Shouwei opened it, both of them couldn't help being surprised.
There is only a yellow talisman left here, and there is the body of Sun's staff there.

Li Sisheng looked surprised and said:
"Taoist Priest, Assistant Sun is indeed alive."

"What kind of method is he doing?"

Yuan Shouwei looked at the talisman with a solemn expression. After studying it for a moment, he said:
"This is our Taoist technique of suspended animation. It is a spell often used to save lives or get rid of entanglements."

"It's just that there are some subtle differences in the way his Five Dou Rice Cult draws talismans."

"Counsel Sun does have some tricks up his sleeve."

After saying this, he covered the white linen cloth again and said to Li Sisheng:

"No one is allowed to come near here these days."

"To avoid alerting the enemy." Li Sisheng nodded and said:
"That makes sense. I'll make arrangements tomorrow."

"Then let's go back now and discuss countermeasures?"

Yuan Shouwei nodded in agreement, and the two of them left the room, restored the lock and seal to their original state, and returned to Li Sisheng's home.

Li Sisheng was the first to ask:
"Taoist Priest, have you calculated the specific attack time of Counselor Sun?"

Yuan Shouwei shook his head in thought and said:
"This is definitely not possible, but it can be estimated that it will be roughly within these two days."

"There are two reasons. First, once his technique of suspended animation is discovered by us, we will definitely make preparations, so he can't afford to wait."

"Second, he knows very well that he is no match for me and will only take action after I leave."

After hearing this, Li Sisheng nodded repeatedly and said:
"That makes sense, what do we do next?"

Yuan Shouwei's expression relaxed a little and he said with a smile:

"The next step is to lure the snake out of its hole."

"Sisheng, who is stationed here in Liaocheng?"

Li Sisheng said:

"He is Zhang Jian, Governor Zhang, and the grandson of Li Yuan, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. He is a very upright person." (Commentary from grandson)
"When the demon dragon was in harm's way, he took the initiative to take part in destroying the demon dragon, but because he didn't understand the magic, he didn't play a big role."

"But he was very critical of County Magistrate Mu's sacrifice of boys and girls, and he even participated in it. So the relationship between the two has always been tense."

Yuan Shouwei then asked:

"Then where is he stationing his troops now? How strong is he?"

Li Sisheng replied:

"They all live in Hushan, 30 miles away from here."

"As far as I know, Governor Zhang's strength should be at the fifth level of martial arts."

Yuan Shouwei nodded and said:

"Okay, then we will go to him to discuss this matter tomorrow morning."

Li Sisheng nodded in response first, and then said with a little worry:
"Taoist Priest, are you sure that Assistant Sun won't come tonight?"

Yuan Shouwei can understand his thoughts, anyone who knows that there is a sharp knife hanging over his head must have trouble sleeping and eating.

He smiled and comforted:
"Don't worry. If I don't leave, he won't dare to show up."

"Hmph, he should understand that with the few troops he brings, I can kill them all by myself."

After hearing this, Li Sisheng immediately felt an infinite sense of security, grabbed Yuan Shouwei's hand and said:

"It's good to have the Taoist Master say this."

"Then let's hold a candle and talk at night, and then sleep with our hands full tonight."

This is looking for a sense of security. Yuan Shouwei was unable to complain and silently nodded in agreement.

The next day, after Li Sisheng quickly handled the emergency business, he and Yuan Shouwei immediately rode to Hushan with their whips raised.

In a short period of time, Yuan Shouwei saw a beautiful hill about [-] meters high and shaped like a tiger's head.

Li Sisheng pointed to the front of the hill and said:

"It's only about ten miles away from the Yalu River."

"Because it's winter, many places on the river are frozen, so it's very convenient to come and go. So now our Datang defenders are under a lot of pressure."

As he spoke, he had already arrived at the military camp at the foot of the mountain.

Li Sisheng revealed his identity, and the soldier on duty asked the two men to wait, then turned to report to the camp.

After a moment he turned around and said:

"Master Li, my general has invited you, please come with me."

After saying that, he led the two of them to the Zhongjun tent.

(End of this chapter)

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