Chapter 242 Ambush

As the report was completed, a general in his 40s, with a Chinese character and a military robe came out to greet him. It was Zhang Jian, the governor of Yingzhou.

Zhang Jian raised his hands to Li Sisheng and said:
"Yesterday I heard that Chief Li had solved the demon dragon case. I was about to go into the city today to ask about the specific situation and if there is anything I need my help with. I didn't expect you to come to my place."

"Come, let's talk in the tent."

It stands to reason that the governor is a third-rank official, which is very different from Li Sisheng, a ninth-rank official.

But both of them were from noble families, and they had contacts at home, so Zhang Jian naturally would not put on any official airs.

After entering the camp, the two parties took their seats respectively.

Li Sisheng then opened his mouth to introduce the two parties. After Zhang Jian heard that it was Yuan Shouwei, he quickly stood up and saluted again:

"It turns out that the Imperial Master is here. Mr. Zhang missed the welcome. Please atone for your sins."

Yuan Shouwei also stood up and returned the courtesy and said:

"The Governor is too polite. The Imperial Master has a false reputation and cannot afford such a heavy gift."

"It's my fault for interrupting, please forgive me, Governor."

After a few more words of politeness, the two parties sat down again, and Li Sisheng said:

"Captain Zhang, the Imperial Master and I are here today to ask for something."

After saying that, he informed Zhang Jian in detail about the demon dragon case.

Zhang Jian heard this and couldn't help but angrily slapped the case:

"I heard about it yesterday, but I don't know the specific situation inside."

"County Magistrate Mu, an old man who is no better than a pig or a dog, is so careless about human life and harms the people. He really deserves death."

"Master Li, you came to me recently to increase manpower in the city to prevent them from causing trouble again?"

Li Sisheng nodded and said:

"Exactly, last night I asked the Imperial Preceptor to help me with divination, but who would have expected that the Imperial Preceptor actually figured out that Sun's aide had faked his death."

After that, he told Zhang Jian what they had experienced last night.

After hearing this, Zhang Jian said with some doubts:

"I have heard from my friends in the capital that the Imperial Master is calculating things."

"It's just going to cause a lot of trouble, but you can't make any mistakes."

Yuan Shouwei slapped his head, and replied with a smile:

"The divination will definitely not go wrong, I can guarantee this."

"In addition, there is also the fake death charm of Counselor Sun as evidence."

After hearing this, Zhang Jian couldn't help but become more suspicious. Coupled with Li Sisheng's description, he knew that if such a big thing happened in Liaocheng, then he, the governor, would definitely be to blame.

Thinking of this, he readily agreed:
"What do you two need me to do?"

Yuan Shouwei said:

"Catch a turtle in a urn. Annihilate all these people in Suolong Temple. This is one of them."

"Secondly, please ask the governor to send troops to investigate whether there are any hidden tunnels in the surrounding area."

After speaking, he told everything about the plan he had discussed with Li Sisheng.

After listening with a solemn expression, Zhang Jian nodded and said:

"Okay, everything depends on the advice of the Imperial Master."

After the three discussed some details, Yuan Shouwei and Li Sisheng said goodbye and left.

Li Sisheng returned to Liaocheng himself.

Yuan Shouwei returned to Liujiatun, took Liu Dashan's family to Liaocheng, and stayed temporarily at Li Sisheng's home.

Although Liu Dashan was a little confused, he didn't ask any more questions and completely obeyed Yuan Shouwei's arrangements.

After noon, Li Sisheng sent Yuan Shouwei out of Liaocheng with great fanfare.

The two sides bid farewell.

In the afternoon, Zhang Jian and two thousand Tang troops disguised themselves and sneaked into Liaocheng.

In the evening, Yuan Shouwei, dressed in disguise, returned to Liaocheng again.

The net has been opened.

On the third day, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse.

At midnight, the city of Liaocheng was completely silent, except for some sounds from patrolling policemen.In the Suolong Temple, the Suolongjing, which was held by a big stone, was pushed away by the golden warrior.

More than ten Japanese pirates came out and walked around the temple to confirm that no one was there.

He tiptoed to the door-viewing position, lay down on the gap above the wooden door, and looked out to see the guards on duty.

But after looking for a long time, I just looked at the loneliness and found no one.

After listening for a long time, there was no sound.

He couldn't help but be overjoyed. It seemed that no one wanted to guard this ghostly place.

Excited, he trotted back to the mouth of Suolong Well, sending out a signal of safety.

After a while, Staff Sun and dozens of Japanese pirates sneaked out of the well.

Staff Sun asked the probing Japanese pirate:

"Is there anyone alive in the temple?"

The Japanese pirate shook his head respectfully and said:

"After checking everything, there is not a single person."

Staff Officer Sun said "hmm" through his nose, and then asked:

"What about the guards at the gate? Have they all been cleaned up?"

The Japanese pirate looked at him somewhat flatteringly and said:
"Sun Jijiu, I inspected it carefully and found that no one was on duty at the gate."

"This temple is so eerie. I guess they are afraid and don't dare to keep watch here."

Assistant Sun shook his head cautiously and said:

"No. It's probably because Li Sisheng, the boy with wet nipples, didn't expect us to come back for a sneak attack, so he didn't put anyone on guard."

"Haha, there's no harm in sending them. It's just two more innocent souls."

The Japanese pirate said flatteringly:
"Jijiu is like a god, how can that Li person be your opponent?"

Sun Jijiu snorted with satisfaction and said:

"Quick, let everyone come out and gather in the courtyard to prepare for a surprise attack."

The Japanese pirates quickly turned around to make arrangements. In a short time, all the Japanese pirates had gathered in the yard.

Sun Jijiu looked at the ferocious group of people in front of him, nodded with satisfaction, let out a sinister laugh, and said in a low voice:

"The attack routes are all arranged."

"After you finish attacking the county government and the city gate, you can play with the women in this city, rob them of property, and kill people with you."

"Do you understand everything?"

After hearing this, the expressions of the Japanese pirates suddenly became excited, their eyes turned red, and they all agreed.

Sun Jijiu whispered again:

"Okay, let's go."

As he finished speaking, a loud voice was suddenly heard from above the wall:

"Okay, attack."

As these words fell to the ground, a flash of light suddenly appeared above the heads of these Japanese pirates, and then fire poured down.

At the same time, countless densely packed Tang troops surged out from the top of the wall of Suolong Temple, shooting arrows and crossbows at the Japanese pirates like a downpour.

In the blink of an eye, the Japanese pirates had already killed dozens of people.

Sun Jijiu was shocked. The Tang army was ambushing him?
He quickly summoned two golden warriors to stand in front of him and shouted:

"There's an ambush, retreat, retreat quickly."

In fact, he didn't need to say, the Japanese pirates also knew what was going on, and fled to Suolongjing's house while firing arrows and slapping the flames on their bodies.

When I reached the door of the house, I suddenly heard an overwhelming sound of "squeaking" coming from the house.

Then with a 'boom' sound, it collapsed in front of everyone, covering a few unlucky Japanese pirates and the dragon-locking well that had just ran into the house.

Dust filled the sky. When the dust dispersed, everyone discovered that the roof was covered with several thick layers of loess. It was obvious that the house was crushed by it.

Barbie Q!
It's over!

There is no way out!

(End of this chapter)

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