243 - The Art of Feigning Death
Seeing this, Priest Sun gritted his teeth and said:

"Break through, break out quickly."

"That Yuan Shouwei and Li Siqi are both here. As long as we break out of Suolong Temple, we will be safe."

As soon as he finished speaking, another round of flames and arrows came, taking away another ten or twenty lives.

There were also many who were on fire and rolling on the ground, wailing.

Seeing this, Sun Jijiu summoned twenty or thirty golden warriors in one breath, intending to open a gap in the wall and rush out.

I saw those golden warriors who were not afraid of arrows rushing halfway with their bodies covered in flames.

Suddenly Zhang Jian appeared on the wall, roared, and swung the Mo Dao in his hand with a moonlight slash.

After directly cutting all the golden warriors into two pieces, he still had his remaining strength and plowed a deep pit of more than ten meters in the ground before disappearing.

The arrogance that the Japanese pirates had just gained was completely suppressed by Zhang Jian's "Crescent Slash".

The guard on the other side couldn't help but click his tongue when he saw this, secretly praying that these Japanese pirates would never attack from him.

Seeing this, Sun Jijiu, who was watching, knew that he could only break out of the encirclement after extinguishing the flames and arrows.

So he shouted:

"Give me a protector and I will summon heavy rain."

While speaking, he summoned more than ten golden warriors, all surrounding him.

Seeing this, the Japanese pirates leaned towards him one after another, resisting with the horizontal knife in their hands, and many of them hid behind the golden warrior.

I don't know if they were helping Sun Jijiu to resist, or if they were avoiding it themselves. It was chaotic for a while.

After a full quarter of an hour, a talisman shot out from the Japanese pirates like a spring, flew directly into the air, and turned into a dark cloud, directly covering the Locking Dragon Temple.

With a burst of thunder and lightning, heavy rain fell.

The fire was extinguished in an instant, and even the arrows shot lost their accuracy in the heavy rain, and their power was greatly reduced.

Seeing this, all the Japanese pirates couldn't help but cheered, and they all raised their horizontal knives and rushed towards the gate.

Yuan Shouwei, who was standing on the gate, watched all this and couldn't help but sneered and thought to himself:

"Grandson, today I'm going to show you whether the instant Taoist skill is more powerful, or the ultimate move you held in for a long time."

At the same time, the Five Elements Fire Talisman in his hand kept throwing out to block the Japanese pirates' attacks.

Seeing this, Sun Jijiu in the distance couldn't help but smile, and thought to himself:
"It turns out that this Yuan Shouwei only has this little ability. He doesn't even understand the principle of the five elements being in conflict with each other. He is so stupid that he even wants to use fire to fight the heavy rain."

The Japanese pirates were startled at first when they saw the fire appearing in front of them, but then they saw the fire being put out, and they all rushed forward excitedly.

But as more and more fire talismans increased, a wall of fire was formed directly, and the flames shot up into the sky, eventually forming a qualitative change.

Not only did it block the impact of the Japanese pirates, but it was already dried into rain and mist before the heavy rain fell.

The entire Suolong Temple soon became a huge sauna.

The Japanese pirates could survive for a while in the fog, but whenever they appeared in the fog, they were greeted by a hail of arrows.

At this time, they are really the turtles in the urn.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

I heard a sudden dark wind in the mist, followed by bursts of howling ghosts and wolf howls that gave people a splitting headache.

The gusts of cold wind dispersed all the fog in the view.

Everyone turned their attention to the sound.

At this time, Sun Jijiu already had an additional flag in his hand, which was obviously larger than the Hundred Immortals Flag he held last time.

And the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling came from there.

Along with this piercing sound, innocent souls began to fly out of the flags, let out shrill screams, and threw themselves at the surrounding walls.

Sun Jijiu's hair was disheveled and he looked like a madman. He looked at the door and shouted:
"Yuan Shouwei, do you dare to come out?" "Last time you destroyed my Hundred Immortal Banner, this time I took the Thousand Immortal Banner. If you have the ability, freeze all these innocent souls and save them."

As he finished speaking, Yuan Shouwei's voice sounded like thunder:

"Destroying you will only take a matter of minutes."

"There are too many Taoisms, I have to choose carefully."

"Well, I almost forgot, I'm using the lion's roar skill right now."

The moment his voice rang out, those innocent souls were already in a panic and no longer cared about spreading their teeth and claws.Instead, like mice that heard a cat meow, they fled into the flags one after another.

When Yuan Shouwei used the last Lion's Roar Kung Fu, he saw a strong wind rising from the inner plains, and a sound wave swept towards Sun Sacrifice Wine like a substance.

Wherever it passed, all the innocent souls turned into a wisp of smoke.

Sun Jijiu was shocked to the point of bleeding from his ears and nose, and was stunned on the spot.

When the sound wave passed by him, bursts of fire suddenly appeared in his body, and in the blink of an eye, he had turned into a pile of fly ash.

The dead can't die anymore.

The Japanese pirates who were affected nearby also had their hands and feet twitching and fell to the ground with foaming at the mouth.

When our troops suffered no casualties, they completely wiped out the enemy troops.

A hearty victory.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei, who was watching the door, did not show any joy of victory on his face. Instead, he possessed him and neatly pasted two pieces of 'Magic Armor Horse' on his legs.

Facing Zhang Jian and Li Sixheng in the distance, he cupped his hands and said:
"Two gentlemen, Yuan Shouwei will come back as soon as he leaves."

Both of them warned me to be careful in everything.

Before the words were spoken, Yuan Shouwei had already disappeared.

this speed
Immediately, the two of them were shocked and dumbfounded.

One mile to the north of the Yalu River, there is a mass grave where many of the ownerless ghosts are buried.

And because it is so close to the river, it gets flooded several times from time to time.

After the river receded, only pitted caves and dense bones were left.

Because of this, no one has ever wanted to come here, it is inaccessible.

At this time, a large hole suddenly collapsed from the middle of a relatively intact tomb in the north, and then a human head emerged from the inside.

Surprisingly, it was Nasun Jijiu.

It turns out that the old thief still escaped this time by using the technique of feigning death.

He first carefully looked around, and after seeing that no one was there, he climbed out.

Looking in the direction of Liaocheng, with naked hatred in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Yuan Shouwei, I remember you."

"In the future, I will definitely peel off your skin and grind your bones into ashes. Only then can I eliminate the hatred in my heart."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a lazy voice above his head:
"It is advisable to chase after the poor with the remaining bravery, and not to be known as the overlord."

"Why wait until the future? I'll give you this opportunity now."

Sun Jijiu was shocked and turned pale. He instinctively looked up and saw Yuan Shouwei directly above his head looking at him pitifully.

Seeing Sun Jijiu's surprised expression, Yuan Shouwei also enjoyed it very much and said:

"Come on, let's fight to the death."

(End of this chapter)

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