Chapter 244
After Sun Jijiu got over the initial shock, he quickly calmed down. He moved his feet lightly without leaving any trace, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"How did you know that I was going to attack Liaocheng?"

Yuan Shouwei watched his feet move, but he didn't bother to expose him, so he said boldly:
"Hmph. When we were locked in the Longjing, I had already discovered the secret passage and added your fake death talisman. I guessed that you would definitely sneak back to Liaocheng."

"Is this hard for a smart guy like me?"

Sun Jijiu had moved dozens of meters away at this time, and there was a muddy land under his feet. He suddenly spat fiercely at Yuan Shouwei and shouted angrily:
"It doesn't matter if you are a smart man, I will let you die without a burial today."

As he spoke, the two talismans hidden in his hands erupted into bright golden light. As he waved his hands forward, the water of the Yalu River not far behind him boiled like a boiling pot.

It turned directly into a wave of water about dozens of feet high and hit Yuan Shouwei overwhelmingly.

It is the Taoism's 'Fubo Technique'.

If this is to be hit, Yuan Shou will turn into Yuan Meat Pie for Yuan Taoist Priest.

Yuan Shouwei looked at the overwhelming waves, narrowed his eyes and said:
"Would you like to play with me?"

"It's not that Taoist priests are blowing it off for you. When it comes to playing with waves, you call me your ancestor."

It was too late, but it was too soon. The moment the wave hit him, Yuan Shouwei had already drawn the Xuanyuan Sword and launched the "Han Ming Transforms into a Dragon" move.

With a dragon roar, an evil dragon appeared, bringing rain and fog all over the sky, and directly collided with the river water.

Hearing a loud "boom", the river water was immediately hit and turned into countless crystal water drops, scattering in all directions.

However, Yuan Shouwei's offensive was not over, and he directly attacked Sun Jijiu who was behind the waves.

Sun Jijiu had seen something bad, and was about to use the technique of feigning death again, when he suddenly saw Yuan Shouwei violently throw a hidden weapon in his hand.

As powerful as a galloping horse, as fast as a shooting star, with a whoosh, it was nailed straight into his forehead.

Sun Jijiu was only focused on guarding against Yuan Shouwei's mighty offensive, but did not expect that he would secretly use a hidden weapon.

Suddenly, I just felt that my whole body was extremely stiff, all the spiritual energy in my body was frozen, and even my life felt like it was slowly passing by.

He couldn't help but angrily yelled at Yuan Shouwei:
"The despicable villain actually used a concealed weapon to attack me."

Before he finished speaking, Yuan Shouwei, who had already been rushed forward, slashed his head with a sword, his eyes wide open, obviously unwilling to close his eyes.

Yuan Shouwei did not desecrate the corpse again, but picked it up and threw it into the cave, while talking babbled:

"When dealing with despicable people, you have to be more despicable."

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't use it."

"Let me see how you use the suspended animation technique this time."

Then he took out a Five Elements Earth Talisman and directly sealed the entrance of the cave.

He turned around and looked at the rushing river, feeling something was wrong.

He took out a few more fire talismans, burned and hardened all the land in the tomb, and then rushed back to Suolong Temple.

When Kankan arrived at the temple, he saw Li Sisheng walking over with a solemn face and said to him:

"Taoist Priest, these Japanese pirates are disguised as Goguryeo people."


Yuan Shouwei asked in surprise.

Li Sisheng repeated the words again, and then added:
"I just discovered that these people are speaking Goguryeo."

"I was worried that they were cheating, so I found a soldier who knew how to speak Japanese and asked several of them."

"It turned out that no one in this group understood it."

At this time, Zhang Jian also came over and asked:
"Master, have you blocked that old guy named Sun?"

Yuan Shouwei nodded and replied:
"It's blocked."

Then he told the two of them how he killed Sun Jijiu.

After hearing this, Zhang Jian spoke again:

"Wait a minute. I'll have someone interrogate these Korean people and ask them who Sun Jijiu is."

"Since he has been lurking beside Magistrate Mu for so long, I'm afraid he has some other purpose. It can't be just to burn, kill and rob." Li Sisheng also said beside him:

"Yes, it should be that we ruined his plan, so he brought hundreds of Koreans back to take revenge."

"But why do they still pretend to be Japanese pirates?"

Zhang Jian said bitterly:
"This is normal here at the border."

"Fortunately, it was the master's clever plan this time, otherwise something big would have happened."

"After the matter is settled in the next two days, I will pretend to be a Mohe man and go to slaughter them in one place to vent this bad breath."

After a pause, he spoke with lingering fear:

"National Master, I really want to thank you this time."

"If this group of people really massacred this Liaocheng city, it would be a small matter for me, Zhang Jian, to take the blame and resign. But I would be very sorry for these people who died unjustly."

Yuan Shouwei waved his hands and said:

"It's just a hands-on effort."

"Also, I have sealed the cave leading to the Yalu River."

"Look, do we need to seal up the Suolongjing area?"

Li Sisheng was the first to speak:

"Let's seal this place too. After all, it's a hidden danger."

"Tomorrow I will arrange for manpower to completely fill the cave in this well."

Zhang Jian was beside him but did not speak. After thinking for a while, he said:
"We might as well keep the entrance here.

The situation between us and Goguryeo is still unclear, so this tunnel may still be of great use in the future.

As for defense, I will send two teams here for a long time.In addition, tomorrow, we will ask the eminent monks of Shanlin Temple to set up a forbidden spell, so that we can deal with it in time if there is any disturbance.

What do you two think of this? "

Yuan Shouwei also thought this method was good, and they both nodded in agreement.

The three of them discussed some other details. Zhang Jian immediately set up camp at Suolong Temple, while Yuan Shouwei and the other two went back to rest.

At this time, the people in Liaocheng are still sleeping peacefully, but they don't know that a catastrophe has disappeared.

A good night's sleep.

Yuan Shouwei woke up to freshen up, and after practicing, he and Li Sisheng went to Suolong Temple.

After arriving at the place, I saw that except for the presence of more Tang troops in Suolong Temple, everything had returned to normal.

It's just that many people watched the army that suddenly appeared, and they were all discussing privately: I think there must be another major event happening in Suolong Temple, but there are different opinions on what exactly happened.

After Zhang Jian led Yuan Shouwei and the others to a side hall in the temple, he said:

"The identity of Sun's sacrificial wine has been found out clearly. It is the sacrificial wine of the Five Dou Rice Sect."

"The Five Pecks of Rice religion has gradually declined in our area since the Jin Dynasty."

"One of them arrived in Goryeo, but it developed in a decent way and was highly regarded by their king."

After hearing this, Li Sisheng asked hurriedly:
"Captain, if you say so, what Sun Jijiu did was the instruction of Goguryeo?"

Zhang Jian shook his head and said:

"There is no way to say such a thing. Even if they did it, they would not admit it."

"I will give them a hard beating in private first. In addition, I will give His Majesty a memorial to explain the matter and see how His Majesty decides."

"Oh, Si Sheng, don't worry. You and the imperial master have both made great contributions this time. I, Zhang Jian, will report the truth and will not be greedy for credit."

Li Sisheng smiled and replied:

"The governor is joking."

(End of this chapter)

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