Chapter 245
Yuan Shouwei made a joke and said:

"As long as the people are fine, credit and so on are all outside the body."

These words immediately impressed Zhang Jian and Li Sisheng.

After the incident was over, Yuan Shouwei and the others also left and returned to the county government office.

Li Sisheng went to handle official business.Yuan Shouwei found Zhang Dashan who was already on duty.

Zhang Dashan already knew what happened last night, and complained for a while after seeing Yuan Shouwei.

"My dear friend, such a big thing happened yesterday, why didn't you ask me to participate?"

"I asked why you brought our whole family to the city. It turned out to be because you were afraid of Sun's staff retaliating against us."

Yuan Shouwei listened to him and looked at this bold man, the more he looked at him, the more he liked him.

Zhang Dashan and Zhang Sanshan have different personalities. Zhang Sanshan is a person who values ​​love and justice.

This Dashan not only values ​​love and justice, but also behaves in a heroic manner, which is very good for his own taste.

Thinking of this, he smiled and said:

"Da Shan, don't call me benefactor anymore. It sounds awkward to me."

"You can just call me Alang from now on, it will look closer."

"As for why I didn't call you yesterday, it was because I wanted you to protect my grandma and little sister. You don't have to think too much."

Zhang Dashan is a straightforward person. He thought about it for a moment and then nodded in agreement.

Yuan Shouwei then spoke:

"Da Shan, you already know my current identity."

"Before Sanshan left, I also promised him that I would take care of you for him."

"I don't have much assets in Chang'an. Are you willing to go back to Chang'an with me?"

After hearing this, Liu Dashan pondered and didn't speak for a long time. He was probably thinking about the gains and losses. Yuan Shouwei did not rush him and waited slowly aside.

After a moment of burning incense, Liu Dashan solemnly said:

"Alang, you gave me this life. Although you may not care, I, Liu Dashan, will never forget this kindness. I am willing to move my family to Chang'an with you."

"As for glory and wealth, you should be able to tell that I don't really care about this."

"It's just that I'm a little pressed for time. I want to wait until the past year before joining you."

After finishing speaking in one breath, he was afraid that Yuan Shouwei would misunderstand, so he hurriedly explained:

"Mainly two things."

"First, my mother-in-law must be unable to leave her hometown. I want to tell her more. As long as it is for the future of me and Si Ya, my mother-in-law will definitely agree."

"The second thing is that Saburo left. I want to wait until after the New Year to tell her."

When Yuan Shou heard this, he nodded repeatedly and said:
"Da Shan, you have considered things carefully, so I will do as you say."

"In addition, I have prepared a prescription for grandma. During this period, you can give her some recuperation. This will at least ensure that her body recovers as before."

After finishing speaking, he took out a remedial prescription from his arms and handed it to him.

After Liu Dashan thanked him, he carefully took it and put it away close to his body.Then he asked:
"Alang is planning to return to Chang'an soon?"

Yuan Shouwei nodded and said:
"Yes. Things are over here, and I'm going to leave early tomorrow morning."

After the two settled the matter, Yuan Shouwei proposed to pay homage to Sanshan before leaving.

Liu Dashan arranged the work at hand, and the two went to the cemetery outside Shanlin Temple together.

At the request of Liu Dashan, the temple has already buried Liu Sanshan in peace.

It was not a day of worship, so there were very few people at the cemetery.

Yuan Shouwei arranged the sacrifices, lit incense and candles, bowed three times to Liu Sanshan's tomb, and said:
"Brother Sanshan, now that you are buried in peace, I can rest assured."

"As for your family, I have met them all. I have agreed with Dalang that after the New Year, they will go to Chang'an to find me, so you can rest assured about this."

"The business here is over. I plan to leave tomorrow and come back to see you when I have time."

After he finished worshiping, Liu Dashan also stepped forward to worship and said some words to reassure him.The two returned to the county government office and separated.

Yuan Shouwei went to see Li Sisheng again. Li Sisheng was very busy at the moment, so he asked Yuan Shouwei to wait for a while. After seeing that it was noon, he asked his servants to prepare some food and chatted while eating.

Yuan Shouwei said:

"Sisheng, my affairs have been arranged. And I don't think anything will happen in Liaocheng in the near future. I plan to leave tomorrow."

After hearing this, Li Sisheng was not surprised at all. He toasted Yuan Shouwei with a glass of wine and said with a smile:

"Why do I want to keep you here to celebrate the New Year so much? With you here, I feel at ease and can sleep with comfort."

"You can't leave first. Then you can do some calculations for me. What if something happens?"

Yuan Shouwei laughed and cursed "crow's mouth", and Shi Shiran took out the compass and gave Li Sisheng some calculations.

Result: good luck.

And there are no rewards, not even for martial arts cultivation, which makes Yuan Shouwei a little unhappy.

From this point of view, Li Sisheng is more powerful for himself when he is unlucky.

Naturally, Li Sisheng didn't know what Yuan Shouwei was thinking in his heart. Looking at the result of the divination, he felt a little regretful.
"Is it all right?"

"Tsk, it's good to have some of this. I can keep you here for a while longer."

Sisheng, we both have the same inner thoughts, it’s just that I can’t say it out loud. Yuan Shouwei said with a sneer:

"There is no such thing as a feast that lasts forever. Maybe I will come to see you in a few days."

Li Sisheng nodded and said:

"That's right. Or after my term of office expires, I don't know if I will go to Chang'an to find you."

"Come on, I respect you."

After speaking, he raised his glass and both drank it in one gulp.

In the afternoon, Yuan Shouwei went to say goodbye to Zhang Jian and Liu Huai.

In the evening, Li Sisheng hosted a banquet for Yuan Shouwei to practice.

Early the next morning, everyone bid farewell to Yuan Shouwei, and Yuan Shouwei bid farewell to everyone.

Then he took the 'armor' and galloped away like a burst of smoke amidst the exclamations of everyone.

Wave your hand without taking away a cloud.

Passing through Pingzhou, Youzhou, Jinzhou, and Yongzhou all the way. On this day, we finally arrived at Beiming Mountain in Huayin County.

Yuan Shouwei looked at the aura-shrouded Beiming Mountain from a distance, and couldn't help but secretly sigh: We are finally home.I just feel that the fatigue all over my body has been swept away at this moment.

What does Taoist temple look like now?
Counting the days, Wu Fu and the others should have arrived more than ten days earlier than him.

Wu Fu would definitely clean up the Taoist temple for him.

According to her personality, she should also plant some flowers and plants.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shouwei had a slight smile on his lips, stopped his fast pace, and walked slowly towards Beiming Mountain.

When we reached the foot of the mountain, we were surprised to find five or six carriages parked at the foot of the mountain. Judging from the official seals on them, they should be royal vehicles.

Yuan Shouwei was a little confused for a moment. Is this Li Chengqian coming?

It's just that he should be riding a horse, and his traveling style is more like that of a female family member.

While thinking about it, I had already arrived in front of the carriage, and saw more than ten Qianniu Guards surrounding the carriage.

After seeing Yuan Shouwei from a distance, they all bowed and saluted:
"Meet the national teacher."

Yuan Shouwei smiled in return, and then asked curiously:

"Thank you guys for your hard work."

"Let me ask you, is it His Royal Highness the Crown Prince or the Queen who comes to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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