Chapter 257 Quick Curse

After a while of excitement, Yuan Tiangang saw that everyone was a little tired, so he ordered them to go down. Those who are willing to keep vigil can continue to watch, and if they want to sleep, they can go and rest.

Yuan Shouwei was not used to staying up late, so under the leadership of his servants, he, Wu Fu and Zhongqing took rest separately.

On the first day of the year, Yuan Shouwei opened his eyes, only to find that there was already a new set of clothes on the bedside. It seems that Yuan Tiangang asked his servants to prepare them because of the stains on his clothes.

He got up, washed up, and came to the courtyard, ready to start his morning class.

But I saw a long bamboo pole erected in the middle of the courtyard, with a long flag hanging on the top. I knew that this was also a custom and was used by people in the Tang Dynasty to pray for blessings.

He had just finished his morning lessons as the flag waved.

Just watch Wu Fu holding two big peach charms in his hand and running happily out of the gate with Xiaozhu.

After seeing Yuan Shouwei, he was immediately overjoyed, grabbed Yuan Shouwei's arm and said:
"Alang, I took over the job of hanging peach charms from Uncle Tiangang's house. Come and hang them with me."

Yuan Shouwei agreed with a smile and went crazy with them.

After the peach charms were hung, a servant came to invite him and said he could sit down.

The three of them returned to the main hall, met Yuan Tiangang and everyone else, and exchanged auspicious New Year greetings.

Yuan Tiangang said with a proud face:

"Neither left nor right are outsiders. Now that I think about it, there must be many colleagues in the palace who would envy me for not having to go to court, especially Brother Chunfeng."

While he was talking, the servants had already brought the pepper wine, and a bowl was placed on everyone's table. Yuan Tiangang looked at the pink boy sitting at the bottom and said:
"Wu Lang, when the younger one gets a new year, drink wine first to congratulate him. You drink the pepper and cypress wine first."

With a grimace on his face, Yuan Wulang held his nose and drank the pepper and cypress wine mixed with Sichuan peppercorns and cypress leaves.

When everyone saw him finishing his drink, they all drank it in one gulp.

Yuan Shouwei also felt that the taste was quite strong. Just as he was smacking his lips, the servant had already brought the five spicy dishes.

They are garlic, garlic, leeks, coriander, and brassicas. It is said that eating these during the Chinese New Year is to dispel the qi of the five internal organs and prevent epidemics.

After eating this and a plate of gummy glutinous rice cakes.

The servant finally brought the 'Tang Zhong Lao Wan', which is the dumpling of later generations.

Yuan Shouwei and Wu Fu were indeed hungry. They each devoured a large bowl before putting down their bowls and chopsticks with satisfaction.

After chatting for a while, Yuan Tiangang was about to go out to visit.

Wu Yan also reluctantly bid farewell to Yuan Shouwei at this meeting, and returned home.

After Yuan Shouwei waited for her to leave, he also said goodbye to everyone and returned to Beiming Mountain.

The fourth day of the Lunar New Year.

After Yuan Shouwei finished his morning lessons and offered incense to all the founders of the Three Qing dynasties, he began to practice martial arts.

After practicing all the martial arts, he was already sweating profusely.

He was about to boil some water and take a bath when he suddenly saw a person coming down the mountain. He didn't look like an acquaintance.

Could it be that he came here to offer incense and fortune-telling?

The divination was really lively for a while before the new year, but this was the first pilgrim after the new year.

Yuan Shouwei hoeed the ground while waiting for the visitor.

Not long after, I heard someone say behind me:
"Taoist Priest, may I ask if Taoist Priest Yuan Shouwei is in the temple?"

Yuan Shouwei felt that the voice sounded familiar, and turned around thinking about it.

Huo was really an acquaintance, a businessman who had met once near Suiye City: Song Wu.

Song Wu also saw Yuan Shouwei's appearance clearly at this moment, and couldn't help but feel surprised and happy. He fell to his knees with a plop and said:

"It turned out to be the Immortal Chief. The young one was so blind that he didn't even know that the Immortal Chief was meditating in this temple."

Yuan Shouwei smiled vainly, and said:

"Shopkeeper Song, what's the matter? We were in a hurry that day. It's normal for us to be unfamiliar with each other."

"Get up quickly. What's the matter with you coming to my place today?"

Song Wu stood up tremblingly and said with an apologetic smile:
"I heard someone say a few years ago that there is an immortal in Beiming Mountain, and his predictions are always accurate."

"I've been here twice, but you weren't here. I heard someone said a few days ago that you were back. I came over right away."

"I'm here to seek a marriage for my daughter Song Qiao'er." Yuan Shouwei made an invitation gesture to Song Wu and said: Xiu Shu Network

"I went east a few years ago, and it was almost the New Year when I came back."

"Come on, Shopkeeper Song, please sit down here."

While they were talking, the two of them were already sitting down at the hexagram table.

Yuan Shouwei took out the compass and explained the rules.

Seeing that Yuan Shouwei was so approachable, Song Wu's nervousness when they first met also subsided a lot. He smiled gratefully at Yuan Shouwei and stood opposite Yuan Shouwei.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Chief Immortal, I have a son and a daughter. You have met my son Song Fei."

"Qiao'er is his sister. She is already 18 this year. Because I died young, and I am traveling around all year round, I delayed her marriage."

"I dated a few people this year, but I always couldn't get high or low, so I came to trouble the immortal."

Yuan Shouwei felt a little awkward calling him an immortal, especially since the statue of the founder of the Sanqing Dynasty was right behind him. He said to Song Wu:

"Shopkeeper Song, just call me Yuan Shouwei or Taoist Master from now on."

"The day you and I met, I was just practicing martial arts, not any magic."

"Come, put your hands on the compass and silently recite your daughter's birth date."

Song Wu heard this and responded respectfully:
"Okay, Daoist."

Yiyan put his hands on the compass.

The compass leads to the stars;
The Big Dipper appears;
As a burst of starlight sprinkled into the compass, the brass pointer slowly turned.

When all the stars entered the compass, the pointer slowly stopped.

Yuan Shouwei lowered his head and looked:
【bad omen】

[The clouds enter the Santai Star and appear pale, indicating that the person who predicts the fortune will be harmed;]

At this time, Yuan Shouwei understood that something was going to happen to Song Qiaoer.

He pondered and turned his attention to the large golden characters that had begun to appear:

[Great Evil]

[Disaster: God is jealous of beauty, family is ruined]

[Jie Gua Reward: Five Years of Martial Realm Cultivation]

[Resolve bad omens: Reward the Taoist spell "Quick Success Spell"]

The family was ruined, and it seemed that Song Qiaoer's marriage involved the whole family.

I would like to see what is right and wrong here.

And this reward is good, just what I need.

Yuan Shouwei continued to raise his head and looked at the celestial map that had emerged in the sky.

"Quick Spell: A Spell to Make Plants or Animals Mature Quickly"

Yuan Shouwei nodded with satisfaction and continued to check the third row.

first screen.

At the gate of Fuying Temple, there was a constant stream of people, among them were two women who were walking towards the temple.

A slender figure, wearing a scorpion on her head, and a young girl next to her, dressed as a maid, looks like she is going to offer incense and pray for blessings. ①
This should be the real owner of the divination: Song Qiaoer.

Because there were too many people, her power was squeezed out.Song Qiaoer smiled helplessly, took the maid to the roadside, and took Mi Lei with her again.

But this scene was watched by an idle man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks next to him.

After he saw the woman's appearance, he was obviously surprised. He quickly rubbed his eyes, and after confirming, he quickly pulled a burly scarred man not far behind him.

It was Chen Yang, a businessman who had been taught a lesson by Yuan Shouwei a few days ago.

(End of this chapter)

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