Chapter 258
Chen Yang was squinting at a girl not far away, reluctantly turning around. When he saw Song Qiaoer's appearance, he was stunned on the spot.

Then he slapped his thigh excitedly and walked forward carelessly to strike up a conversation with Song Qiaoer.

Song Qiaoer had already put on her clothes again. Seeing his appearance, she knew he was a member of the public and did not dare to pay attention to him. She just carefully avoided him and walked forward.

Chen Yang kept pestering himself. Seeing Song Qiaoer ignoring him, he couldn't help but feel a little angry, and he directly started to pick off Song Qiaoer's power.

Song Qiaoer hurriedly hid back and let out a scream.

The endless stream of people nearby suddenly gave way to a large space, and some people wanted to stop them.

But Chen Yang gave him a sharp look and he didn't dare to speak anymore.

Chen Yang was like a cat playing with a mouse, saying obscene words while trying to pick off the weeds with his hands and feet.

As for the maid, she had already been forced aside by the man with a sinister eyebrow.

At this moment, two young men suddenly squeezed out of the crowd. One was Song Wu's son Song Fei, and the other was also a handsome young man who should be Song Fei's good friend.

Seeing that his sister was being teased, Sein Fei attacked Chen Yang without saying a word, but he was no match for him.

The handsome young man also rushed over at this moment. He must have some skills, and he quickly beat Chen Yang until he ran away in confusion.

The screen ends.

Yuan Shouwei saw that Song Qiaoer's appearance was somewhat similar to Xiaozhu, and sighed to himself: There is a cause and a result.

It was obvious that Chen Yang was obsessed with Xiao Zhu. Seeing that Song Qiaoer was somewhat similar to Xiao Zhu, he stepped forward to show off his evil deeds. Fortunately, Song Fei followed him, otherwise he didn't know what kind of trouble he would have caused.

I felt a little more disgusted with Chen Yang in my heart.

Second screen.

Inside a village.

Chen Yang drove an ox cart with the word "囍" on it, which was filled with gifts. He took his few friends and went into the village in a show of force.

Stopped at the door of a high-rise compound.

When they were young, Song Wu and Song Fei came out together, and after seeing it was Chen Yang.

After all, Song Wu has been doing business all year round, and he is still smiling.

Sein Fei was young and energetic, pointing at Chen Yang and yelling curses.

But Chen Yang could bear it, and smiled to himself, holding the gifts and squeezing into the room.

However, Seinfeld grabbed the gift and threw it out.

Then he pulled Song Wu into the courtyard and closed the door with a bang.

Chen Yang was left standing at the door with a pale face, embarrassed.

After the persuasion of several other people, he left with a face full of anger.

When he saw this scene, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but laugh.

Chen Yang obviously fell in love with Song Qiaoer and came over to propose marriage.

But he didn't want to think about what he was. He was really ignorant, and the toad wanted to eat swan meat.

No wonder Seinfeld looked down on him.

third screen.

The Song family lives in a large village.

The Lantern Festival is here, and not only is Chang’an City filled with dazzling lanterns.

Every house in their village was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and the village also held small lantern shows, sang and danced, played juggling, and danced.

Because Chen Yang caused trouble first, Song Wu was obviously worried about letting Song Qiaoer go out alone.

Instead, she was allowed to just watch the excitement in the village, and Sein Fei was also allowed to accompany her.

Song Qiaoer has a sweet temperament, so she just watches the lanterns in the village for fun.

Halfway through the movie, a businessman suddenly got into an argument with Sein Fei, and the two sides continued to quarrel.

But no one noticed that Chen Yang had been watching from the side, and when no one was prepared, he kidnapped Song Qiaoer.Just when Song Fei was having trouble with others, the handsome young man with him suddenly discovered that Song Qiaoer was missing.

Everyone panicked and looked around. Some people said that a strong man seemed to be supporting a woman and walking out of the village.

Everyone went out to search in a panic, and found a naked Song Qiaoer and Chen Yang holding up his pants in a dilapidated cave dwelling.

Song Fei and the handsome young man rushed forward like crazy, beating Chen Yang until Chen Yang was unable to fight back. In desperation, he took out a sharp knife to resist.

However, Sein Fei, who lost his mind, snatched the knife away and stabbed Chen Yang to death.

Song Qiaoer on the side was bullied like this and lost the courage to live. She took advantage of others and committed suicide with a knife.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he couldn't help but feel angry secretly. Chen Yang deserved to die, but unfortunately Song Qiaoer also risked his life.

Don't say this happened in the Tang Dynasty, but in modern times. When girls encounter this kind of thing, there are not a few who commit suicide.

The fourth screen.

Seinfeld was taken to jail and sentenced to death.

Poor Song Wu, his daughter committed suicide and his son was imprisoned.He seemed to have aged dozens of years overnight.

He held on, holding a funeral for his daughter, while asking people around to find connections to rescue his son.

But no matter what, the government still did not change the verdict.

And Seinfeld's good friend, a handsome young man whose family seems to have some influence, has also been released from prison.

When he went to visit Song Wu, he learned about this situation and helped Song Wu take care of everything.

In the end, Seinfeld was sentenced to three thousand miles of exile.

Poor Song Wu has been ill since then, and his family has completely declined.

The screen stopped abruptly.

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but be a little puzzled. It was obviously Chen Yang who caused the trouble in the first place. Although Song Fei killed him, it was excusable and it was a manslaughter.

According to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, not to mention the death penalty, even if it is not exile, it may be sentenced to three to five years in prison.

From this point of view, I'm afraid there should be some power behind Chen Yang.

After understanding the key point, he looked down at the hexagrams, looking for a solution.

[Be careful when you act devoutly. There is danger when villains come to your door.People's hearts are abnormal, beauties will be robbed, and chivalry will lead to misfortune. 】

Got it, after Yuan Shouwei finished reading the hexagram, he looked up at Song Wu, who was already nervous, and said:

"Shopkeeper Song, this hexagram is not good, and your whole family will have a bad omen."

Although Song Wu didn't know much about literacy, he could still understand the hexagrams, and there was still a trace of illusion in his heart.

Maybe this serious crime is only related to him, and his daughter should not be involved.

After hearing Yuan Shouwei's confirmation, even though he was traveling all day long, his face turned pale with fear and he stammered:
"Chief Immortal, what happened to my family? Can you explain it?"

Seeing him like this, Yuan Shouwei couldn't bear to think about what happened to his family, and comforted him:

"Don't worry, I'll tell you the reason first so that you can understand the reason."

Song Wu said continuously:
"Okay, okay, everything will be according to the immortal's instructions."

After saying that, he looked at Yuan Shouwei eagerly.

Yuan Shouwei looked at the hexagram and said:

“Be careful in your pious steps.”

"The meaning of this sentence is that when your daughter went to the temple to pray for blessings and marriage, she was entangled by the market man."

"It's normal to pray for blessings, but if possible, I suggest you go along with me."

Song Wu nodded in agreement and replied:
"If it doesn't work, I will ask Qiaoer not to leave the house."

(End of this chapter)

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