Datang: Starting from a fortune-telling stall, Wu Zetian was suddenly abducted

Chapter 259: People touch each other, shoulder to shoulder

Chapter 259: People touch each other, shoulder to shoulder

Yuan Shouwei smiled and said:
"That's not necessary. With the way you conduct yourself, nothing bad will happen."

After hearing this, Song Wu felt somewhat at peace.

"There is danger when a villain comes to visit." Yuan Shouwei continued to explain:
"The meaning of this sentence is that after seeing Miss Song's appearance, the man in the market became eager to reach out to her and shamelessly came to ask for her hand in marriage."

"If such a situation arises, just welcome Shopkeeper Song with a smile and don't offend the villain."

When Song Wu heard this, he nodded repeatedly and agreed hastily.

"When people's hearts are abnormal, beauties will be robbed, and chivalry will cause trouble." Yuan Shouwei explained the last two sentences together:

"If things develop according to the original trajectory, then the villain hijacked and insulted Miss Song."

"Sin Fei killed the villain in a rage. Mrs. Song committed suicide. You, on the other hand, fell ill and your family fell into ruin."

After Song Wu heard this, his heart that had just been half relieved became suspended again, and he said humbly:
"Chang Immortal, how do you decipher these last two sentences?"

Yuan Shouwei smiled and said:

"Don't be nervous. If you do the first two things well, you should be fine."

"If that villain is still pestering you, just marry Miss Song."

"Her husband's family is quite powerful, so that villain won't dare to provoke her again."

After Song Wu heard this, he put his heart into his stomach. After thinking for a moment, he asked with some doubts:
"Chief Immortal, I'm still confused. When did this Qiao'er have a husband? I don't know anything about it."

Yuan Shouwei laughed loudly when he heard this and said:

"If this matter hadn't happened, Mrs. Song's marriage would have been delayed for some time."

"But now that this matter has happened, the process has been accelerated. Mrs. Song's happy event will be in these few days."

"This matter should be solely on Seinfeld, and let me get through with the rest."

In my heart, I secretly said:
"Since you call me Immortal, I naturally want some Immortal cards, so I still have to have the necessary sense of mystery."

Song Wu was a well-rounded person. Seeing what Yuan Shouwei said, he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

He thanked her profusely, took out a bunch of copper coins and a small ingot of gold, and placed them respectfully on the table.

"Too many. They are all acquaintances, so I'll give you a discount."

Yuan Shouwei waved his hand, leaving only the copper coins and returning the gold to Song Wu.

Song Wu still tried to force it, but when he saw that Yuan Shouwei's face had darkened, he took back the gold, went down the mountain with gratitude, and returned home.

Song Wu returned home with mixed feelings.

The joy is that Song Qiaoer's happy event is just around the corner.

The first thing I'm worried about is that I don't know which husband he is; the second thing is that I'm worried about something unexpected happening to my daughter in the past few days.

The top priority now was to ensure the safety of his daughter, so he assigned Song Qiaoer with four muscular female servants in one go.

Song Qiao'er was quite baffled by this. When asked why, Song Wu just refused to say anything.

In the blink of an eye, it was already the seventh day of the Lunar New Year.

In the Tang Dynasty, the first day of the lunar month was "Rooster Day", the second day of the lunar month was "Dog Day", and the third day of the lunar month was "Pig Day";
The fourth day of the lunar month is "Sheep Day", the fifth day of the lunar month is "Ox Day", and the sixth day of the lunar month is "Horse Day".

The seventh day of the Lunar New Year was called Human Day in the Tang Dynasty. According to legend, it was the day created by God.

Song Wu had just made an appointment to meet with an important merchant. Suddenly, Song Qiaoer walked up to the front of the hall, greeted him and said:

"Yeah, yeah, Fei'er and I are going to Fuying Temple today to offer incense to my mother."

"Return at the latest application time."

After hearing this, Song Wu felt a thump in his heart, he was really predicted accurately by the immortal master.

He just remembered not to let Song Qiaoer go out, but he forgot that today was his wife's tenth anniversary.

His wife believed in Buddhism, and when she was dying, she asked him to bury herself in Fuying Temple, saying that it would keep her family safe.I was busy with business and entertainment every day, so I completely forgot about it.

It is definitely impossible to stop Qiaoer from going.

But then he thought about it, Yuan Xianchang had asked me to go with him.

After thinking of this, he also said with a smile:

"You two should be filial and keep your mother's memorial diary with you."

"Let's go together today."

Song Qiaoer was also very happy to hear this. Except for her father's visit once on her third anniversary, she and Song Fei went together on her mother's memorial day.

Today, her father was willing to go, and she was really happy. She pursed her lips and smiled and replied:

"Yeah, I'm running around all day just for this family."

"However, if my mother knows that you are going to see her today, she must be very happy."

Song Wu muttered a few words absentmindedly, and then asked his servants to prepare things.The merchant also turned it down for the time being. After all, nothing was as important as his daughter.

After the family of three packed up, they left for Chang'an.In addition to several healthy servants, there is also a good friend of Seinfeld: Li Mingzhi.

Everyone joked and laughed all the way to Chang'an City.

When they arrived at the entrance of Fuying Temple, Song Wu became more and more nervous.

He walked up to his daughter, who was wearing a robe, stretched out his hand, tied the ribbon a little tighter, and said:
"Qiao'er, there are many people here, including many idle people in the market."

"You must take the power with you and don't drop it."

"In addition, you must follow me closely and not leave even an inch."

Song Qiaoer was a little confused, but seeing her father's serious look, she obediently agreed.

A group of people blended into the endless flow of people, and it was really like people were touching each other, shoulder to shoulder.

In less than a moment, everyone was squeezed away.

Song Wuyi turned his head and couldn't see his daughter, so he suddenly became anxious, and hurriedly led Seinfeld and everyone back to look for her.

When I saw Song Qiao'er again, I saw her leaning over her body, being teased by a big man.

I was shocked again, this was once again tricked by the immortal master. Even though I had taken all precautions, I still couldn't escape this disaster.

Behind him, Song Fei saw his sister being bullied, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he immediately stepped forward to deal with the man.

But Song Wu grabbed him and warned:
"As a father, you can just follow me."

After saying that, he walked up and shouted:

"Qiaoer, come to Weifu."

When Song Qiaoer saw her father coming, she quickly took a few steps and hid behind Song Wu.

The man wanted to stop him, but Li Mingzhi next to him grabbed his wrist and shouted angrily:
"Marketer, dare you?"

The man was Zhang Yang. He felt a sharp pain in his wrist. Knowing that this man was better than him in skill, he pulled out his wrist fiercely and shouted:

"Brothers, if anyone is looking for trouble, come to me."

As soon as the words fell, more than ten idle men had squeezed out of the crowd, all looking at Song Wu and others with fierce looks on their faces.

When Song Wu saw this, he first put on Song Qiaoer's hat and hid her behind Song Fei and Li Mingzhi.

Then he cupped his hands towards Zhang Yang and said with a smile:
"Master, is there any misunderstanding here?"

"If my little girl has offended you in any way, then I will apologize to you here."

"Here is some money. The gentlemen take it and drink some flower wine. Wouldn't it be better to mess around here and provoke Marquis Wu?"

(End of this chapter)

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