Chapter 263
Zhang Yang knew that he was no match for Wang Cang, so he angrily pulled out the golden lock of longevity that his mother had left for him from his neck, threw it at Zhao Si's feet, and said:

"You, keep this for now. I will naturally come and get it back tomorrow."

While speaking, another doctor came over and said to Lyris who had already got up:

"Laris, Guan Zhuwei is here, and he asked you to pass by by name."

After hearing this, Lyris wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and asked knowingly:
"Is Guan Zhuwei still on credit?"

The doctor nodded and bowed:

"Of course, yes. You can't invite him on weekdays, and we don't dare to ask for the money he gives."
"You have to keep him company today."

Lyris smiled coquettishly and said:

"Don't worry, don't say that you won't give money, just ask me to pay you back."

"Ask him to wait, I'll put on my makeup and go over."

After saying that, he cut out Zhang Yang fiercely, spat bloody spit on the ground, and cursed:
"Something like a dog."

After saying that, he swung his waist and left.

Zhang Yang almost died of anger, a barbarian woman dared to look down on him, but looking at Wang Cang who was staring at him coldly next to him, he left helplessly.

At this time, he was not in the mood to wander around, so he dispersed and returned to his home depressed.

His house, in Yongyangfang, is a small courtyard as soon as he enters. There is a young boy named Hu Tian who is about [-] or [-] years old to serve him.

Seeing him come back drunk and angry, he was also frightened and tremblingly stepped forward to serve him.

Zhang Yang, who was drunk and confused, rolled his eyes when he saw Hu Tian coming over.

Hu Tian is pretty handsome, so I'll have a taste of it today.

Thinking of this, he also twisted Hu Tian's face hard and said:
"Anu, let's go to the backyard with me."

Hu Tianwen couldn't help but turn pale with fright, and was about to break free in a hurry, but there was Zhang Yang who was so strong, he pinched him directly under his arm, and went to the backyard.He didn't care about Hu Tian's crying.

After throwing Hu Tian on the bed, he was still crying and begging.Zhang Yang was irritated and slapped him several times, cursing in his mouth.

"Don't you also want to imitate that ruthless barbarian Hu Tian?"

The next day, Zhang Yang was awakened by the dazzling sunlight outside the window.

In his daze, he felt a hangover headache.

He turned to look at the unconscious Hu Tian on the side of the bed, kicked him over, and said:

"Hu Tian, ​​get up and pour me some tea."

But seeing Hu Tian face down, he ignored him at all.He endured the headache and sat up, pushed Hu Tian,
"Don't sleep, get up for me."

But there was something cold between his tentacles. He was startled, and then carefully touched Hu Tian with his hand.

It was cold, Hu Tian's body was ice-cold.

Zhang Yang's sleepiness disappeared, he stood up from the bed and turned Hu Tian over.

Hu Tian's face was ashen and ferocious, and he was already dead.

Zhang Yang was so frightened that he threw Hu Tian on the couch again.

What should we do? Although Hu Tian is a slave, he is registered with the government.

If he was killed like this, according to Tang law, he would have to be exiled for a year.

As soon as he rolled his eyes, he decided to find a place to bury him, and then reported the missing person to the government. As long as he didn't pursue it, the matter would be peaceful after a while.

Thinking of this, he went to the city gate to pick up the ox cart.

But then I thought about it, thinking that Hu Tian was unlucky in the house, so I took him out and threw him into a corner of the backyard. I was about to find something to cover myself when I suddenly heard footsteps behind me.

Feeling guilty as a thief, he was startled and turned around to see that it was his friend, He Ergou, who had a sinister look on his face.

He Ergou looked at the scene in front of him, and then saw Hu Tian's ferocious expression, he was terrified, and asked:

"Alang, this Hu Tian is dead?"

When Zhang Yang saw it was He Ergou, he breathed a long sigh of relief and cursed:

"Damn it, I didn't expect this little thing to be so fussy."

After that, I briefly told him what happened last night.

He Ergou was so disgusted that he even looked at Zhang Yang with a change of eyes.

"Alang, you are too much." "Now a life has been caused, how are you going to deal with it?"

Zhang Yang felt a little disgusted in his heart and said stiffly:

"Aren't you drunk? Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to do such a disgusting thing."

"Well, Ergou. Since you're here, I won't run away. You go and pull the bullock cart back for me."

"Let's go find a place outside the city and bury him."

"Then I will go to the government to report a missing person."

He Ergou didn't dare not to help him, so he agreed.

The two struggled all morning and finally settled the matter quickly.

After Zhang Yang finished reporting to the official, the two returned to his home and had something to eat.

He Ergou was still a little worried and said:

"Alang, is this going to happen? If something goes wrong, neither of us will be able to escape the lawsuit."

Zhang Yang waved his hand nonchalantly and said:
"It's okay, the people will not hold the officials accountable."

"Besides, I'm about to find an official position, and no one will dare to cause trouble by then."

He Ergou is puzzled,
"Ah Lang, our daily life is not very good. Why do you want to be an official and be controlled by others? How unhappy."

Zhang Yang shook his head deeply,
"I thought so at the beginning, but these three things happened in succession, and they were all bullied by officials."

"I've thought about it, I want to be an official too. Damn it, it's better to be bullied by one person than by many people."

He Ergou looked at Zhang Yang and instantly felt that Zhang Yang's image was much taller, and asked tentatively:

"Then you are going to find Zhang Shenji and Zhang Dalang?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said:
"Yes, we have always had a good relationship as cousins. Now that he is prosperous, he knows how to repay me."

"If I go to him and tell him about this, he will definitely not refuse."

After hearing this, He Ergou couldn't help but excitedly said:

"Based on the relationship between you two, I think it will work. When you become an official, I can also serve as a frontline for you."

"Then when shall we go, Aaron?"

Zhang Yang said:

"Go now. I'll take advantage of today's Lantern Festival to visit him."

"By the way, do you still have money in your hand? Although Shenji and I are close, it would be a lack of etiquette if we don't bring some gifts when visiting during the holidays."

He Ergou actually had dozens of copper coins in his pocket. He was a little reluctant to part with them at first, but when he thought that this was also an investment, he gritted his teeth and took them all out, pretending to be heroic and said:
"There must be money. Here, Alang, I'll give it all to you."

Zhang Yang took the copper plate, nodded and said:
"It's not too late, we'll go now."

After leaving the house, we walked outside Chang'an City.

Zhang Shenji had a house in Chang'an, but he didn't like living in the city. Instead, he bought a large house outside the city.

As Zhang Yang walked, he recalled the past.

It turns out that Zhang Yang and Zhang Shenji are cousins, and their ancestral home is Yunyang County, a suburb of Chang'an.

Zhang Yang practiced martial arts in his family, so he was quite wealthy.

Zhang Shenji's father was a butcher who killed pigs, and his family was considered well off.

But who would have thought that later his father got seriously ill and the family was impoverished due to medical treatment. In the end, they could not save their lives. In the end, even the family's butcher shop was sold.

But his life was still not saved, and he lost both his personal and financial
From then on, the family was destitute and could not afford three meals a day.

Relatives were afraid to avoid him, but Zhang Yang and Zhang Shenji had always had the same temperament, so they always helped him a lot.

Later, he also funded him to reopen a butcher shop in Chang'an City.

With Zhang Shen's outstanding good looks and sweet mouth, he actually became Li's successor to Zhang Liang, the Duke of Changping County.

After Mrs. Li saw Zhang Shenji, her soul was taken away.

Three or two times, the two have hooked up and become adulterers.

(End of this chapter)

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