Chapter 264 Killing three birds with one stone

At this time, Zhang Shenji finally knew Li's identity and was almost frightened out of his wits.

Zhang Liang, Duke of Changping County, was a close official of the Emperor. He followed His Majesty through life and death, killing people like crazy.

If he knew that he and his wife were involved in adultery, then he would not have to cut her into pieces and feed him to the dogs.

But Mrs. Li didn't take it seriously. Not only did she comfort him that he was fine, she also said that she would find a future for him.

Then Mrs. Li went to Zhang Liang and told him that Zhang Shenji was his son who was lost among the people and that she had found him back by accident.

Zhang Liang also owed a lot of romantic debts when he was young, and he didn't know whether Zhang Shenji sowed the seeds himself.

But he was afraid of Mrs. Li, and Mrs. Li said yes, so he accepted it along the way.

Anyway, he has 500 fake coins, so one more is not too much.

In this way, Zhang Shen suddenly turned around and became a rich man. He also instantly became a prominent figure in Chang'an City.

He also got the official position of a general in the lower government and gained a lot of benefits.

Now is the time when the sun is at its peak and turns red and purple.

He did not forget to show off his wealth and bought him a house in Chang'an City.So the relationship between the two has always been relatively close.

When Zhang Yang was thinking about these past events, he had already arrived at Zhang Shenji's house unknowingly.

It was the first time for He Ergou to come here. He looked at the tall courtyard and saw two tall and powerful servants standing at the door. He swallowed involuntarily.

"Alang, isn't Mr. Shenji's residence very nice?"

Zhang Yang didn't care because he came often, but said:

"So, being an official is good. You can see it from this house."

The man obviously recognized Zhang Yang, greeted him with a smile, and invited him in directly.

A servant took them directly to a side room in the backyard. After a while, Zhang Shenji walked in disheveled and looking like he was overindulging in sex.

Although his clothes were disheveled and his hair was disheveled, he still couldn't hide his handsomeness, which was more feminine and handsome.

He greeted Zhang Yang with a smile, sat lazily on the couch, and chatted with Zhang Yang.

After chatting for a while, Zhang Yang told him his idea of ​​getting an official position.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shenji, who had always responded to his requests, showed a rare expression of embarrassment.

He looked at Zhang Yang and spoke softly:

"Da Lang, it's a good thing to want to become an official. But you also know that there are only two ways to become an official, one is 'Men Yin' and the other is 'Take the imperial examination'. You can't get either of them."

"But I can't bear to ask you to participate in the martial arts competition. I won't tell you about it after checking at all levels, and you have to go out to fight."

"If you do anything good, I will be ashamed of the ancestors of our Zhang family."

After hearing this, Zhang Yang quickly explained:

"Alang, I don't have such big ambitions as you. Just give me an official as big as a sesame seed with some rights."

"I think it would be fine for him to be a bad handsome man or to be the head of a small Wuhou shop."

After hearing this, Zhang Shenji smiled,

"Why don't you make it clearer, Dalang? It's not a big problem. You are pretty good at it. I'll find someone to work with you and I should be able to put it in."

After hearing this, Zhang Yang felt happy and asked with a smile:

"Alang, how much money do you need?"

Zhang Shen nodded and said:

"Well, it is an official official position after all. How many people are vying to grab it."

"It needs to be taken care of up and down, front and back. I made a rough calculation and found that it costs 200 coins."

"But you don't have to worry about the money. I'll take care of it."

He Ergou next to him was drooling enviously when he heard it, my good boy.

200 guan of money, the monthly expenses of an ordinary family in Chang'an City is only 200 guan of money. This 20 guan of money is enough for [-] years of expenses.

It can be seen that this Shenji is really good for publicity.Just when he was extremely envious of Zhang Yang for having a good cousin.

But Zhang Yang blushed and shook his head and said:
"Alang, you have helped me a lot. I have to ask you to pay for this matter, and I will never feel sorry for it."

"You don't have to worry about the money. I'll go back and collect it. When I have enough, I will send it to you."

The two pushed and pushed for a few more times. Zhang Shen saw that Zhang Yang firmly disagreed, so he sighed softly and said:

"Then let's do it, Dalang. You go back and make up for it first. If there's not enough left, leave it to me."

Zhang Yang nodded in agreement, and the two chatted for a while before leaving.

After walking out of the gate, He Ergou immediately asked impatiently:

"Alang, since Mr. Shenji promised to pay you, it's such a good thing, why did you refuse?"

"If it were me, I'd be wishing for this."

Zhang Yang snorted and said:
"Humph, just because I'm not you, the relationship between Shen Ji and I has always been good."

"Think about it for a moment. Shen Ji has already said that there are so many people vying for official positions. Without strong connections, there is no chance at all."

"He has promised to help smoothen the relationship. If I even let him take the money, it would seem that I am too cowardly."

He Ergou blinked his eyes and said:

"But if you're not a coward, where are you going to get the 200 pieces of money?"

"What we usually do for a living only costs about 10 yuan a month. After eating and drinking, there is nothing left."

Zhang Yang gritted his teeth and said:
"If it doesn't work out, I'll sell the house."

He Ergou curled his lips and said:

"Alang, the location of your house is a bit poor, and you are in urgent need of money. It would be great if they can give you 100 yuan."

After hearing this, Zhang Yang hesitated, looked up to the sky and sighed:

"Then let's go back and think of a solution."

After returning to the house, the two sat there searching for a long time, but they didn't think of a way to raise 200 yuan.

This made the two of them sigh, and they were not even in the mood to watch the Lantern Festival lantern show.

In the blink of an eye, it was the seventeenth day of the first lunar month, and the three-day Lantern Festival came to an end.

But Zhang Yang didn't participate at all this year. He was just thinking about how to make money at home.

Just when he was at a loss what to do, He Ergou came excitedly again, shouting as soon as he entered the door:

"Alang, good news, great news."

"You are not short of money, are you? I have found a good place to get money."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yang's eyes suddenly lit up and he urged:
"What a good place, tell me quickly."

He Ergou gasped and swallowed hard and said:

"Liu Heguang, the richest man in Lantian County, set up a ring to recruit a bride for his daughter. It will last for three days."

"Alang, if you are good at martial arts, go and get a champion. Since you have become his son-in-law, he will definitely pay you to buy an official position."

"By then you will be an official, you will have money, and you will have a wife. This is simply killing three birds with one stone."

Zhang Yang was overjoyed when he heard this and immediately stood up. After thinking about it, he asked hesitantly:
"Does the young lady from the Liu family look like a dominatrix? Her father came up with the idea of ​​a martial arts contest to recruit a bride because he really couldn't get married?"

After hearing this, He Ergou could not help but stamp his feet.

"Alang is confused. You don't care what Mrs. Liu looks like."

"As long as you get the officials and the money, what kind of lady won't you be able to find?"

"Besides, she is ugly. Can she be as ugly as those ugly ladies from the West Market?"

After hearing this, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered the humiliation by Lyris, nodded and said:
"What Ergou said makes sense, let's go and take a look now."

(End of this chapter)

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