Chapter 269 A wonderful marriage

When Xue Rengui heard that Liu Yinhuan was looking for him, he would be lying if he said he wasn't excited, and his heart was beating wildly. Amidst the cheers from Li Mingzhi and others, he came to Liu Yinhuan.

With a blushing face, he came to the back of the carriage and saw Liu Yinhuan wearing a power hat on his head.

He forced himself to remain calm and took the lead in saluting:

"Xue Rengui has met Madam."

Liu Yinhuan's heart was racing at this moment, and even her breathing became extremely tight. She took a deep breath and said softly:
"Yinhuan took the liberty to visit, please forgive me, sir."

After finishing speaking, he added another gift, and hurriedly explained:

"But please don't misunderstand me, Sir. I know etiquette and know how to advance and retreat. I am not a member of Meng Lang."

Xue Rengui hurriedly blurted out:
"I know, I know everything. Of course I know everything about the lady."

Liu Yinhuan looked at Xue Rengui's dull expression and burst into laughter. She rolled her eyes at him and said:
"Then since you know, why do you avoid seeing my father when he comes to see you?"

Xue Rengui found a suitable reason at this time, and in a hurry, he simply brought out his own saying that a man has to fight with a three-foot sword.

At the end, he added impassionedly:
"Now that there is war in all directions, how can a man call home?"

Express your temperament in the second grade to the fullest.

Liu Yinhuan was furious for a moment, and asked softly as if coaxing his own child:
"I dare to ask Mr. Lang, since the war in all directions has not ended, is your majesty getting married now?"

"Ask me again, Mr. Lang, whether General Li Jing and General Li Ji, who are fighting in all directions, are married?"

"Why can they all get married, but Dudulangjun has to calm down the chaos first before getting married?"

Xue Rengui suddenly felt that what Liu Yinhuan said was right. He couldn't find a reason to refute it for a while, and was speechless but speechless.

Liu Yinhuan looked at him at a loss for words, but felt inexplicably cute.

Then he spoke:

"Although Yinhuan has lived in the boudoir for a long time, she also reads many books by sages."

"The ancients said: Get married and start a business. Another saying: How can you sweep the world if you don't sweep one house?"

"Langjun doesn't even have a family, and he doesn't have any worries in his heart, so how can he fully reimburse the country?"

When he said the last sentence, he was already distorting the theory.

But this is the bastard who looks at mung beans and is pleased with them.

No matter what Liu Yinhuan said, Xue Rengui liked to hear it and felt that she was right.

Immediately he was enlightened and said:

"What you say makes sense. Listening to what you say is better than reading ten years of sages' books."

Even Liu Yinhuan came to the door. If he didn't understand people's thoughts, he would really be a fool.

Thinking of this, he expressed his truest thoughts:
"My wife's family has a lot of wealth, but I am just a white man."

"How can I be worthy of my wife if I am ashamed of myself?"

After saying this, he also let out a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

After Liu Yinhuan heard these words, he opened the curtain, revealing a pretty face that was both angry and happy. There seemed to be thousands of amorous feelings in his eyes, and he said in an encouraging tone:
"I only value talents, not money or birth."

"Besides, I know that your husband is both civil and military and has great ambitions. He is just temporarily trapped by the environment. I believe that given time, he will be able to soar into the sky."

"When I come here today, I want to ask my husband for a word. What should you do with me depends on your husband's word. If you want to refuse, I will leave now and won't bother you again."

This is to make it clear, I am a girl and I don’t even have the dignity to come over to see you.

And I don’t care about your poverty, I care about you as a person.

I have made everything clear. It is your choice whether to marry me or not.

Xue Rengui was not a lump of wood. He gritted his teeth and stamped his feet and said, "Everything the lady said points directly to my true intentions. If I am trying to shirk, it will be a bit more than a good thing."

"In three to five days, the martial arts competition will be completed. With my ability, I will definitely be on the list."

"At that time, I will personally come to the door and take you back to Xue's house in a good manner."

After listening to this, Liu Yinhuan suddenly felt that his heart was filled with infinite joy. He forced himself to nod reservedly and said:
"Well, I wish Xue Lang immediate success."

"In addition, Liu Sheng is smart and clever, I will keep you by your side, and you can use him if you need anything."

After saying that, without waiting for Xue Rengui's reply, he quickly got into the carriage, untied his clothes, touched his hot cheeks, and breathed heavily.

My heart is full of joy and tension.

I secretly blame myself in my heart, Liu Yinhuan, Liu Yinhuan, how can you be so bold and dare to express your feelings to Xue Lang privately.If by any chance you are rejected, how will you be able to behave in the future?

Fortunately, Xue Lang is also kind and righteous. I have been entrusted with my life. From now on, I am willing to follow you and eat chaffy vegetables.
She was thinking wildly.

Xue Rengui stared blankly at the carriage going away, feeling full of responsibility in his heart.

From now on, I will no longer be alone, but will have someone to take care of me. I will definitely get the first place in the martial arts competition and marry Yinhuan back home in glory.

Li Mingzhi and his friends all came over now. Seeing Xue Rengui's excited face, Li Mingzhi bumped his shoulder and asked curiously:

"Hey, what did the little lady of the Liu family tell you, let's hear it."

Xue Rengui was a little embarrassed, but such good news must be shared with his friends, otherwise the joy in his heart would explode.

With a smile on his face, he told all his friends what happened with Liu Yinhuan just now.

Everyone was filled with congratulations upon hearing this. After the busy day was over, there was naturally a lot of celebration in the evening.

The city of Chang'an is very big, but in two days, the romantic affairs of Xue Rengui and Liu Yinhuan have spread throughout Chang'an through the streets and alleys.

While many people wished them well, they also sincerely envied their wonderful marriage.

On this day, Zhang Shenji, who heard that Zhang Yang was injured, came to visit him.

Seeing Zhang Yang lying on the bed with a sallow complexion, he panicked and quickly spent a lot of money to hire a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

It was determined that Zhang Yang's heart and lungs were injured by an external force. If he wanted to fully recover, he would have to recover for two to three months no matter what.

After the doctor left, Zhang Shen asked with a serious face:

"Dalang, who beat you like this? Tell me, and I will definitely avenge you."

Zhang Yang coughed violently a few times, and then told him about meeting Xue Rengui in the ring.

After hearing this, Zhang Shen couldn't help but ponder for a while,
"At the gatherings these past two days, quite a few people heard about Xue Rengui and Liu Yinhuan."

After speaking, he told Zhang Yang about Xue Rengui and Liu Yinhuan.

Zhang Yang gritted his teeth and said:
"It's these two adulterers and adulterers, but I didn't expect that I was the one who fulfilled them."

"Shenji, help me find some people to abolish this Xue Rengui, so that he cannot participate in the martial arts."

"Let me see what he wants to marry Liu Yinhuan."

Zhang Shen smiled slightly when he heard it a few times and said:

"My foster father is now the Minister of the Ministry of War. He is responsible for the military examinations."

"At that time, I will give my adoptive father a message and ask him to cancel Xue Rengui's ranking. I will prevent him from marrying Liu Yinhuan."

"When he returns to Jiangzhou, kill him on the way to avenge you."

After Zhang Yang heard this, his face was filled with joy and he nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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