Chapter 270 Garbage in Garbage
On February [-], the dragon looked up.

It is also a big day for martial arts exams.

It was divided into three days, and the number of participants was about 500 after being recommended by the township and province.

There are relatives of the emperor, children of aristocratic families, and talented people from poor families like Xue Rengui.

In addition, before the year of Zhenguan, the official administration was Qingming, so these candidates were also full of talents.

The place for the martial arts examination was placed at the military academy grounds at the foot of Lishan Mountain. More than half a month had passed since the Zhengyuan Festival, and the people in Chang'an City were once again caught up in the carnival of martial arts examinations.

In addition, the examination room is open to the public, so the scene is really crowded. The school grounds are also filled with drums and horns, and flags are waving.

Zhang Liang, the chief examiner this time, was also the first to enter the military academy grounds after being greeted by all the officials.

Because he was deeply favored by Long En, he was also recently named Minister of War.

At this time, he was also full of ambition, overlooking the entire military academy grounds.

This military academy is designed according to Zhuge Wuhou's eight formation diagram.

Take the four places of Qian, Kun, Xungen, and serve as the main force for the ups and downs of heaven and earth.Use water, fire, metal, and wood as the four strange formations of dragon, tiger, bird, and snake as a strange weapon.

Enter through the dry door and exit through the wooden door.

The Bagua inside the middle circle is the competition venue, and the Bagua outside is the competition venue, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

Xue Rengui, Li Mingzhi and his party had already arrived at the examination room at this time.

Xue Rengui looked at the surging crowd and looked around for Liu Yinhuan, hoping to see him.

Li Mingzhi looked around and couldn't help but curiously asked:

"Dalang, are you looking for Mrs. Liu?"

Xue Rengui smiled and said a little shyly:

"Yes, I asked Liu Sheng to notify her."

"When she first came, I thought it was a bit unsafe for a weak woman like her to come here, but she insisted on coming and said she had her own way."

Li Mingzhi said with some envy:

"Ms. Liu's appearance, family affairs, and courage are all the top choices among women. Da Lang really has chosen a good match this time."

Xue Rengui also smiled sweetly as a response.

It turns out that these days, Liu Sheng has to send a message to Hongyan at least once a day, so the relationship between the two is also developing by leaps and bounds.

Just when I thought of this, I saw Liu Sheng running over panting,

"Alang, the lady asked me to tell you that she spent money to buy a seat in the seating area for the ladies of the military academy."

"It's specially used to cheer you on."

Xue Rengui felt relieved upon hearing this.

Along with the reference people, they entered the military academy field together.

After each receives a weapon number plate, wait for the game to begin.

The content of the Martial Arts Examination at this time is divided into seven items, namely:
Horse shooting, long stack shooting, carbine shooting, infantry shooting, weight lifting, talent, appearance, and speech (Tao Lue).

The test begins one by one, starting from shooting at the earth wall. Once you fail, you will be disqualified from the competition and have no chance to participate in the subsequent competition content.

Xue Rengui is ranked No. 90, which is relatively high. If the elimination rate of the people in front is high, it will be his turn soon.

At this time, with the order of Zhang Liang, the examiner of the Ministry of War, the competition officially began, amidst the cheers of the tsunami in the mountains.

Contestant No. [-] rode a tall horse and rushed into the field from the main gate in bright armor.

At this time, ten giant earth walls have been set up in the venue, each with a diameter of 9 meters. They are called "virtual walls", which means simulated city walls.

The target has five circles with a helmet-sized red dot in the center;
The diameter of the middle circle is 1.8 meters, the diameter of the second circle is 3.6 meters, the diameter of the third circle is 5.4 meters, the diameter of the fourth circle is 7.2 meters, and the diameter of the fifth circle is 9 meters. The shooting distance is about 300 meters.

This game is divided into two rounds. In the first round, you need to shoot 30 arrows in a row, and each arrow must hit within 3 circles.

Anyone who fails to meet the requirements with one arrow will be eliminated.

The second round is a scoring contest.
Each person has 10 arrows, and the player with all 10 arrows hitting the red heart in the middle is the best.

If all 10 arrows hit the 5 rings in the middle, it is considered superior;
8 arrows hit the fifth ring, and 2 arrows hit the second ring, which is the next best;
10 An arrow that fails to exit three rings is considered inferior;
Contestant No. [-] faced the cheers of the crowd and waved frequently towards the southeast corner where the female family members were seated.

This scene made Xue Rengui smile knowingly, maybe he also has a beloved girl there to cheer him up.

As the cheers subsided, Contestant No. [-] bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot an arrow toward the middle virtual wall with a whoosh sound.

Then he rode on horseback, arrows in his hand shooting out like meteors. In the blink of an eye, all 30 arrows had been shot out.

Soon some soldiers arrived in front of the virtual wall to check the results, and after a while they loudly announced: Congratulations, Sir, all 30 arrows hit within 3 circles.

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of thunderous applause on the field.

Player No. [-] was also very proud. After riding a horse around the field, the second round of scoring competition began.

The ten arrows shot out like shooting stars again, and the soldiers reported loudly: "Second is the best."

When the people heard that it was the second best, their cheers were obviously quieter than before.

However, Zhang Liang, who was standing in the main stand, was a man who knew how to fight. He knew how difficult it was to get the second best while galloping on horseback. They all looked happy and nodded slightly.

Player No. [-] was obviously extremely satisfied with his results and exited the court with a smile on his face.

Xue Rengui nodded frequently and praised:
"This husband performed really well and gave us all a good start."

And the No. 89 player next to him, a Turkic man, let out a cold snort from his nose:
"Hmph, rubbish."

These words made Xue Rengui look sideways at this man, only to see that he had a hawk nose and a wide mouth. He looked like an ordinary Turk, but his eyes were extremely bright, like stars.

He wanted to chat a few words, but seeing that he looked arrogant, he thought about it and let it go.

After the No. [-] player, the best ones were the second best, and not even a single top player appeared, so the game went very quickly.

This also caused Xue Rengui's ears to be filled with all kinds of spam comments from Turkic men:
"Hmph, rubbish."

"Humph, trash among trash."

"Humph, even worse than trash."

This also made Xue Rengui become more and more curious. How strong is this Turkic player who is trash in his eyes?
At this moment, the name of contestant No. 89, Qixin Heli, was called out.

Xue Rengui saw him rushing into the military academy ground on horseback. From his skillful riding posture, Xue Rengui could tell that this man was at least very powerful in controlling horses.

The audience on the field saw another player coming out, and they cheered enthusiastically again. However, after they saw clearly that it was a Turk, the cheers became much quieter.

It’s not that I’m xenophobic, I just feel that even the athletes of the Tang Dynasty didn’t get the first rank. How capable can you, a Turk, be?
When the cheers stopped, Qi Xin He Li was already galloping, and the 30 arrows in his hand were shot like a cannonball.

After the volley was completed, the soldiers loudly reported:

"Congratulations, Sir, all 30 arrows hit within 1 circle."

This Turkic man is so powerful, the surrounding audience were quite surprised when they heard it.

Na Qi Xin did not rest no matter what his strength, and immediately started the second round of competition. When the arrows were shot, the soldiers reported loudly:

"If all 10 arrows hit the middle, it is considered the best."

After saying this, the audience immediately burst into thunderous applause and started talking about:
"Oh, I didn't expect this Turkic man to be so powerful."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that he would get the first top prize. This makes us athletes of the Tang Dynasty feel so embarrassed."

"Turks are naturally good at volley shooting. Even if we Tang Dynasty athletes come, I'm afraid we can only be on par with him, but it will be difficult to surpass him."

While everyone was discussing, the military commander finally called out Xue Rengui's name:
"No. 90 Xue Rengui, appears."

(End of this chapter)

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