Chapter 271
Liu Yinhuan, who was standing in the southeast corner of the stands, heard Xue Rengui's name and shouted loudly regardless, feeling a bit like a little fan of the World Cup in later generations.

Her shout also aroused the emotions of those around her.

When Xue Rengui appeared on the stage, the woman who was nearby saw her and exclaimed:

"What a handsome gentleman."

Suddenly, like Liu Yinhuan, they all fell into the state of a little fangirl.

Xue Rengui listened to the screams. Although he couldn't see Liu Yinhuan, he could feel that she was very close to him, and he smiled and cupped his hands.

The stands over there suddenly felt like a pot was boiling, and everyone screamed:
"Look, that pretty man is saluting me."

"Nonsense, he was clearly saluting me."

"Sisters, you have to see clearly, he is saluting and smiling at me."

As long as Liu Yinhuan in the distance sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, smiling and saying nothing.

Under the gaze of his beloved, Xue Rengui seemed to have endless strength.

He stood up on his horse, bent his bow and nocked an arrow. With a whoosh, the arrow drew an afterimage in the air and quickly hit the virtual wall in the distance.

The arrow shot into the virtual wall until the end, and the feathers at the end were still buzzing.

Look again, Xue Rengui has become one with the horse beneath him, galloping on the school field like a swimming dragon, with arrows in his hand firing continuously.

As a series of sound broke through the air, all 30 arrows were shot, and they were shot at the same position as the first arrow.

After he finished shooting, some soldiers quickly ran up to him. After watching it, they couldn't help but shout excitedly:

"Congratulations, Sir, all 30 arrows hit the red dot in the center."

As soon as these words came out, all four were shocked.

Na Qixin Heli murmured to himself:

"Is this person's archery skills even better than mine?"

Zhang Liang was sitting in the main stand, looking at each other with his colleagues on the left and right, quite surprised.

Zhang Liang murmured:
"Could it be that the soldiers made a mistake?"

There was already his confidant, a hypocrite, who quickly got off the stands to find out.

A moment later, he also reported with a look of shock on his face. All 30 arrows had sunk into the red dot. Xue Rengui's archery skills were truly amazing.

Zhang Liang couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this, but he still kept calm and prepared to see Xue Rengui's performance in the second round.

second round.

Xue Rengui is still without any fancy, he can ride a horse, bend a bow, and shoot an arrow all at once.

The ten arrows once again hit the red heart in the middle of the long stack like meteors.

Although the soldier who reported the result had already prepared himself mentally, when he saw ten arrows hitting the red heart in unison, all the white feathers spread out like a blooming chrysanthemum.

Still couldn't help but get excited and shouted loudly:

"If all 10 arrows hit the red heart in the middle, it is the best."

Before Zhang Liang in the main stand could react, the audience gave out thunderous applause and cheers.

Qixin Heli opened his eyes wide, tried his best to look at the empty wall in the middle of the school ground, and said in surprise:
"Is he really a little better than me?"

Someone in the main stand had already verified the result again and reported it to Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang nodded repeatedly with a smile on his face, and he already had a love for talents in his heart.

Let's see how he performs next.

After the results were announced, Xue Rengui saluted towards the main stand and the southeast corner and rode back.

That polite demeanor naturally caused countless little fans to scream.

The anxious young lady has already asked people to inquire about this husband's life experience.

When Xue Rengui returned to the rest area, Qixin Heli took the initiative to come over to express his goodwill.

"Xue Langjun is very skilled. You are not trash. You are qualified to be my friend."

"But I will definitely beat you in the next match."

Xue Rengui returned the courtesy and said:

"Thanks to Mr. Qixin for your appreciation, Xue is honored."

"It was just a fluke. Don't worry about it, Lang Jun." Qixin Heli nodded with satisfaction, took the initiative to sit next to Xue Rengui, closed his eyes and rested.

The rest of the people were first-rate, second-rate, and so on, but no one reached the upper-level.

This morning, two-fifths of the people have been eliminated.

In the afternoon, everyone continued to compete.

This second round involves shooting at a long stack, but the shooting target becomes a giant cloth target.

The circle on the target is the same as the virtual wall. 200 steps away, stand upright and bend your bow to shoot.

The rules are the same as virtual walls.

Qixin Heli achieved a good ranking of No.2 again.

And Xue Rengui is still No. 1, and the only one who is superior.

At this time, there were only more than 200 people left on the field.

One day of competition has already wiped out more than half of the players.

This made Qixin Heli feel extremely unhappy. He stared at Xue Rengui with an unwilling face and said:
"Da Lang, I am indeed a little inferior to you in archery."

"Wait for tomorrow, tomorrow I will defeat you with a carbine."

Xue Rengui smiled and said,

"Okay, let's compete again tomorrow."

competition is over.

As soon as Xue Rengui walked out of the school military field, he saw three or five servants in silk and satin waiting there, and they all said:

"Mr. Xue family, this is the handwriting of my young lady. Please read it for a moment."

"Da Lang of the Xue family, this is my lady's sachet. If Da Lang doesn't give it up, please accept it."


Xue Rengui knew that Chang'an women had unrestrained personalities. He had seen it at Liu Yinhuan's place a few days ago, but he didn't expect that so many women would show their love to him today.

At this time, there was no longer a flying horse in the military academy grounds, but red-faced refusals again and again.

When he finally dragged Li Mingzhi out of the crowd, he was already covered in sweat.

Not far away, Liu Yinhuan was wearing a power hat and waiting quietly.

Seeing Xue Rengui coming over, Yingying bowed and said:

"Congratulations to Mr. Xue Jialang for winning the first place."

Xue Rengui clearly felt Liu Yinhuan's jealousy from the title, and hurriedly explained:
"Madam, please don't misunderstand me. I have nothing to do with those little ladies."

After Liu Yinhuan hummed in a low voice, he asked with some dissatisfaction:

"Then why don't you explain the relationship between the two of us to them, so that they can stop their prying eyes?"

Xue Rengui waved his hands repeatedly and said:

"No. Madam, I have gained some false fame today, but after all, I am still white."

"Besides, you are a virgin now. If I tell you, I'm afraid it will stain your innocence."

When Liu Yinhuan heard that he was only thinking about herself, the little anger in her heart immediately disappeared, and she whispered:

"I, Liu Yinhuan, have already decided to marry you."

"If there are any other ladies pestering you tomorrow, just tell me that you are already engaged to me, Liu Yinhuan."

Xue Rengui felt very sweet in his heart when he heard this, and replied with a smile:

"In the future, as long as someone asks, I will say that I already have a marriage contract, which will make them give up thinking about it."

"However, I will never mention your name. Before formally proposing marriage, I will never insult your innocence."

When Liu Yinhuan heard this, she was also happy in her heart and said with an angry smile:

"Everything depends on Mr. Lang."

Because there were so many people coming and going here, it was really not a place for talking. After a few brief words, the two of them separated.

As for Zhang Liang, after he went back to discuss with others, he also had people start investigating Xue Rengui's family background, background, and relationships.

(End of this chapter)

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