Chapter 301
Ding Xiude was confused again and asked doubtfully:
"Isn't it true that Tai Chi gives birth to Liang Yi?"

Wu Fu rolled his eyes at him and scolded:
"Of course I know. But you have to understand that Tai Chi contains yin and yang, and yin and yang are divided into two. Isn't this yin and yang also called Qiankun?"

"Which sect are you from? Why don't you understand anything?"

Ding Xiude felt ashamed after hearing these words, and said with an embarrassed look:

"Sorry, I'm being superficial."

"I was born in the Five Pecks of Rice Sect, but now that the sect has declined, I have never heard of many of the things fellow Taoists say."

"Alas, the Five Pecks of Rice taught me a mistake. But I have left now, and I am planning to change to a well-known and upright throwing master."

"Fellow Taoist, please continue."

Wu Fu nodded with satisfaction and continued to search and scrape his belly.

He told Yuan Shouwei and Yuan Tiangang what they occasionally heard when they were debating scriptures.

There were ten truths mixed with two or three lies, and it continued like this for another half an hour.

Suddenly, there was a rapid sound of horse hoofbeats. Wu Fu was overjoyed and couldn't help but look up. He saw dust flying in the distance and a group of people rushing towards them at high speed.

It was just this glance that revealed her purpose.

Ding Xiude smacked what she was talking about, and finally came back to his senses. He felt that his IQ had been greatly insulted, and he suddenly said angrily:

"You're such a wise old man, I treat you with integrity, but you dare to lie to me."

"See if I don't kill you"

Before he finished speaking, a bright golden light suddenly burst out from Wu Fu's hand, shining directly into his eyes.

He felt his eyes go dark and couldn't see anything.

"Not good." He subconsciously hid far away, waving the Thousand Immortal Flags randomly in his hand, fearing that Wu Fu would get close and kill him.

Wu Fu didn't have time to pay attention to him. Seeing that he was hit, he ran a few steps, got on his horse, and ran towards the group of people.

It turned out that she still had a five-element golden talisman in her hand, which had never been used. She was waiting for an opportunity, and it finally came into use.

By the time Ding Xiude's eyes returned to normal, Wu Fu was about to join the team.

Ding Xiude became angry and gritted his teeth and said:
"Okay, you cunning bitch, let's see how I deal with you."

After saying that, he waved the Thousand Immortal Flags in his hands, and dozens of innocent souls suddenly appeared, letting out shrill screams and rushing towards Wu Fu's back.

But this time Wu Fu was just running for his life, without any precautions at all.

At the critical moment, only the sound of "swish, swish, swish" arrows was heard.

Just look at the leading general who came to rescue Wu Fu, and the arrows in his hands kept shooting out.

The arrow turned into a wolf's head, biting the innocent soul fiercely. In a short time, all the innocent souls had been cleared away.

At this moment, Wu Fu finally rushed into the Tang Army's ranks.

The general turned sideways to Wu Fu and said:
"Princess, rest assured, leave this garbage to me."

After saying that, he raised his gun and charged at Ding Xiude. This man was Qixin Heli.

Ding Xiude knew in his heart that he had failed again this time. Looking at the general's strength, he knew that he was no match. He summoned more than ten golden warriors to kill him without hesitation, turned around and ran away.

Seeing this, Qixin Heli swung the spear in his hand, transformed into five wolf heads, and let out a wolf howl, which directly shocked the golden warriors, and then knocked them to the ground with three or two blows.

In the blink of an eye, he was already behind Ding Xiude, and he raised his gun and stabbed him in the back.

The spear was fired so fast that Ding Xiude couldn't dodge, and was instantly stabbed to the core.

As his body kept turning his head at the tip of the gun, he finally turned into a puppet again.

Qixin Heli was shocked when he saw this situation for the first time. He quickly stopped his horse and looked around to be cautious.

The soldiers behind him had also rushed over at this time. Qixin Heli was about to order everyone to search when Wu Fu in the team said tiredly: "There is no need to search. That old man with a strong nose used the art of suspended animation and ran away long ago. disappeared."

"General, please send someone to go a few miles further. There is a servant from Xue Rengui's family ahead. Please rescue him."

"How is Lady Liu doing now?"

After Qixin Heli heard this, he immediately cupped his hands and said:
"Report to the princess."

"The Liu family's wife is not in good health. She may have had fetal gas. There is blood flowing between her legs now. I have asked the doctor to treat her."

Wu Fu was shocked when he heard this. He turned around and rode towards the military camp, saying:

"Take me there quickly, I know medical skills."

I arrived at the military camp in a hurry. Under the leadership of the soldiers, I arrived at a barracks. There was a listless coachman standing at the door.

After he saw that it was Wu Yuan, he reluctantly saluted Wu Yuan.

Wu Fu asked hurriedly:
"How is your wife?"

The coachman said with a sad face:
"Madam has been suffering from severe stomach pain. She fainted just after she entered the military camp to explain the situation."

"We are still inside rescuing him right now."

While he was talking, he saw a doctor walking out with two medical workers.

Wu Fu asked anxiously about the situation, and the doctor sighed and said:
"The life was saved, but the child certainly couldn't be saved."

"Her fetal position was unstable and she was running around so hard. She was lucky to be able to save her life."

After hearing this, Wu Fu felt a little better. As long as he could save his life, he could finally give Xue Rengui an explanation.

She asked the doctor to go in with her again, only to see Liu Yinhuan lying on a simple bed, covered with a quilt.

His face was as pale as paper, his brows were furrowed, and he was sound asleep.

Wu Fu stepped forward and checked Liu Yinhuan's pulse again, confirming that his life was safe, and then felt a little relieved.

Then he left the barracks and waited for Qi Xin He Li to come back.

Soon, Qixin Heli had returned to the military camp with Liu Shen, who was still unconscious.

After seeing Wu Fu, he also got off his horse, walked up to Wu Fu, and asked about Liu Yinhuan's situation.

Wu Fu sighed and said:

"The life was saved, but the child could not be saved."

After saying that, when he saw that the Pure Heart Talisman was still attached to Liu Sheng's body, he started reciting the 'Pure Heart Curse' again, preparing to wake him up and ask him what was going on.

After reciting the Pure Heart Mantra, Liu Shen finally opened his eyes. Just when he was confused, he suddenly heard the sound of rapid horse hooves outside the military camp.

Everyone looked up and saw a war horse rushing in like a gust of wind at the entrance of the military camp.

Immediately, it was Xue Rengui who was wearing crooked armor, sweating profusely, and holding a spear.

He looked around and soon spotted Wu Fu and the others, but he did not see Liu Yinhuan.

He rode directly in front of a few people. Without waiting for the horse to stop, he turned over and dismounted, grabbed Liu Sheng's chest, and lifted him up. His eyes were as red as blood.

He roared at Liu Sheng with a ferocious face:

"Liu Sheng, what did you do to my Yinhuan?"

"Believe it or not, I will kill you right now."

The consistent impression of Xue Rengui is that he is gentle and elegant, and he is not in a hurry.This is the first time everyone has seen him like this.

(End of this chapter)

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