302 - The Art of Feigning Death
Seeing this, Wu Fu also hurriedly stepped forward to dissuade him:

"Dalang, Yinhuan is fine. He is lying down and resting in the room now."

"You should go inside and see her first."

Qixin Heli quickly walked over and separated him from Liu Sheng.

When Xue Rengui heard that Liu Yinhuan was fine, he was obviously relieved and his spirits relaxed a little. He thrust the spear in his hand into the ground and quickly walked into the barracks.

When he saw Liu Yinhuan's appearance, he couldn't help but feel at a loss and his heart was twisted.

Kneeling in front of the bed, he grabbed Liu Yinhuan's cold hand and wanted to wake her up.

Qixin Heli, who was following closely, saw this and quickly advised softly:
"Dalang, if there is any problem, let's talk about it? Madam needs to rest now."

After hearing this, Xue Rengui did not call Liu Yinhuan anymore, but grabbed Liu Yinhuan's hand and looked at her blankly, tears dripping from his eyes like broken beads.

After a full stick of incense, his mood calmed down a little. He stood up, gently covered Liu Yinhuan with a quilt, and followed Qixin Heli and they walked out of the tent.

He suppressed his anger and looked at Liu Sheng and asked:

"Liu Yu, why did you want to kill Yinhuan?"

Liu Sheng also woke up now. Looking at everything in front of him, he had no idea what was going on.

Seeing Xue Rengui's expression of wanting to eat someone, he was so frightened that he fell to his knees and said:
"General, I grew up with my young lady. How could I harm my young lady?"

"I was originally in the military camp with you. When I came out to relieve myself, I suddenly became confused. When I woke up again, I was already here."

Wu Fu knew the situation best and also spoke beside him:
"This matter should have nothing to do with Liu Sheng. He was possessed by someone."

"There is a Taoist priest who wants to refine the child in Yinhuan's belly."

After that, she told everyone the whole story. At the end of the story, she was very scared.

Fortunately, Qixin Heli arrived in time, otherwise he might not have been able to save his life.

Xue Rengui's face turned pale when he heard that the child in Liu Yinhuan's belly could not be saved. He swayed back and forth a few times, barely holding himself steady, and he no longer cared about etiquette.

He stepped forward and grabbed Wu Fu's hand and said:
"Princess, you know medical skills, please save the child quickly."

"If you can't do it, let's go find Master Yuan. He has great powers and will definitely be able to find a way."

After saying that, he had to kneel down to Wu Fu.

Wu Yan broke free to support Xue Rengui with both hands, and said in a stern tone:
"General Xue, the child has been lost, and it is difficult for gods to save him."

"What you have to do now is to take good care of Yinhuan and don't let anything happen to her."

"About that Taoist, I went to Yuan Shouwei and told him that he must be killed to avenge Yinhuan."

Wu Fu's calm analysis also awakened Xue Rengui. He stood up straight and said to Wu Fu:
"The princess is right. I'll take care of Yinhuan first."

"I, Xue Rengui, will do the matter of revenge myself."

"I want to find this Taoist and kill him with my own hands."

Seeing him like this, Wu Fu knew that he would have woken up by now, so he sighed and said:

"Now this matter is no longer your problem alone."

He comforted Xue Rengui a few more words, thanked Qixin Heli for his life-saving grace, and went to Beiming Mountain to find Yuan Shouwei.

How dare Qixin Heli let her go alone? He directly sent a team of people to escort her to Beiming Mountain.

At this moment, Yuan Shouwei didn't know that such a big thing had happened.

He had just seen off a fortune-telling guest, and nothing happened. He suddenly remembered that although he had received the reward for the art of suspended animation, he had not yet experimented with it.For a moment, he became more playful, ran to the backyard, and said hello to his servant Li Shi, saying that he wanted to take a nap for a while, and asked him to wake him up in half an hour.

If you can't wake yourself up, try to wake yourself up by saying that you still have important things to do.

Then he returned to the room, and after placing a fake death charm, he quietly climbed over the back wall and poked his head outside to observe Li Shi's movements.

After only looking at it for half an hour, Li Shi hurriedly walked into his room.

Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei's mouth turned up at a 45° angle, and it was a prank.

Then I heard a scream coming from the room, and then saw Li Shi crawling out of the room and shouting:
"Old Uncle Li, old Uncle Li, something big has happened, something big has happened."

"Our master is gone."

Lao Li, who was sunbathing at the door, was also startled. He quickly stood up and scolded:

"You kid, you are talking nonsense. I just saw the master enter the house, why is he gone?"

Li Shi had a mournful face and ran to Lao Li out of breath. His legs gave out and he fell to his knees and said in a sad voice:
"Uncle Zhang, what I said is true. The master is really gone."

"He asked me to push him to wake him up after half an hour. Who knew that as soon as I pushed him, his body suddenly disappeared and turned into a talisman."

"I guess he was harmed."

Lao Li saw that he didn't look like he was cheating, so he said dubiously:

"Well, come and see with me."

After saying that, he took out a horizontal knife from the concierge and walked carefully to the back room.

After taking a closer look, there was no one on Yuan Shouwei's bed. There was only a charm lying flatly in the middle of the bed.

This is what happened!

Lao Li took the horizontal knife and looked around the room but found no blood. He calmed down a little, grabbed Li Shi and said:
"Quick, you go find the princess, and I'll go find Master Li."

Li Shi ran to the door of the main hall in a panic. Without looking at the road in his hurry, he bumped into a person, knocking him staggering.

He looked up and found that it was Yuan Shouwei. He couldn't help being surprised and happy. He hugged Yuan Shouwei's thigh and shouted:
"Alang, I thought you were dead. It turns out you are fine, great, great."

Lao Li's legs and feet were a little slower. He had just arrived at the main hall. When he saw Yuan Shouwei, he knew it was a false alarm. He breathed a sigh of relief and asked in surprise:

"Alang, what's going on? It turns out you weren't in the room just now."

Yuan Shouwei raised the corners of his mouth to 75°, pulled his legs out of Li Shi's arms, and said with a deep expression:

"Well, I was indeed resting just now. I suddenly got inspiration in my dream and mastered the art of suspended animation, so my body floated out of the room, leaving only a charm."

When Lao Li heard this, he immediately admired him and said:
"Alang, this is the first time I've heard of a genius like you who can comprehend Taoism in dreams."

"It's just incredible."

After hearing Lao Li's flattery, Yuan Shouwei raised the corners of his mouth to 90° and said calmly:

"Nothing but your heart."

"Okay, it's a false alarm. Nothing's going on. You can go and do your work."

Li Shi, who was sitting on the ground, also got up now, thinking about Yuan Shouwei's magical spell, and said with a flattering face:

"Alang is amazing, Alang is amazing."

"Don't you have something important to do? Why don't I come with you and I'll give you a shot?"

(End of this chapter)

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