Chapter 303

Yuan Shouwei waved his hand and said:

"Loosening the soil for potatoes is such an important thing that I have to do it myself."

After saying that, Shi Shiran left the main hall.

Only Li Shi looked at Lao Li with confusion and said:

"Old Uncle Li, loosening the soil for potatoes is a big deal?"

Lao Li looked at Yuan Shouwei's background with admiration and explained:
"Nonsense, of course yes, food is the most important thing for the people."

"My master is extremely skilled in Taoism, and he is also so down-to-earth. We really have found the right person."

Yuan Shouwei was in a good mood after his prank was successful. He came to the front with a smile and began to loosen the soil for the potatoes with a hoe.

Looking at the potatoes that are growing vigorously, I feel happy again.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps behind him and turned around to see it was Wu Fu.

He immediately waved to Wu Fu and said with a smile:
"You're here, Zhao'er."

"Come on, come on, look at this potato. It's not my brother who's blowing it for you. It's been since I used that quick-life spell."

Wu Fu came to him casually, waited for Yuan Shouwei to finish, and then said with a smile:

"Yuan Shouwei, I was attacked. A Taoist priest almost killed me."

Yuan Shouwei was still immersed in his potato world, and he nodded absently and said:
"Well, I see."

"What? You were almost killed?"

Yuan Shouwei suddenly jumped three feet high, turned his head to look at Wu Yan who was still smiling, his eyes were as wide as a bull's eye, and he fumbled up and down Wu Hao's body in a hurry.

He stammered and said:
"You, you...are you kidding me?"

"Why are you telling me such a serious thing with a smile?"

Wu Fu felt uncomfortable being touched by Yuan Shouwei. He couldn't help but let out a soft gasp and fell into Yuan Shouwei's arms.

After lying down, I felt that talking about such a serious matter in such an ambiguous manner was obviously not serious.

Then he broke away from Yuan Shouwei's arms and said with a serious face:
"It's true. What happened when I went to Xue Rengui's house to play with Liu Yinhuan today."

After saying that, he told Yuan Shouwei the whole thing.

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei was obviously no better than Xue Rengui. His face turned pale and he said in a panic:
"Oh my God, Zhao'er, you're going to scare me to death."

"No, no. Starting tomorrow. No, from now on, you can't leave my sight for one minute."

"No, not yet, it's not safe enough. Come with me, and I'll get you some armor."

After saying that, he took Wu Fu's hand, arrived at the temple, and handed her the Xuanyuan Sword Box.

Still feeling uneasy, he took out a thick five-element charm from the desk on the side, stuffed it all into Wu Fu, and said:
"Here are a thousand five-element talismans. Take them first."

"This is definitely not enough. Wait a moment, and I will draw another thousand pictures for you. This should make the safety factor higher."

Wu Fu looked at his pale face, busy and busy, and immediately understood Xue Rengui's mood, and countless sweetness surged in his heart.

Shaking Yuan Shouwei's hand, he said with a hint of tea:
"Okay, okay. There's no such exaggeration."

"The top priority now is to find the Taoist priest to avoid future troubles."

Her calmness also affected Yuan Shouwei. Thinking of his subconscious actions just now, Yuan Shouwei felt that he was a little too nervous.

He scratched his head in embarrassment and said:

"that's true."

"Let's analyze this matter first."

Just as he said this, there were footsteps at the door again, and a breathless voice sounded:

"Oh, I'm so exhausted. I'm finally back."

"Yuan Shouwei, Yuan Shouwei, are you in the temple?"

While talking, Yuan Tiangang had already stepped into the gate, and happened to see the two of them having an affair.He quickly closed his eyes and walked out of the gate again while explaining:

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, I didn't see anything."

Then I heard him knocking on the door in a pretentious manner and shouting:
"Yuan Shou is a fellow Taoist, are you in the temple?"

"I'm Yuan Tiangang, I'm back from Yizhou."

While they were talking, Yuan Shouwei and Wu Fu had already walked out of the temple.

Yuan Shouwei was so thick-skinned, just like the city wall, and besides, he felt that there was nothing to avoid even holding hands or kissing someone in the middle.

On the other hand, Wu Fu blushed as red as a monkey's butt. He followed Yuan Shouwei and walked out awkwardly. Looking at Yuan Tiangang who was still smiling, he spat softly and counterattacked weakly:

"Uncle Tiangang, you are old and disrespectful."

Yuan Shouwei took over the conversation. He looked at Yuan Tiangang's tired appearance and asked:

"Brother Tiangang, you haven't even returned home?"

Yuan Tiangang smiled and explained:
"I was afraid that another accident would happen in Chang'an, so I hurried back."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei's face became serious, and he said in a low voice:

"Something really happened."

Yuan Tiangang looked at Yuan Shouwei's gloomy face that seemed to be dripping with water, and was startled. He had never looked like Yuan Shouwei before, and he quickly asked:

"Yuan Shouwei, did something big happen to this Taoist temple?"

"Did someone come to cause trouble?"

Yuan Shouwei shook his head, and said with a ferocious expression:
"It would be nice if I came here to cause trouble. Even if the King of Heaven comes, I have to make him kneel down."

"It's Zhao'er, that Taoist almost killed Zhao'er."

First, he asked Yuan Tiangang to sit down in front of the audience, and then told Wu Fu what happened just now. Wu Fu would add something next to him from time to time.

After finishing speaking, Yuan Shouwei said again:
"It just so happens that you are here too. Let's analyze this matter together."

Yuan Tiangang nodded and said:
"Well, the three of us can just analyze it. There's no need to call him Zhongqing, right?"

After the words were spoken, Yuan Shouwei and Wu Fu nodded in agreement.

Yuan Tiangang was the first to speak:

"Let me tell you about going to the Five Pecks of Rice Sect first, because it has something to do with the Taoist priest."

It took him half a month to arrive at the Five Dou Rice Sect and meet Mr. Zhang Xinghai, the Five Dou Rice teacher.

He told Zhang Xinghai one by one the Taoist priest's appearance, the spells he used, and what he did.

After Zhang Xinghai heard this, he beat his chest and stamped his feet, calling him a 'traitor'.

He also told Yuan Tiangang that this person was his disciple named Ding Xiude.

He was indeed a Taoist priest of the Five Pecks of Rice Sect. He was a child of a poor family. Because there were many children in the family, he sold Ding Xiude.

It happened that Zhang Xinghai went to the market to search for talents because he couldn't find any apprentices.

Unexpectedly, he discovered that Ding Xiude had a good memory and accepted him as his disciple.

In the blink of an eye, 30 years have passed.

After Ding Xiude accidentally went down the mountain to practice, he didn't know what happened, so he secretly began to practice the Hundred Immortal Banners.

Later, he learned about his life experience and hated his parents for abandoning him. He secretly went down the mountain and planned to kill his parents and his family.

I heard that his parents begged him on their knees, saying that they had no choice but to sell him at that time, and they always felt guilty. If he wanted to vent his hatred, he could just kill them and stop killing others.

Ding Xiude promised on the surface, and after killing his parents with his own hands, he then killed all his brothers and sisters.

And he refined all his brother and sister's children into the Hundred Immortals Banner.

He said that this was the only way to avenge them for betraying him back then.

(End of this chapter)

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