Chapter 304

When Zhang Xinghai heard about this, he became furious and wanted to destroy him.

Unexpectedly, he used the Hundred Immortal Flags to lure two other disciples, one named Jiang Xiuhong and the other Zhu Xiuliang, and fled with them, never to be heard from again.

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei's eyes began to burn with anger, and he said:
"My parents had no choice but to sell him. Later, he met Zhang Shijun, who was also blessed with profound blessings."

"I didn't expect him to be so inhumane. Such a scumbag will be a scourge if he remains in the world."

Yuan Tiangang had passed the initial stage of anger, and nodded along with Yuan Shouwei, and then said:

"This has always been a concern of Master Zhang. I originally wanted to come in person to get rid of Ding Xiude. But now he is injured and really can't come."

"I heard that you are a genius, so you told me the art of suspended animation and the restraint of suspended animation, and asked me to teach it to you."

The posture of the sky, this Zhang Shijun is very pertinent to me, I am also yearning for a hero like him who is good at knowing people,,, Yuan Shouwei thought to himself, and asked:

"Are you eager to learn?"

Yuan Tiangang shook his head and said:

"It's not easy to learn. In the past half month since I came back, apart from rushing, I have been learning the first level of the art of suspended animation. I have barely mastered it now."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but become interested and asked:
"Is there a second level to this technique of suspended animation?"

Yuan Tiangang nodded, took out three yellow papers filled with contents from his arms, handed them to Yuan Shouwei, and explained:

"The first level of the art of feigning death is to use a spell to replace the person who casts the spell, and to escape by feigning death. We all know this."

"The second level is to use a puppet to replace the caster. In addition to being able to escape by feigning death, it is also immune to enemy attacks."

"That Ding Xiude obviously has mastered this, that's why the Ding Ling Needle is ineffective against him."

Yuan Shouwei took the yellow paper, opened it, and found that these three chapters recorded the first and second levels of the suspended animation technique and the suspended animation technique respectively.

He stared at the first page and read it again, and found that the yellow paper was filled with dense block letters. It would probably be uncomfortable for anyone with trypophobia to look at it.

Yuan Tiangang can master it in half a month. This qualification is indeed the best choice.

While he was talking, he had already browsed through the contents, and they were exactly the same as those on the Tianji Diagram.

Seeing that he was looking seriously, Yuan Tiangang asked curiously:
"Yuan Shouwei, how long will it take for you to master this art of suspended animation?"

"Is five days okay?"

Five days?Yuan Shouwei raised his head blankly, looked at Yuan Tiangang and said:
"Five days? It won't take that long."

"I've already met."

Yuan Tiangang did not show any surprised expression. He looked at Yuan Shouwei calmly and said:
"Yuan Shouwei was joking. I know you love to make jokes."

Yuan Shouwei said without blushing or out of breath:

"It's true, if you don't believe me, come and stab me."

Yuan Tiangang still didn't believe it and muttered:
"Half a month and an instant, are my qualifications so bad?"

Yuan Shouwei looked at Wu Fu next to him and said:
"Zhao'er, come on, give me a sword. The harder it is, the better. The effect will be faster."

Wu Fu shook his head and said with a smile:

"I don't want to give it up. How about you end it on your own?"

Anyway, her last name was whatever Yuan Shouwei told her, and Mi Zhi believed it.

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei stood up calmly, came to the intersection of the backyard, and looked behind him.

Seeing that Lao Li was still basking in the sun and Li Shi was cleaning the yard, he felt relieved knowing that the two of them would not come to the front yard for the time being.

Then he returned to his seat, took out the Xuanyuan Sword, and struck his thigh without hesitation, quite like a three-sword and six-hole gesture.

Yuan Tiangang and Wu Fu didn't expect him to be serious, and they didn't have time to stop him.She watched helplessly as he dug a hole in her body, and she watched as he suddenly disappeared.

I watched helplessly as there was a yellow talisman in the place where he had been; I watched as he walked out of the view behind me.

Wu Fu was okay, she thought this was quite normal for Yuan Shouwei.

But Yuan Tiangang looked at Yuan Shouwei first, and then at the talisman.

The whole person muttered to himself as if he was stupid:

"Half a month and a moment later, it turns out that my qualifications are really that bad!"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly woke up, grabbed the other two spell formulas on the table, gave them to Yuan Shouwei and said:
"Yuan Shouwei, you have learned these two."

"Let me experience what it means to be a genius again."

Heavenly Master, do you want me to make a fool of myself? Yuan Shouwei put down the formula calmly and said:

"Let's get down to business first."

"Now that we're done, Master Tian, ​​please go back and take a rest. After all, you've been running around for a month."

Yuan Tiangang was moved again and burst into tears.

How could there be such a perfect person as Yuan Shouwei in the world: good-looking, well-qualified, highly educated, and caring about others.

After feeling alone for a while, he spoke again:
"Master Zhang said that after you or I master the forbidden spell, we will find a way to lure Ding Xiude out and use the forbidden spell. He will have nowhere to escape."

"Now it seems that I don't need to learn it. And if there is a chance, we will find a way to lure him out in the next two days. Anyway, you will master the forbidden spell soon."

Yuan Shouwei complained secretly in his heart when he pretended to be too strong, and said in his mouth:

"At this time, we still need to take a long-term approach and ensure that nothing goes wrong. There is no rush at this moment."

"Is that right, Zhao'er?"

Wu Fu looked at them a little depressed and said:

"From listening to you two talking, I know you two are hiding something from me. What is going on in Zhaixing Tower?"

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei smiled and said:
"Almost forgot about this."

"Zhao'er, it's not that I won't tell you. The main thing is that I don't want to involve you in such a dangerous matter."

"But God is not as good as God. I didn't expect that you would be involved in the end, and your life would almost be in danger."

After speaking to the end, his words were full of self-blame.

Wu Fu heard the sound and comforted:
"Okay, okay. I know you are doing it for my own good, so tell me what happened."

Only then did Yuan Shouwei tell her about Ding Xiude stealing the spiritual energy of Zhaixinglou.

Then went on to say:

"Combined with the information obtained by the Heavenly Master, it can now be determined that the Taoist priest killed by Xue Rengui was Ding Xiude's senior brother."

"He obviously wanted to kill Xue Rengui to avenge his senior brother. And stealing the spiritual energy was for the Thousand Immortal Banner, because without the Thousand Immortal Banner, he is no match for Xue Rengui."

"Now that I have found Zhao'er, it is obviously because I suddenly discovered that she has a water spirit bead."

Yuan Tiangang also thought carefully for a while and said:

"What Yuan Shou said makes sense to you, but I think this Taoist priest is definitely not alone. There should be accomplices behind him."

"Otherwise, it is impossible for a Taoist priest to understand the situation of Zhaixing Tower so well."

(End of this chapter)

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