Chapter 305 Falling Stars?

Wu Fu put forward another point of view:
"Uncle Tiangang is right, there must be someone behind him."

"And I doubt how a selfish person like Ding Xiude could be so kind as to avenge his junior brother."

"If you want to say that he killed Xue Rengui for some benefit, I believe it. If you want to say that it was just to avenge his brother, I don't believe it."

After listening to Wu Fu's analysis, Yuan Shouwei and Yuan Tiangang looked at each other and nodded secretly.

Wu Fu's analysis was right. From a human nature point of view, Na Ding Xiude should be like this.

Yuan Shouwei thought about it carefully, looked at Wu Fu and said:

"Zhao'er, you are right."

"Then what do you mean, do you want to find out the person behind him and catch them all?"

Wu Fu nodded and said:

"That's what I mean."

"And leave this matter to me to investigate."

"I was just attacked. Investigating this matter will not alert the people behind him."

Yuan Shouwei shook his head like an electric fan and said:

"No, no, absolutely not. I don't trust you and I want you to check it out."

"The Taoist priest already knows that you have the Water Spirit Pearl, and he will definitely target you next."

"Besides, who knows who is behind this Taoist priest? If he is a powerful person, you will be more likely to be in danger."

Yuan Tiangang also rejected Wu Fu's idea and said:

"Let me go check it out with Brother Chunfeng. After all, we have a wider network of contacts."

Seeing that Yuan Shouwei cared so much about him, Wu Fu felt very sweet in his heart. He pinched his throat and looked at Yuan Shouwei and said:
"I knew that Lang Jun cared about me the most."

"How about this? I'll protect myself and then investigate with Uncle Tiangang and the others."

"Also, Lang Jun, please do some more calculations for me. Maybe, once you do the calculations, the person behind it will come out, and there will be no need to investigate at all."

Yuan Shouwei knew Wu Fu's temper. If he didn't agree to her, she would definitely do it secretly in private.

Rather than that, it would be better to just ask her to check it out and give her more protection.

And this girl is really smart, maybe she can actually find out something.

Thinking of this, he nodded in agreement.

Then he took out the compass and motioned Wu Fu to put his hands on it.

The compass leads to the stars;
The Big Dipper moves;
The stars in the sky twinkled and entered the compass one after another.

As the starlight entered, the brass pointer began to rotate.

When all the stars entered the compass, the pointer finally stopped.

【bad omen】

[Gray clouds enter the Santai Star and appear pale, indicating that the person who predicts the fortune will be harmed;]

[The meteor appears black and enters the Santai Star, indicating that the general will suffer a bloody disaster;]

Something is going to happen to Wu Fu?
Yuan Shouwei couldn't accept this at all, and immediately raised his head nervously to look at the large golden characters condensing in the sky.

【bad omen】

[Disaster: Beauty suffers fate, general star falls]

[Jie Gua Reward: Five Years of Martial Realm Cultivation]

[Resolving bad omens: How to make reward cement]


Zhao'er wasn't hurt, or was he dead?
No, I will never allow this to happen.The star will fall?

Needless to say, this must be talking about Xue Rengui.

As for the reward, Yuan Shouwei just glanced at it, then passed by, and looked up eagerly at the map of heaven in the sky.

In the third vertical line of the Tianji Diagram, the short movie has started to play.

first screen.

Everything is revived, and spring is full of joy.

This is next to a wide pool with rippling blue waves and sparkling water. It only covers an area of ​​200 hectares.

Yuan Shouwei knew this place. It was the very famous Qujiang Pool outside Chang'an City in the south. '

There are many large and small boats and boats in the pool, and many men and women are boating on the lake.

There are many wealthy people by the pool who have put up 'walking barriers' and surrounded them on three sides, leaving only one side facing the pool to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

There are many beauties and ladies in the 'walking barrier', enjoying wine and fruits while laughing and playing around.

There was a bolder lady who directly opened the left and right sides of the 'walking barrier' and looked at the scholars and handsome men coming and going wildly and winked at them.

Although there was a lady from a small family who didn't put up a 'barrier', she found another way and took off her outer skirt as a 'curtain'.

Looking around, the colorful 'curtain' is very beautiful.

If this was normal, Yuan Shouwei would definitely feast his eyes on it, but at this moment, he was anxious and couldn't care about it. He just looked around for Wu Fu.

Soon, he found Wu Fu and her family.

I saw that they had occupied a good position by the pool and had set up a 'walking barrier'. Wu Fu and several other young ladies were soaking barefoot in the water.

From time to time, the water in the pool is picked up and sprinkled on the little sisters around. Although there is no sound, you can still feel the joy of their play.

After playing for a while, they saw a servant coming over and saying something in front of them.

After hearing this, Wu Fu was so excited that he clapped his hands repeatedly, took his feet out of the pool, barefooted, held up his skirt, stepped on the soft grass, and ran not far behind the 'walking barrier'.

There were only a few big trees with thick arms. Three swings had been set up under the trees, and there were more than twenty strong maidservants waiting beside them.

Wu Fu made a happy sound and sat on one of the swings. He swung the ropes on both sides and swayed gently.

At this time, only two Qianniu Guards, who were tall and thick, were running over after Wu Fu, and stood cautiously not far from Wu Fu, guarding her.

Wu Fu's other two sisters also ran over at this moment, and each of them occupied a swing and started swinging.

At this time, several maids behind them also began to push the swing, swinging them higher and higher.

Youth is wanton, laughter is rippling, swings are flying, skirts are flying, everything is so beautiful.

The big red pomegranate skirts they wore fluttered in the wind and bloomed in the air, like fragrant roses.

Naughty Feng also joined in the fun and lifted up the beautiful pomegranate skirt, revealing the petticoat and hakama under the girl's skirt.

Seeing this, the two Qianniu Guards immediately blushed. After looking at each other, they quietly retreated and returned to the edge of the pool, guarding from a distance.

This ends the first screen.

Yuan Shouwei looked at the picture and understood what was going on. This was the famous Shangsi Festival in the Tang Dynasty. '

When the festival comes, men and women in Chang'an City, old and young, poor people and officials, all go out in groups to celebrate the festival by Qujiang Pond.

Many emperors also like to come to the pool on this day to have fun with the people.

Wu Fu's family obviously took advantage of this day to come out to play.

But with so many people and two Qianniu Guards guarding Wu Fu, how would Ding Xiude proceed?
Soul-possession is definitely impossible. Wu Fu has seen it before. If an unconscious person approaches her, she will definitely be the first to violently injure him.

Beast slavery is also not possible, not to mention that there are no wolves, tigers and leopards by the pool, even if there are, with the two Qianniu guards guarding them, they will definitely not be able to reach Wu Yan's side.

Yuan Shouwei was thinking in his mind and turned his attention to the second picture to find the answer from here.

(End of this chapter)

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