Chapter 306
Wu Fu and his two sisters were having fun when they suddenly saw the maidservant under the tree panicking.

Yuan Shouwei watched intently. It turned out that a group of rats rushed out from nowhere, running around and biting like crazy.

Most of the maids panicked and ran away.

Only a few brave maidservants were left, picking up branches around them to drive away the mice, and pulling the swings to put down the Wuxian sisters.

For a moment, people were on their backs and their horses were in chaos.

There was only a maidservant left beside Wu Fu, who was holding Wu Fu's swing.

After Wu Fu got off the swing, she handed the branch to Wu Fu, and she lowered her head to look for the branch again.

Wu Fu had learned a lot from following Yuan Shouwei and was not afraid of these mice at all. While holding a branch to drive away the mice at his feet, he frowned and looked around to be on guard.

Apparently he was thinking of Ding Xiude's beast-taming technique.

When the two Qianniu Guards saw the mouse coming, they didn't take it seriously, but their duties were already flying over here.

At this moment, the sturdy maid raised her head.

That's not a maid, that's Ding Xiude.

He took out a short blade from his waist, hugged Wu Fu who had no protection behind him, and slashed the short blade across Wu Fu's neck.

Countless blood splashed out from Wu Yan's neck.

The second screen ends.

Wu Fu is dead!

Yuan Shouwei stood up from behind the hexagram table with a "hoo!", his face became extremely ugly, and he roared:
"Ding Xiude, I will kill you."

Yuan Tiangang and Wu Fu already knew the results of the divination, and they were waiting quietly for Yuan Shouwei to interpret the divination. However, they never expected that Yuan Shouwei would suddenly become violent, and they were all startled.

Wu Yan's voice was hurried, he looked up at him with concern and asked:
"Yuan Shouwei, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Yuan Tiangang knew that Yuan Shouwei was so angry that the content of the divination must be related to Wu Fu, so he quickly advised:

"Yuan Shouwei, don't be too anxious."

"No matter what the outcome is. Since you can predict it, it can be changed."

His words reminded Yuan Shouwei and made him calm down quickly. He quickly took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and immediately looked at the heavenly map in the sky.

The third screen at this time has already started playing.

But because of Yuan Shouwei's gaffe, it was obvious that he had missed some information, and all he could see now was the dark dungeon.

Yuan Shouwei sighed secretly in his heart and had no choice but to continue watching with some helplessness.

He had seen this dungeon before. It was this dungeon the last time he had a fortune telling with Li Chunfeng.

The only difference from last time is that the dungeon cells last time were empty and empty, but now there are more than a dozen teenage children, both men and women, in the dungeon.

Ding Xiude, who he hated so much that his teeth were itching, was holding the Water Spirit Pearl in one hand and the Thousand Immortal Banner in the other. He was not in a hurry to refine the Water Spirit Pearl this time.

Instead, they first took out the dozen children and killed them one by one.

Although Yuan Shouwei couldn't hear the children's cries, he looked at the frightened eyes, struggling desperately, and begged Ding Xiude for action.

Subconsciously, he clenched his fists tightly, clutching his teeth.

At this moment, he felt his hand being held by a warm little hand. Although he did not lower his head, he knew that it was Wu Fu's hand, and he felt relieved immediately.Looking at Ding Xiude, he had already killed all the children, stepped on the blood on the ground, and stacked the children's bodies together with a grin.

Then he picked up the Qianxian Banner and began to sit up. Immediately there was a strong wind in the dungeon.

As the Thousand Immortal Flag swings more and more fiercely, the souls of the dozen or so children are called out from their bodies and walk into the Thousand Immortal Flag like zombies, enslaved and driven by it.

After absorbing the children's corpses, Ding Xiude began to refine the water spirit beads. He first tried to refine the water spirit beads, but after struggling for a long time, the water spirit beads were not moved at all.

Ding Xiude reluctantly gave up and began to take out a few talismans and stick them on the water spirit beads. He kept chanting incantations, apparently doing the next best thing and trying to lure out the water spirit in the water spirit beads.

Finally, he got a water spirit out. He followed the same method and got more than ten water spirits in total.

Then, he started refining it. At the beginning, he obviously didn't go well, and he couldn't refine the water spirit.

Ding Xiude was so angry that he kept roaring, punching and kicking the corpses of the children, obviously venting his hatred.

After expressing enough grievances, he continued to refine it. After several hours, he successfully refined the first water spirit and integrated it into the Thousand Immortal Banner.

At this moment, the Qianxian Banner slowly showed a pale color.

Ding Xiude looked happy and continued refining, finally refining more than ten water spirits and integrating them into the Thousand Immortal Banners.

The appearance of the Thousand Immortal Banner at this meeting has completely changed, from the original colorful to a frozen pale color.

As Ding Xiude danced, bursts of white mist poured out from the Thousand Immortal Flags, lowering the surrounding air a lot.

Then countless white ghosts, covered in frost, rushed out from inside and threw themselves against the wooden fence of the cell, which was as thick as an adult's arm.

Seeing that the fence was frozen into popsicles, Ding Xiude pushed lightly and the fence immediately shattered into ice shards on the ground.

When Ding Xiude saw the ice shards all over the ground, he suddenly fell to his knees with tears streaming down his face and howled loudly.

Then he stood up like crazy, waved the Thousand Immortal Flags in his hands desperately, looked up to the sky and roared, roaring incessantly.

The third screen ends.

This Ding Xiude not only stole spiritual energy, but also killed so many children. This method was exactly the same as that of Sun Jijiu from Liaocheng, and his method was even more ruthless than him.

This kind of person must never be kept. If killing someone is a sin, then killing someone like Ding Xiude is definitely doing good.

Moreover, the power of the Thousand Immortal Flags with the water spirit is obviously much greater than the ordinary Thousand Immortal Flags.

Ding Xiude has been struggling to obtain spiritual energy, apparently because he knows that Xue Rengui is extremely powerful and is no match for him with ordinary Thousand Immortal Flags.

Now that his Thousand Immortal Flags have been made, if there are no surprises, he should go to Xue Rengui.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shouwei turned his attention to the fourth picture.

At the foot of Lishan Mountain, there is the Tang military camp.

Xue Rengui was leading more than a thousand Tang troops to drill.

Ding Xiude wore a brand new Taoist uniform and walked confidently towards the military camp holding a Thousand Immortal Flags.

The sentry at the watchtower at the door first shouted loudly at him not to come near. When he saw that he ignored him, he immediately activated his crossbow and shot the arrow at Ding Xiude's feet.

When Ding Xiude saw this, he waved the Thousand Immortal Flag directly, and then he saw two icy ghosts rushing towards the two sentries.

The sentries immediately turned into two ice sculptures and fell down from the watchtower. They fell in front of the sentry standing guard at the door and broke into pieces of ice on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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