Chapter 308 The Felony of Exile

It's strange. After Yuan Shouwei put it on, he looked like a Hulk.

But when Wu Fu put it on, the vines on the sword box also changed and became colorful, just like she was wearing a colorful cloud dress.

Moreover, it also has a tight-fitting effect, which makes Wu Fu's figure look smooth.

Seeing this, Wu Fu couldn't help but jump three feet high, looked up and down happily and said:

"Ah, I didn't expect that the effects of wearing them on us are completely different."

"I want this armor."

A sword box that favors girls over boys. Yuan Shouwei slandered while admiring the graceful figure of this martial artist, and said seriously:
"Focus on practicality. For me, as long as it can resist attacks, everything else is just a cloud."

Then he said to Wu Fu:

"You take the Xuanyuan Sword with you. I will give you a copy of the sword's formula. You can practice it at home and avoid going out as much as possible."

After hearing this, Wu Fu felt a little depressed. He kicked the pebbles under his feet with his toes and said dissatisfied:

"Then I haven't been able to see you lately?"

"If you don't see me for so many days, don't you miss me?"

Zhao'er, I want to see you too, but I have to work hard to practice the forbidden spells for more than 20 days, and I can't distract myself. If I don't learn the forbidden spells by then, and Ding Xiude runs away again, I will be in big trouble. Yuan Shouwei silently cursed in his heart, while coaxing Wu Fu:
"I'll find you then."

"Besides, it's only been more than 20 days, and the patience has passed. Safety comes first."

Yuan Tiangang also persuaded him a few words, and Wu Fu finally agreed.

Seeing that it was getting late, Yuan Shouwei went down the mountain and escorted them to the outside of Chang'an City before returning to Beiming Mountain.

After Yuan Tiangang and Wu Fu returned to Chang'an, they went directly to the palace to meet Li Shimin and talked about Wu Fu's assassination.

The British Duke Li Ji was also there at this moment. He was entrusted by Xue Rengui to report the matter to Li Shimin and ask him to help find the murderer.

Li Shimin also knew that Xue Rengui was wrongly accused when he took the martial arts exam, and now he admires him quite a lot.

At this time, when they heard that the princess and Xue Rengui's wife were assassinated at the same time, they immediately became furious. This was simply showing contempt for Tianwei.

He immediately ordered the Ministry of Punishment to investigate the matter, and at the same time, he ordered portraits all over the city to find the murderer.

Li Chengqian was also in the palace helping him handle government affairs. After seeing Li Shimin handle it, he secretly arranged two Qianniu Guards of the fourth level of martial arts for Wu Fu to protect him personally.

Let’s go back to Ding Xiude.

He never expected that any general of the Tang Army would be so powerful. Fortunately, he used the technique of feigning death to escape.

However, this time he failed, not only was he not disappointed, but he fell into an inexplicable excitement.

What more spiritual energy do you need?

What else do you need for a fetus?

After all, it is his own structure that is small.

He needed the Water Spirit Pearl. If the Water Spirit Pearl was refined, he couldn't even imagine how powerful the Thousand Immortal Banners would be.

He returned to Zhang Shenji's mansion in a hurry, and Zhang Shenji was waiting for the result in the main hall.

Seeing him walk in with excitement, ragged clothes, and blistered face, I couldn't help but feel overjoyed. It was obvious that he had gone through a big battle and then won.

As the old saying goes: No one can succeed casually.This is true.

Thinking of this, he asked equally excitedly:
"It's done?"

Ding Xiude was still excited, shook his head and said:

"No, that Liu Yinhuan was still rescued." After the failure, the man was still so excited. Could it be that his brain was damaged? Zhang Shenji thought about it, his face showed his displeasure, and he said with a hint of irony:

"Master Dao, you are still so excited after failing. Could it be that you got something better than the fetus?"

Ding Xiude did not hear the irony in his words, but nodded repeatedly and said with satisfaction:

"Yes, although it failed. But I found a nest of water spirits."

After finishing speaking, he spread his arms exaggeratedly, made an exaggerated gesture and said:
"It's not one, it's a nest of water spirits, it's endless water spirits."

"Well, to be precise, it's a water spirit bead. And it's in the hand of a female Taoist priest, so it's very easy to grab it."

But then he thought about how he was being fooled by Wu Fu, so he emphasized again,
"Just be on guard against the machinations of that female Taoist priest."

After that, he told the story of his assassination of Liu Yinhuan.

When he described Wu Fu's appearance, Zhang Shenji's expression changed, he interrupted him rudely, and asked hurriedly:
"Is this woman surnamed Wu, named Wu Yan?"

Ding Xiude was a little dissatisfied with him interrupting him, but for the sake of him being his benefactor, he also suppressed his discomfort and said:
"I don't know. Oh, by the way, the general who saved her in the end called her princess."

After hearing this, Zhang Shenji couldn't sit still anymore, stood up directly, and shouted at him:

"Do you know who that is?"

"That is the goddaughter adopted by His Majesty. She is deeply loved by him and His Royal Highness the Queen."

"And that woman also has a concubine named Yuan Shouwei. His Taoist skills are astonishing. He was the one who sat on a phoenix outside Chang'an City and summoned hundreds of birds to destroy the locusts."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ding Xiude's reply, he wandered around in panic alone in the main hall, muttering to himself:

"You Taoist is too courageous, why dare to provoke anyone? You have no idea how deep the water in Chang'an City is, and you don't even know who has the backing behind it?"

"It's over, it's over, you actually provoked the royal family this time, this time it's really troublesome."

"I can't take revenge anymore, otherwise, I will have to involve myself."

Ding Xiude saw Zhang Shen's flustered posture and listened to what he said, and knew that he must have gotten into big trouble this time.

But when he thought about Wu Fu's poor strength, and then thought about the water spirits flying in the sky, greed instantly defeated his reason, and he sneered and said to Zhang Shenji:

"Zhang Shenji, layman Zhang, are you going to do it if you don't want to do it? Let me ask you, who am I doing all this for?"

"I'm a Taoist priest, I came here from a long distance, I don't want fame, I don't want to make money, I just want to avenge you, now it's the critical time, if you say you don't do it, don't do it?"

"Hmph, believe it or not, I will tell you everything about how you mutilated your children, and we will be finished together."

Zhang Shen never expected that Ding Xiude, who has always been obedient, not only refuted him, but also threatened him, so he was at a loss for a while.

Thinking of the harm he had caused to so many children, if outsiders knew about it, I was afraid that he would at least be exiled for a serious crime.

He also let out a long sigh and comforted Ding Xiude:

"Daoist, blame me for being too anxious just now."

"You are right, you are doing things for me, I shouldn't blame you in turn."

"It's just. It's just that this Wu Fu is simply not something we can afford to offend."

Seeing Zhang Shenji's attitude softening, Ding Xiude knew that his threat had worked, and said with some disbelief:

"A princess is a princess, there's no harm in killing her, as long as no one knows it was us who did it."

Zhang Shen shook his head several times and said:

"It's absolutely impossible. If you kill her, you'll just leave. But I still have to live in Chang'an City, so it's easy to be found out."

(End of this chapter)

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