Chapter 309 We still have a chance

Ding Xiude thought to himself:
As long as I can refine the Thousand Immortal Flags, the world is so vast that I can’t cultivate anywhere.As for your life and death, what does it have to do with me?

Thinking of this, he rolled his eyes and said:
"It turns out that the layman was worried about this."

"This matter is easy to handle. I only want to seize the Water Spirit Pearl. If I don't kill this woman, it will be fine."

"When I refine the Thousand Immortal Flags and kill Xue Rengui for you, I will fly far away. People will track me down and won't involve you."

Zhang Shenji thought about it for a long time, but couldn't think of any good solution, and now that he was tied up by Ding Xiude, he couldn't even think about it.

The best way now is to wait for Ding Xiude to kill Xue Rengui and then kill Ding Xiude with poison himself.

When others found Ding Xiude, they saw a corpse.

The clues were cut off, so naturally no trace could be found on him.

The two of them each had their own secrets, and they looked at each other and laughed away their grudges.

Zhang Shenji said softly:

"Taoist Priest, I just heard you say that the spell of the Water Spirit Pearl is very long and very obscure. If you take the Water Spirit Pearl, what will you do if you don't know the spell?"

Seeing that his attitude had completely changed, Ding Xiude naturally spoke much more pleasantly. After hearing these words, he suddenly felt like a basin of cold water poured over his head, and said to himself:
"Yes, if I don't know the spell, what's the use of holding the Water Spirit Pearl?"

"Besides, the spells Wu Yan gave me today are not complete enough. I even think it might be fake."

Thinking of this, he looked up at Zhang Shenji and said:
"Tie up Wu Yan? No way, the woman is very shrewd, maybe she will turn around and murder us."

"I can't kill him, I can't tie him up, so what can I do?"

For a while, both of them fell into deep thought again, struggling to find a solution.

After half an hour, Zhang Shenji came to his senses and said excitedly to Ding Xiude:
"Taoist Master, I have thought of a way."

"You can definitely use spells to lure out all the water spirits in the water spirit beads, just like you did in the Star Reaching Tower last time."

Ding Xiude suddenly understood after hearing this, nodded excitedly and said:
"Yes, yes. After all, I was too persistent."

"I'll try to refine the water spirit beads first then. If that doesn't work, I'll lure out some water spirits first, which will be enough."

After thinking about this problem, he asked Zhang Shenji again,

"Where does Wu Fu like to go?"

After Zhang Shen heard this, he couldn't help scratching his head and said:
"I really don't know where this woman often goes."

"But if I ask someone to investigate her whereabouts now, I'm afraid it will be easy for us to be exposed."

Ding Xiude didn't care about this at all. He thought Zhang Shenji was trying to shirk again, so he decided to go to Chang'an City to inquire about it tomorrow. If there was a chance, he would directly seize the Water Spirit Pearl.

But he followed Zhang Shenji and said:
"The layman is right. We are on the cusp of a storm now. It is better to wait for a few days and wait for the storm to pass before asking others to investigate."

Zhang Shen never expected that Ding Xiude would be so considerate this time. He nodded repeatedly and said:

"Don't worry, Taoist Master. I will send someone to check on the situation in Chang'an City tomorrow. If the news is not serious, I will send someone to check Wu Fu's whereabouts immediately."

"If there is a serious threat, I will have someone keep an eye on it every day and check it as soon as possible."

Ding Xiude nodded in response, and the two went down to prepare separately.

The next day, Ding Xiude made an excuse, put on makeup, changed out of his robes, and went to Chang'an City to check on himself.

As soon as they arrived at the city gate, they realized something was wrong. There were obviously several times more patrolling soldiers than usual, and all passers-by were carefully checked.

Moreover, there is a portrait of himself on the wall next to it, with a big word "Ji" written on it.

This also made him feel nervous, knowing that Zhang Shenji had not shied away from him.

After he reset the fake death talisman, he carefully sneaked into Chang'an City.I just saw that many places in Chang'an City had their portraits posted, and there were obviously more Wuhou patrolling the streets than usual.

He was careful all the way, and when he arrived in front of the Wu Mansion, he stood in a corner and watched people coming in and out.

After waiting for a full two hours, I saw a group of people walking out leading the horses, and the one at the front was Wu Yan, who haunted him so much that he couldn't sleep at night.

There is a team of servants behind her to protect her, led by two middle-aged guards, who are masters at first glance.

And the vigilance is very high, one is guarding Wu Fu, and the other is vigilant and constantly looking at the surrounding environment.

Looking at this posture, Ding Xiude knew that it was impossible to snatch the Water Spirit Orb at this time, so he had to follow her from a distance, first to see where she was going, and then make plans, adapting to the situation.

Just watch a group of people riding horses, heading north, and finally entering the palace directly.

This made Ding Xiude extremely discouraged. No matter how powerful he was, he would not dare to go to the palace to cause trouble, otherwise he would definitely be like a meat bun beating a dog - there would be no return.

He found a place helplessly and continued to squat.

After waiting for several hours, Wu Fu came out of the palace and returned to Wu Mansion under the protection of the guards. He did not come out again until dark.

Ding Xiude looked at the sun and knew he could wait no longer, so he left Chang'an City with a helpless expression and returned to Zhang Shenji's home.

Zhang Shenji heard someone say that he had gone out, and sent people to search around but could not find him. He was walking around in the main hall in a hurry. When he saw him being led in by his servants, he immediately asked:
"Taoist Priest, where were you in such a dangerous time?"

Ding Xiude didn't dare to tell him the truth, so he laughed and said:
"Don't worry, layman, I didn't go to Chang'an City."

"I just captured a person's soul and went to Chang'an City to see the situation."

Then he told Zhang Shenji about Wu Fu's whereabouts.

When Zhang Shen saw that he hadn't entered Chang'an City, he let out a long breath. After hearing what he said, he sighed and said:

"Wu Fu was attacked yesterday, and it was inevitable that he would be heavily guarded."

"As a result, we won't be able to take action in a short period of time."

Ding Xiude also knew that this was not going to be easy, so he let out a unhappy sigh and sat there secretly thinking about his luck.

After another half an hour, Zhang Shenji suddenly said excitedly:

"Taoist Master, we still have a chance."

Ding Xiude, whose mind was racing rapidly, became frightened after hearing this. He looked at Zhang Shenji eagerly and said:
"Hurry up and listen, let's sum it up."

Zhang Shenji said proudly:

"Shangsijie. Taoist priest, you are not a local, so you don't know much about the situation."

"Every year during the Shangsi Festival, basically everyone in Chang'an City goes for an outing to Qujiang Pond."

"Wu Fu and his family will definitely go too."

Ding Xiude suddenly became excited after hearing this, and said eagerly:
"In that case, let's do it there."

"Tell me what the specific situation is during the Shangsi Festival."

Zhang Shen nodded repeatedly, told Ding Xiude about the situation of the Shangsi Festival, and then continued:

"I will take you to Qujiang Pool tomorrow to let you familiarize yourself with the surrounding situation."

After finishing speaking, he said with some worry:
"Daoist, when you finish grabbing the water spirit orb, you must not kill Wu Yan."

"Otherwise, you and I will both be doomed."

Ding Xiude smiled secretly in his heart, but he agreed repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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