Chapter 310
The next day, after seeing the environment of Qujiang Pool, Ding Xiude felt that this place was indeed a good opportunity to take action.

The two went home and conspired.

Little did they know that the mantis was chasing the cicada and the oriole was behind them, and Yuan Shouwei and the others were also investigating them.

Here, on Beiming Mountain, Yuan Shouwei is hanging a beam on his head and stabbing his buttocks, studying the forbidden spells hard.

There is no way, the awesomeness that you have boasted about must be given back no matter what.

At this moment, a servant reported that Xue Rengui was visiting.

He had no choice but to shake his dizzy head and go out to see him in the main hall.

When he saw Xue Rengui, he couldn't help but be startled. It had only been two days since Xue Rengui's cheeks were slumped, his eyes were red, and his whole body was filled with thick hostility, like a man full of anger. The explosive barrel may explode at any time.

He quickly comforted Xue Rengui and recited the Sutra of Compassion to him, which helped him resolve a lot of his anger.

Xue Rengui also felt that his mood had improved. He smiled at Yuan Shouwei to express his gratitude, and then said:
"Taoist Priest, the princess has already told me everything about your divination. I'm sorry for everyone, because of our husband and wife's affairs, everyone has been implicated."

Yuan Shouwei made a speech and said:
"Every drink and every peck has its own cause and effect. There is no need for you to worry about this matter. When the time comes, just work with me to understand this sinful debt."

Xue Rengui nodded gratefully again and said:
"Taoist Priest, Zhang Yang, Zhang Shenji, and Zhang Liang are all related."

"This matter definitely has nothing to do with Zhang Shangshu, but Zhang Shenji is really possible."

"I have already told the princess about this, and she is currently investigating."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but feel moved in his heart and said:

“Wherever you walk, there will be traces.”

"Your information is very important. The purchase of the child; the relationship between Zhang Shenji and Zhang Yang; and Ding Xiude who used the child to refine the Thousand Immortal Banners; these three should be connected."

"Check slowly, I believe we will soon find out the person hiding behind it."

Just like that, before we knew it, the Shangsi Festival had arrived.

Early in the morning, Yang started to prepare various items for his servants to prepare for the outing.

Have the eldest and third niang get up and freshen up.

She also told everyone to keep their voices down and not to disturb Wu Fu, because she did not intend to let Wu Fu go.

It was said that the son was the mother's favorite, and Wu Fu's personality took after her deceased father's, so he especially loved her.

It's just that her son was so old that she couldn't help it. She found it strange that Wu Fu came back that day and brought many Qianniu Guards from the palace with him.

Asked Wu Fu, she said nothing.

It wasn't until I secretly found Qian Niuwei that I found out what was going on. It was like a bolt from the blue, and I almost died of fright.

She hurriedly called out to Wu Fu, who had already fallen asleep, and wanted to scold her severely, but looking at her sleepy little face, she swallowed back her anger.

Instead, he asked her if there was any accident in her body, and she didn't put her heart back until Wu Yan replied politely that there was nothing wrong.

Then I thought about how such a big thing happened at home, and no man could even resist, and it was all supported by my daughter. I couldn't help but feel sad and said, 'My son. '

He hugged Wu Fu and burst into tears.

Wu Fu was also in a hurry, patting his mother's back repeatedly and whispering persuasion.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Yang finally stopped crying and asked Wu Fu to tell her the exact situation of her distress.

Wu Fu didn't dare to disobey, so he had to explain the matter to her in an evasive manner.When Yang heard that Wu Fu had escaped from death, she screamed again and cried loudly while holding Wu Fu.

After crying, she slept with Wu Yan that night, and basically had no sleep all night. Watching the big-hearted Wu Yan sleep soundly, she covered her with a quilt countless times throughout the night.

In the early morning of the next day, I went to Fuying Temple to find Master Kongji, whom I trusted so much. First, I paid a lot of incense money, and then asked for a lot of peace charms to bring back to Wu Yan.

In the afternoon, I went to the room where the samurai guardian was and asked him to protect my daughter. This made me feel a lot more at ease.

He also repeatedly told Wu Fu that if there was nothing important, he should stay at home as much as possible and not go anywhere.

Now in the twinkling of an eye, the 'Shangsi Festival' is here. In previous years, everyone would travel together, but this year she would not let Wu Fu go under any circumstances.

After Wu Fu heard this, he begged her repeatedly, but she persisted and did not let go.

Just when she was thinking about these things, a servant came to report that everything was sorted and the ladies were ready.

The second lady has been sleeping in the house and hasn't woken up yet, and the door is guarded by Qianniu Guards.

After hearing this, Mrs. Yang couldn't help but laugh. No matter how smart you are, you still have to drink your mother's foot-washing water.

It turned out that she had put some sedative and hypnotic medicine into Wu Fu's rice yesterday. It was already the afternoon when Wu Fu woke up.By then they will all be back from playing, and it will be useless if you continue to make trouble.

Thinking of this, she immediately arranged for her servants to go out as quickly as possible and rush to Qujiang Pond.

When she and her whole family hurriedly arrived at the 'walking barrier' she had built by herself by Qujiang Pond, she was out of breath.

But he found Wu Fu standing next to the 'walking barrier', waving to him with a playful smile, followed by a group of tough Qian Niu Guards and maidservants.

When Yang saw this situation, she became angry and immediately wanted to use her ultimate esoteric technique: crying loudly.

Seeing this, Wu Fu couldn't help but feel a headache. He quickly stepped forward and hugged Yang's arm and acted coquettishly:
"Auntie, how can you bear to keep me at home alone during such a lively festival?"

"I promise to play around this 'walking barrier' today. I won't run around or leave your sight. Is that okay?"

When Yang saw this, she also let out a long sigh. Now that Wu Fu had come out, it would definitely not be appropriate to drive her back, and the road was not safe.

After thinking again and again, he said with a straight face:
"Today is the last time. After today, you will ground me at home every day. I will never leave the door or take a step forward."

"Can it be done?"

Wu Yan had a playful smile on his face, repeatedly agreed and promised again and again, Yang finally let go of his mouth.

Slowly, there were more and more people at the pool, and it became more and more lively. There were still many people on the lake who were rowing boats.

Seeing so many people around, Yang felt inexplicably at ease.

Then she saw that Wu Fu was wandering obediently in front of her eyes, and the two Qianniu Guard leaders were two or three steps away from her, and she slowly felt relieved.

I feel that with so many people today, if nothing else happens, nothing will happen.

After sisters Wu Yan played by the river for a while, the servants reported that the swing had been set up, and Wu Yan also ran over happily and started swinging on the swing.

The swing swings higher and higher, and if nothing else, an accident will happen.

A group of rats suddenly appeared and scurried around. The young ladies around them were so startled that they screamed loudly and ran away one after another.

Wu Fu's elder sister and younger sister were not as high as her on the swing, and they had already stopped the swing and hurriedly escaped.

(End of this chapter)

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