Chapter 311
Over there, Yang saw Wu Fu with only a maid protecting her.Wu Fu had just stopped the swing, and there were many mice around her. She didn't care that she was scared, gritted her teeth and ran towards Wu Fu.

But at this moment, as she watched the maid kill Wu Fu, she let out a mournful cry and fainted.

The maid who killed Wu Fu was none other than Ding Xiude. Looking at Qian Niuwei who was rushing towards this side, he also panicked and hurriedly touched the leather bag next to Wu Fu.

But in his tentacles, he suddenly touched something empty.

what happened?

He looked down and saw Wu Fu's body on the ground, with only a golden talisman floating on the ground.

Fake death charm?
Where did this woman get her fake death charm?

I was fooled. Could it be that my master is here?

run, run quickly.

Ding Xiude had never felt such strong danger as he did today, and he was about to leave.

But he only felt a blur in front of his eyes, another tall and thin maid blocked his way.

He took out the sharp blade in his hand and stabbed at the maidservant, but he never expected that the maidservant just flicked lightly, not only pushing his sharp blade away, but also turning him around several times. ,

At this moment, the Qianniu Guards arrived one after another and surrounded Ding Xiude in the middle, blocking the way.

Looking at the maid opposite him, she first slowly took off her hood, then with great effort, she touched her chest several times, took out two steamed buns, and threw them on the ground.

He took a long breath and said to himself:
"I'm so suffocated, Master Dao."

Then he smiled at him and said calmly:
"Ding Xiude, right?"

"My name is Yuan Shouwei, and I am prepared to take your life."

After saying that, he didn't give Ding Xiude a chance to speak at all. His feet flashed like a ghost, and a big bidou appeared in his face.

Yuan Shouwei!He is Yuan Shouwei.

He must have set this ambush for himself.

But does he know how to fake death?Or has the master already arrived?
When Ding Xiude saw Yuan Shouwei talking, he was about to ask, but he never expected that Yuan Shouwei didn't follow common sense and took action immediately, just like Wu Lu.

Caught off guard, he was suddenly slapped, and his face quickly swelled up.

There was still a burst of salty taste in his mouth, and when he spat it out, he spit out a few mixed-blood teeth.

I, Ding Xiude, am not afraid of being beaten, but if you say hello in the face, it hurts people's self-esteem too much.

I was unprepared just now, this time I'm watching you
"Crack" was another crisp big bitu reflected on his left face, accompanied by another sharp pain and a few mixed-blood teeth.

Ding Xiude now understood that the opponent's movements were too fast, so he had to use the Thousand Immortal Flags to deal with him.

Just when I thought of this, another big shot came over me.

"Bah bang bang." Ding Xiude was completely stunned. He felt dizzy and dizzy, and he lay on the ground involuntarily.

Looking up at the blue sky, I found that the sky was also spinning rapidly.

what! ! !
At this time, Ding Xiude really felt like he was furious, and he shouted angrily:

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to cut you into pieces."

Before he finished speaking, a foot wearing an oversized embroidered shoe stepped heavily on his face, and then a sarcastic voice sounded:

"Where are you bragging? With all your skills as a three-legged cat, you can carry the Taoist's shoes, but the Taoist doesn't even want you."

Then there were several consecutive kicks, which directly dislocated all Ding Xiude's facial features. Blood, snot, tears, and saliva covered his face, which was indescribably ugly.

Fortunately, Yuan Shouwei had obviously lost his temper and stopped attacking, which gave Ding Xiude a chance to breathe.He took a deep breath, choked by the blood foam in his mouth and couldn't stop coughing. He crawled back sideways, looked at the blurry Yuan Shouwei in front of him with his twisted facial features, and said vaguely:

"Just wait, I will kill you sooner or later."

After speaking, he activated the feigned death talisman that he had been holding in his hand just now, and wanted to leave.

Opening his eyes again, he suddenly found that he was still where he was, and his feet were already covered with a huge golden spell.

The numerous words 'forbidden' above are particularly dazzling.

This is Master's forbidden curse. How could Yuan Shouwei do this?
He knew that he couldn't escape, so his plan for now was to fight with all his strength. Only by killing Yuan Shouwei in front of him would he have a chance of survival.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly took out the Thousand Immortal Flags, summoned all the innocent souls in one go, and attacked Yuan Shouwei.

I saw the dark wind rising in bursts.

This is what Yuan Shouwei was waiting for. He chanted the "Rebirth Mantra" and began to save these innocent souls.

As he chanted, the vicious ghosts began to become docile, and even took the initiative to come to Yuan Shouwei's side to listen to the 'Rebirth Mantra'.

And the black energy lingering around them began to fade away little by little.

Ding Xiude looked at all this and felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart: This Yuan Shouwei is so powerful, he always plays with himself.

Thinking of the various humiliations he had just humiliated me, he roared angrily,
"Let's die together."

It was seen that his soul had already escaped from the body and was thrown directly into the Thousand Immortal Flags floating in the air.

This is to refine the banner with one's body!
At this moment, Yuan Shouwei also shouted:
"General Xue, if you don't take action now, how long will you wait?"

As his words fell to the ground, Xue Rengui, who was hiding in Qianniu Guard, suddenly rose up with a spear and used the "Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix" style.

Countless aura-transformed birds rushed to hit Ding Xiude's soul and the Thousand Immortal Flag.

As bursts of eardrum-piercing "sizzling" sounds were heard, Ding Xiude and Qianxian Banner were blown to pieces by Xue Rengui's move, and they died without a burial place.

And all this process is actually just a cup of tea.

When all the battles were over, the fleeing crowd hadn't even come to watch, let alone cause a commotion.

But Wu Fu, who used the fake death talisman to escape, rarely joined in the fun, but was treating Yang.

Seeing Yang's eyes closed and her face as white as paper, she secretly blamed herself. In fact, she should have told her mother all this earlier.

At this moment, Yang also woke up leisurely. Before she could open her eyes, she let out a mournful cry:
"My son..."

Wu Fu was heartbroken when he heard this, and he called out repeatedly:
"Aniang, I'm fine, I'm fine. It was all fake just now."

When Yang heard Wu Fu's words, she immediately opened her eyes and looked at Wu Fu in front of her with a look of disbelief, sadness and joy. She pinched Wu Fu's arm repeatedly and said:

"Son, are you okay? Are you really okay? You scared my mother to death."

Wu Fu quickly hugged Yang in his arms and looked at the white hair that suddenly appeared on her head. He suddenly felt sad and said with a choked voice:

"Auntie, I'm fine, I'm really fine."

"All this was planned in advance by us."

After saying that, he told Yang the main causes and consequences.

After hearing this, Mrs. Yang suddenly sat up straight and said with raised eyebrows:
"Where is that Yuan Shouwei? Er Niang, call me for him."

Wu Yan didn't understand why she suddenly became so angry, but he didn't dare to disobey her, so he asked his sister beside him to take care of him, and turned to find Yuan Shouwei.

(End of this chapter)

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