Chapter 312
Yuan Shouwei had just finished freeing the resentful spirits and was cutting his hands behind his back, listening to the compliments from the Qianniu Guards around him.

Suddenly, he saw Wu Fu coming over with a sad face, and he couldn't help but asked in confusion:
"Zhao'er, the crisis has been resolved."

"You should be smiling, but why are you looking sad instead?"

Wu Fu said helplessly:

"My mother-in-law asked you to go over. Be careful. She seems to be in a bad mood."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei's face suddenly fell. He looked at his feminine attire and said with a sad face:

"Is it inappropriate for me to wear this?"

"Why don't you wait for me to find a place to change and come back with a present to talk to your mother?"

Seeing him like this, Wu Fu couldn't help but smile.
"Not to mention, you look like a pretty little lady dressed like this."

"Let's go, today is not a formal occasion, there is no need for you to be nervous."

"Besides, my mother is easy to talk to."

If you say you're not nervous, you're not nervous. This is the first time that your son-in-law is meeting his mother-in-law. Can you not be nervous?And I still look like this. If word gets out, where will my face be? Yuan Shouwei kept cursing in his heart, but his feet were just spinning in circles, unable to walk.

Seeing this, Wu Fu stepped forward and grabbed him, half pushing him and half pushing him to Yang's side.

At this time, Mrs. Yang has returned to normal, sitting upright inside the 'walking barrier', with a daughter standing beside her on each side.

Yuan Shouwei's nervous palms were sweating. He lowered his head and followed Wu Huan as he walked in. He didn't dare to raise his head and look around. He instinctively nodded and said:

"The poor Taoist Yuan Shouwei has met Mrs. Ying Guogong."

But all he heard was Yang snorted from his nose and said coldly:
"Yuan Shouwei, do you know the crime?"

Yuan Shouwei was stunned, what was wrong with me?I do not know.

This problem has been a headache for all men for thousands of years.

However, he said very honestly:
"Yuan Shouwei knew he was wrong and asked his wife to atone for his sins."

After hearing this, Yang's expression softened a little, and then asked:
"Then do you know where you went wrong?"

Yuan Shouwei was confused again. You said I was wrong and I admitted it. Isn't that okay?

His mind was numb at the moment. He scratched his head and thought about it for a long time, but he didn't know where he went wrong?He had no choice but to say:

"Wherever Madam said I was wrong, I was wrong. As long as you tell me, I will correct it in time."

Looking at Yuan Shouwei's dumbfounded look, the three Wu sisters couldn't help but laugh out loud at his amusement.

Yang gave the three of them a cold look, and the three of them instantly became honest.

Yang looked at Yuan Shouwei and said:

"You have three questions."

"In front of a large public, dressed in women's clothing, entering the hall of my Wu family, like an actor, how can I behave like this?"

"It's my Wu family who said it was thrown away."

That was to save your daughter. If I were wearing a Taoist robe and hanging around Wu Fu, even if I beat Ding Xiude to death, he would not dare to show his face. Yuan Shouwei cursed in his heart, but he said:

"Yuan Shouwei knows that he is wrong. After Madam finishes asking her questions, I will go change my clothes and come back to apologize to Madam."

Seeing that Yuan Shouwei didn't defend himself, Yang took the initiative to admit his mistake. His attitude softened again and he continued:

"As for the second question, you and Zhao'er have been dating for so long, but you have never entered my Wu family. You still have no idea whether your group can get married."

"It's a romantic affair that spreads in your family. But when it comes to Zhao'er, if she wants to get married in the future, I'm afraid no one will dare to marry her." When Yang said this, Yuan Shouwei was stunned. The sweat suddenly fell down. This matter was indeed my fault.

Yuan Tiangang reminded himself more than once that he should go to Wu Fu's house. Now that his mother-in-law was going to investigate, he really couldn't say anything.

He had no choice but to bow his head in a proper manner again and say:
"Madam, we are a group of stargazers. We seek things naturally and follow our hearts. We never prohibit marriage."

"I didn't come to visit because I didn't think carefully. In the past two days, I chose an auspicious day to visit."

There was no argument, and the honest attitude of confessing satisfied Yang again. The expression on his face had returned to normal, and he asked again:
"You have been with Zhao'er for so long, so you naturally know her nature."

"Let me ask you, if you care about her, why would you be willing to let her risk her life?"

"You know, the moment I saw Zhao'er was killed, I almost died."

Before he could speak, Wu Fu became anxious and spoke anxiously to defend:

"Auntie, Yuan Shouwei has never put me in danger. It's all of my own free will."

"And you see, he also gave me a lot of things to keep me safe."

"Including him changing into women's clothing, it was also to protect me personally."

Yang looked at Wu Fu and said sharply:
"Did I let you speak?"

Wu Fu pursed his lips. Although he was dissatisfied, he did not dare to speak anymore.

I admit the two mistakes just now, but I must not take the blame. Yuan Shouwei also quickly explained:

"Madam Mingjian, how could I be willing to let Zhao'er put herself in danger? Without this fake death charm, I would rather give up this operation than put her in any danger."

"After I got this fake death talisman, I experimented again and again to make sure that Wu Fu would have no problem, and then I asked her to come forward."

"And in addition, I gave her my weapons and many life-saving charms to ensure that she would be foolproof. My feelings for Wu Fu can be judged by the sun and the moon."

Upon seeing this, Wu Fu over there immediately took out a large bundle of thick talismans from his pocket and placed it in front of Yang, introducing it like a treasure:

"Auntie, look, this is the Five Elements Fire Talisman. It can create fire and keep people away from me."

"This is a water talisman, which can make it extremely difficult for the enemy to move."

"And the colorful clothes on me are a piece of armor. Let me show you, Aniang."

After saying that, he took out a small knife used for peeling fruit on the table and scratched his clothes hard back and forth a few times. The clothes were not damaged at all, but the knife broke out and made a small hole.

He took out the Xuanyuan Sword beside him, put it on the table, and said again:

"Auntie, there is also this sword. Yuan Shouwei never leaves his side."

"In order to protect me this time, I gave them all to me."

Seeing this, Yang realized that she had wronged Yuan Shouwei.

And the most important thing is that these things are not ordinary at first glance. Yuan Shouwei took them out for Wu Fu to protect himself. It can also be seen that Yuan Shouwei's attitude really cares about Wu Fu.

Then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and he said:

"It turned out to be like this, but I wronged you."

"In that case, please take a seat and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Qujiang Pool with us."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei finally breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that this test was over.

(End of this chapter)

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